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Posts posted by andyh


    It is really is difficult to put into words how bad we are and utterly depressing the whole thing is.
    You can't keep saying we are shit and wank because they are just words and they lose their impact and meaning.

    The only way to describe how utterly frustrating and miserable I feel about the whole thing it that I would happily take a cricket bat to a number or our player and smash them in the face.

    We effectively stopped playing after about 20 mins. We haven't looked interested or willing or capable of competing in this game, even after the encouragement of the first 10 mins when Norwich looked there for the taking.

    I'm starting to believe that Garde is cowardly and I'm staring to believe that many of our 'players' have now given up.

  2. 6 hours ago, grobs said:

    Wasn't sure what thread to post this in but i guess this is the most appropriate. I feel a massive reason we are incompetent at home is because of us the fans. Yesterdays game was the first iv'e missed at home this season and it was embarrassing to hear the boo's and complete lack of atmosphere from us on the TV. No player can improve his confidence when every thing they try or do is jeered. I hate saying this because its so sad to see happen to us. Obviously its not completely our fault that the boys can't win at home. Even the pundits and former players say the same about our home support, that its an easy ground to play at because of the lack of support for our players when we go behind. Why do you think played well in those 2 games vs the baggies last season? Because the atmosphere was electric and the fans were enjoying it. The only way we survive relegation is dramatically improving our home form. 

    Once again i really do not enjoying talking about our fans like this because as we all know we can be the best fans in the league! Curious to hear some of your thoughts on this because imo this negativity is clearly effecting player performances. UTV 

    You didn't go to the game but feel the need to have a 'pop' at the fans who did !!!!

  3.  To stand any chance of getting out if this mess, and to make up the points, just to get out of the bottom 3, means we have to go on a phenomenal run of results.

    Rememeber, we are a club who have not won 3 or even 2 in a row for years.

    YEARS! and with better teams than we have now.

    Accept and embrace it, we are playing championship football next season....it'll make easier in the long run.


    • Like 2
  4. If people and pundits and reporters from outside the club think that we are in disarray, then this interview has totally confirmed those opinions.

    Everyone and his dog in the 'media' are happy to have a pop at the club and this just gives them more ammunition to make us look like a basket case club.

  5. 27 minutes ago, penguin said:

    Where on earth have you pulled this from? Demi has said, and rightly so IMO, that 'culture' isn't an excuse for booing a minutes silence in respect to the innocent people slaughtered. It's nothing to do with not being able to not being able to comprehend that people have different cultures.

    FFS, it's obviously going over your head as well.

    From the explanation given by the Turkish writer, it was explained they were not booing the silence in a way that THEY considered

    offensive to the French or to decry the terrible thing that had happened in Paris.

    They were demonstrating their grief/anger/displeasure/condemnation in a way that is normal in their culture.

    if I went to an English restaurant and started smashing plates, I'd probably get arrested.

    if I went to a Greek restaurant and did the same thing, I'd be having a celebration and people would join in.

    Different cultures do and see things differently.

    I know it's a crap analogy, but it's the simplest I can think of.


    vive la difference.

    • Like 1
  6. 4 hours ago, Demitri_C said:

    Thats just a excuse in my opinion mate. If your human and you dont support terrorism espically when innocent people have been murdered you respect the minutes silence.

    Culture has no part in it in my opinion. I like how skysports are trying to twist it to say the Turks were booing the greeks. Complete nonsense it was for the minutes silence


    Being absolutely blunt, your reply is absolute tosh.

    If you can't comprehend that people in different countries behave in different ways (culture) then you have a very narrow view on life and reality.

  7. That artilcle in relation to the Turkey fans 'booing'  is really interesting.

    And it serves to remind people that what happens in other cultures MAY 'mean' exactly the same as in our culture, its just expressed differently.

    Its not always bad, disrespectful, we just don't understand.

    Then again, ignorant conclusion jumping is what a lot of us do best !!



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  8. 1 hour ago, NoelVilla said:

    Apparently an ambulance full of explosives found. Thank Mcgrath they did if true.

    Nothing found.

    obvioulsy we should all be thankful that nothing was there and of course that no one got hurt.

    But, this is just a big a coup for the Daesh **** because they are now seriously disrupting everyday, normal activities, just with the fear factor they have created.

    Yes,yes,yes, safety first, but I can't help thinking those **** have had a right result tonight.


  9. I would imagine that  with hundreds of injured people being dealt with, many of them critically, that ALL hospitals in the Paris region would have been somewhat distracted.

     A footballer, even one of ours, is NOT top priority.

    • Like 1
  10. I don't see the point in changing manager again, he has just got all these players in and it will take time to get it all together. Some other questions can be raised about formations/subs etc but he tries to change it up at least. Tomorrows game is a dead match, I don't care. Swansea is the key one, must win that.

    We spent net 5m, another 15m on top of that could have got us a top striker we need. I do wish we could get Grealish/Adama/Gil all on the pitch, but I think Sherwood sees them 3 as weakening the rest of the team too much and we will be left with a weak CM/Defence.

    Personally I can see potential. The performances haven't been great but they haven't been awful, it just doesn't seem to click at the moment.

    so, basically you want to give him more time.

    you don't care about the Chelsea game because it's a dead match, so I take it you expect us to lose. Fair enough, most think the same.

    but the Swansea game is key?

    what if we lose that too? Or draw it.  How much longer do wait for it all to 'gel together'?



  11. The net spend issue is a complete red herring.

    Its only the moneymen - Lerner and Fox who should be concerned about the totals folowing sales (net).

    As far as Sherwood is concerned he has spent circa £50m - or whatever the number is.





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  12. A few pages back I Saw someone ask why are talking about/interested in Rodgers.

    The answer is simple, he is an experienced PL manager currently out of work.

    Whatever his faults that would be a marked improvement on someone who is pretending to be a manager and sadly isn't.

    Lambert was supposed to be a marked improvement on Mcleish.

    Sherwood was supposed to be a makrked improvement on Lambert.

    lets hope (next time) that the powers that be make a decision based on better criteria than experienced,PL manager out of work.

    **** it, let's TRY and get the best we can get, even if that means tapping some bugger up.

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  13. Just why is Rodgers being suggested, because of his Swansea work?
    Was the Swansea success all down to him, or because of a system they have, that has obviously been continued under Gary Monk.
    The very fact that their success has carried on following his appointment, looks to me like the set up there is correct, rather than individuals.

    Watching Rodgers' Liverpool team since Suarez left was like watching our own 'eye bleeding' boring, ineffective football, but with better individual players.

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  14. Amongst all of the strange decisions, tactics and formations that Sherwood has made so far, the mere fact that Kozak doesn't even feature in the squad, let alone the team, is a big enough to reason to question his judgement.

    He need to be gone now, before its too late.

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  15. He looks like Jed Steer

    From where we sat everything about him....his build, the way he runs, his movement, reminded us totally of Milner (everything bar the actual ability...but that will come).

  16. If we hadn't been cut to the bone with a squad full of shite, we wouldn't have needed the complete overhaul we are going through now.

    And, the vast majority of this 'splurge' is self financing anyway.

    Lerner is merely protecting his investment by allowing the spend of what is being self generated.

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