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Posts posted by Villa87

  1. Laughable if he goes to Spurs. Hardly a big step up to the elite.

    Spurs have clearly tapped him up and are going to have to pay a premium now for being a bunch of tossers. 


    Transfers involving part-exchange do admittedly have a terrible track record but if it is to be Spurs then Andros Townsend does interest me. 


    Refuse the words removed!

  2. I would love for this to happen!!! We need some much needed experience and leadership in the team. Love what Lambert is doing, but again I do have some nagging concerns that we are focusing far too much on youth and promise. Just one or maybe 2 payers who had a bit of experience would allay any concerns.




    Welcome back Belgian Guy.


    Concerning Milner coming back. While I would love to see him back again I don't think Lambert would sign him as it would upset the equilibrium of our team. What I mean is we have moved on from the Milners and from what I can see we are building a team with each player having technique as their main attribute rather than spirit.


    I just don't think Milner would fit here anymore in the same way that Bent doesn't.


    thank you :) if we asume benteke stays howmuch budget is left to use for paul lambert? 


    unsure for certain. i'd imagine another 10m



    Yeah I would say about £10m too. In regards to wages I would say we will have way over £200,000 per week saved after we get rid of Ireland, Bent and Given, which would also give us maybe nearly another £10m in transfer fees which I would assume he would be given if he needs it. 





    Its the getting rid of these players which may well be problematic - especially Ireland.

  4. Laughable thread. Bannan isn't good enough. Delph, Sylla and Westwood are all much better and compliment each other well, while we have brought in a couple too. That isn't taking into account the possibility of Gardner coming back.


    Get RID!

  5. Best player I have seen down Villa park, but £110k is ridiculous if true. I would be gutted if he went this summer. I am under no illusions that he will go to the very top (sooner rather than later) but do feel one more year would be best all round. We would still get a shed load of cash and Benteke remains idolised and cements his place in the Belgium team ready for the world cup. If he plays brilliantly at the world cup some of the very best teams will be in for him. 


    Either Benteke accepts an improved offer of about £50k a week for one year, or remains on his current wage for one more year. I just worry someone like Arsenal, Spurs of Liverpool will be in for him and he will jump ship for £25 million (which I feel is about £5-10 million under his valuation).


    Glad he had a bit of a stinker this evening.


    We must keep this player and build the team around him. I've said it so many times, but he is literally the best player I have seen play for us (even after just one season).


    as opposed to figuratively?   :detect:  




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  7. Glad he had a bit of a stinker this evening.


    We must keep this player and build the team around him. I've said it so many times, but he is literally the best player I have seen play for us (even after just one season).

  8. I just want him to stay for one more year! Cut above anybody I have seen in the Villa colours before. Couldn't begrudge him leaving (to a top European club), but it doesn't make it any easier!!

  9. Well Con, when you watch his all round game it has become apparent that he has an awful lot of drive and over the last couple of months seems more offensive orientated. 


    A cracking player who I feel will will have a very good season for us next year.


    I am glad he wasn't totally written off even when a large number of fans were very critical of him.

  10. I have a lot of respect for the way Bent helped us out last season and the season before. He saved us a couple of seasons ago - so for that nice one!!


    He is a goalscorer, but he was piss poor today. He offers nothing else.


    I think we would have won with Benteke today.

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