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Posts posted by powell91

  1. On 1/7/2016 at 14:19, Brumerican said:

    No Nelson killed them IMO. Far too slotty without him.

    Yep our best receiver mixed with a poor eddie lacy and too many drops of the ball has led us to have a bad season up until now. Not been to impressed with our offensive line either. Wouldn't count us out yet though anything can happen in play offs.

  2. This guy needs to be given a chance he is physical, he has a great long shot on him and he might just bust a gut he has got a point to prove i feel and should start or at least play 45 mins of the wycombe game.

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  3. I agree with garde from a development pov that we should take our time with him because he is a very raw talent however like previous people mentioned competition for places in this team isn't exactly high  so he should  be playing more than he is.

  4. I have lost all faith but even still we just need a win so badly even if the damage has been done we need to start picking up some decent results just to get more of a winning mentality in the squad because you have to win a hell of a lot of games in the championship to get promoted so we need to be able to take some shred of confidence into that league.

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