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Posts posted by jonny-recession

  1. After that horrible first 90 minutes, I can't believe people have the temerity to blame Vlaar. Yes, he screwed up badly. He knows it, no question. But the match was already lost.

    But it was 1-1 and looked like it would end that way.

    You can't defend the touch. Boot it out do anything but don't take that touch. We're scrapping for points. A draw would have been an improvement and stopped a run of 6 losses on the bounce. A captain should know this. A captain should know that with 2 mins stoppage left we have what we hold. 1 point is a dam sight better than no points when your scrapping.

    Now we're 19th and have another L beside our names. Nothing to build on and nothing to salvage from what prior to the game was a happy Villa Park.

    • Like 3
  2. Prior to their winner there was a game of head tennis in the middle of the field. It always amazes me how this happens at professional level where they keep heading it up in the air or flicking it on blindly. it dropped to one of their players right in the centre circle who slipped a handy pass forward. Vlaar shows why he is Concrete Ron with his heavy touch and the rest is history.

    How can players be so inept.

    Then there is the long ball to Benteke who flicks it on (mostly directly to the side) but no forward player takes a gamble to get ahead of him. What's the plan there? Win the knock down and pass it back to Benteke?

    Surely the point of a knock down or flick on is to catch the defence flat footed so our supposed speed merchants can get a run on them.

    Then there's the corners but ill stop there cause I feel a bout of angina coming on.

    **** Villa are so frustrating

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  3. The biggest gripe I have with this man and regime is that there is a sense of not caring and enevitability creeping in to our play but more concerning to our support me included.

    Now I'm not saying for one minute that I don't care about result or relegation but with the farcical management structure from top to bottom, I don't care what the hell is done to fix it. We haven't scored a goal in 6 league games and sitting idly by and expecting us to do what we have been doing and put pay to "false narratives" is a crock of shit attitude to have and a cop out of the highest order.

    These phrases that the club trot out boil my blood as if they are more knowledgeable or have an insight to the greater workings of football more so than us common fans.

    Stop talking about going in the right direction and take action. I couldn't care if Lambert stays or goes but what I do care about is that he takes responsibility for the turgid performances that his team put on. Sitting by and hoping that it clicks into place soon won't cut it and shouldn't earn you the extortionate fee that you are being payed per year.

    If your not going to look at the facts and realise tour not doing a stellar job then please start caring Lambert or at least getting your players to care and put the ball in the back of the net and that will be a start.

    • Like 1
  4. I'm happy here aswell. We asked for action regards attacking options and we're getting some. Let's see if the he can fit into the system, which I think he can, and if it works buy him in the summer. If not he has it all to prove at another club.

  5. I like that he is a direct runner and good with the ball at his feet. For all the speed Gabby has its very much in straight lines and can be uncontrolled. I seem to remember him being very willing for 1-2s around the box. Don't know why I think that but someone willing to break the line and try as opposed to go back to midfield is something we have been missing. Time will tell I suppose but more wing threat is definately a plus considering our recent failings.

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  6. 20% of Atletico Madrid was sold for £34 million making Atletico worth £170 million (simplified I know). Randy started negotiations at £200 million. Taking into acount location, playing staff, and recent success how can those prices be.

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