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Posts posted by Kingfisher

  1. Rent controls and re nationalisation of the railways... possibly, maybe. There's almost two good policy promises by Labour there. You can tell they're good, they've received almost completely negative coverage from the BBC.

  2. The public... requesting that the state funded TV channel stop broadcasting him isn't that Orwellian.

    The existence of a state-funded TV channel, though...
    A whole can of worms there. Generally a very good thing, if done properly. However, the BBC's news and political output has become a national disgrace.
  3. A thoughtcrime is an occurance or instance of controversial or socially unacceptable thoughts.

    Clarkson never actually said the offending word but he definitely had the thought so he is guilty of a thoughtcrime.

    It took a little longer than Orwell predicted but it sure looks like we got there in the end.

    Having a go at a prick with previous for implied racism isn't really that Orwellian. Repeatedly asking an 'entertainer' in the public eye to stop being offensive isn't that Orwellian. The public... requesting that the state funded TV channel stop broadcasting him isn't that Orwellian.
  4. I wouldn't want a blanket ban on certain words never to be used. People also don't have a right to not be offended. But it's the context, and with Clarkson the context is always wrong. His racial slurs are not cleverly nuanced or ironic, it's just face value childish playground humour. I think people have a right to be offended by that.

  5. I haven't read the story either. Was it an outtake from a show?

    He earns a lot of money from being offensive, because apparently it's just him expressing the views of the average oppressed white 'bloke' in the street, or as most of us prefer to call them t**ts.

    Obviously sometimes he goes too far and his 'joke' ends up on the cutting floor.

  6. Shame he was never considered for a knighthood

    Seems to have been around just as long as Michael Caine and Sean Connery guess he just wasn't a big enough household name

    He may have done the honourable thing and told them where to stick it.

    Best thing he did was quit genesis.

  7. The long term unemployed must sign on every day now. Another out of touch with reality policy from the posh rich rocket polishers. What if the bus fare to the jobcentre costs £5? Monday to Friday that's £25 quid of your £70? quid JSA gone on bus fares.


  8. Remember when they tried to sell off your supposedly anonymous medical records? Yeah that's right, all the info was traceable back to you.

    Someone somewhere may have had a good old gawp at your most sensitive, personal and private of details thanks to your government **** it up for you yet again.

    Well guess what, they're at it again. Government want to sell your tax records now.


    Do you trust them? I don't.

  9. If you're in a job and using food banks you're probably on a piss poor wage.

    Raise the minimum wage to £7.50 and make the jobs viable to British people rather than poor desperate foreigners. It will take a lot of people out of food poverty too.

    Win win.

    Edit win win except for the poor foreigners who will need to go elsewhere to find work.

  10. I find the accusation that people may be milking food banks to an extent that we need to call into question the extent of the problem a really hideous one. It's a real problem, there are people in work really struggling out there as more and more wages are effectively becoming impossible to live on. Benefit sanctions are increasing. The time people must wait for benefits is increasing. The bedroom tax has been a major factor. The problems we face are very real and getting worse. The government are steering us onto the rocks.

    • Like 4
  11. So what you are saying is using the system introduced by labour, that have been in place for nearly a decade, it's good news.

    Labour changing the stats to suit themselves :P

    Whether Red, Blue or Yellow Tory. Our elected politicians have and are bullshitting us. Time for a change.
    • Like 4
  12. By using CPI and including bonuses the government's announcement today on wages v inflation sounds quite positive.

    Take away bonuses and use RPI and the picture sounds probably more familiar to you.

    RPI inflation 2.5%, regular pay rises 1.4%.

    You good hard working people are still getting up every day to work for less under the Tories four years in to their governance.

    Source: ONS

    Tories coming in and cleaning up the mess :P

    • Like 1
  13. I was just watching the BBC news, they had a pretty little picture of a yellow submarine scanning the ocean floor, just incase you're unable to grasp the concept of what a submarine scanning the ocean floor is. I was hoping John, Paul, George and Ringo were going to jump out and send the whole thing psychedelic. That would liven up the news. Alas the report ended with the usual piece to camera by a reporter doing that politician thing of being all serious yet strangely waving his hands about like he's conducting an orchestra.

  14. Quite an insensitive thing to say, especially considering he's the mayor of Swindon.

    Ha, it's all been a misunderstanding! He was obviously talking about Swindon's Mongolian community. With UKIP and the Tory's you can't tell who they're insulting anymore.
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