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Posts posted by Kingfisher

  1. No problem.

    He's clearly just another out of touch Tory who doesn't understand and clearly hasn't tried to understand the issues he's voting on. More interested in a 'career', getting pissed in the Westminster bars and trying to get his end away with his young male staff than actually giving a **** about the people he serves.

    He cares about this issue now? Bit late now isn't it Nige? He gets no sympathy from me.

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  2. Bought the Peavey for £300. It's a 300 watt monster. Very loud indeed. Indestructible but very heavy too.

    Interestingly I got an LP style Maya guitar made in Japan thrown in for free. It looks late 70's early 80's. I heard that Japan were knocking out instruments that beat the originals at that time. This particular guitar used to be owned by a guitarist called Adrian Legg. (I'd never heard of him but a bit of googling reveals him to be a mighty fine guitarist).

    He had the guitar modified with an extra middle pickup and a load of phase reversal switches which give the guitar a whole myriad of sounds. It's really quite an instrument! I put a new set of strings on it and it really rocks.

  3. RBS. The bank we gave billions to when the shit they created hit the fan. Billions which could have been spent on the NHS, saving lives. The bank we own ...but don't really because it will be sold by our government to some rich people for the price of a bag of chips eventually. Look how they're spending our investment. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/rbs-in-zero-hours-storm-stateowned-bank-helping-business-draw-up-controversial-contracts-9244652.html

    They're helping companies draw up zero hour contracts. Some thanks.

  4. Where's Owen Paterson been during the last week or so. Is he still on the sick? He doesn't seem to have had anything to say about the recent poor air quality over England and Wales. He probably refuses to believe it's real.

  5. Ok answer found online. Apparently I can do it at the post office if I have the reminder, the logbook and MOT. phew!

    For future reference: You can leave your vehicle untaxed and not SORN for 14 days as long as its kept off road. After that you either have to tax it or SORN it.

  6. Car tax question.

    I have a car which was SORN on the 31st. I need to tax it today but I can't do it online for at least 5 days after the SORN date (for security reasons apparently). I can't do it on the phone either, same reason. Post office is the last option, and obviously the best as I'll get the new disc to display. But am I going to get the same 5 day problem?

    I need to tax it today to get to work. I have all the necessary documentation.

    Anybody else had this problem?

  7. Know nothing lefty numpties? It's been reported in The Mail too...

    Of course, Lansdowne are raking in huge profits from this, don't be fooled by this rubbish. It's money that should have gone to the treasury not the pockets of Lansdowne partners or their hedge fund investors.


    How much? Give us a number?

    That's a link about Hargreaves Lansdown. I thought we were talking about Lansdowne Partners, where "Osborne's mate" works.

    Well I'm sure you can find the correct company figures and share them with us. It's probably all lefty bollocks I read from that famous lefty blogger, The Daily Mail.
  8. Ahh, OK. As long as the public sector get them, that's alright.

    Seems like a bizarre model for an economy. Robbing Peter to pay Paul. Selling national our national assets to hedge fund profiteers on the cheap to help pay for pensions.
  9. Know nothing lefty numpties? It's been reported in The Mail too...

    Of course, Lansdowne are raking in huge profits from this, don't be fooled by this rubbish. It's money that should have gone to the treasury not the pockets of Lansdowne partners or their hedge fund investors.


    How much? Give us a number?
  10. Jumping into the market on behalf of someone and not making a large profit is bad, if the person you sold to does. You undervalued their asset. If at least one of the companies you sold to have given you £500,000 in the past, and is headed by someone you know personally, your client, in this case the public, might have a right to be suspicious.

  11. I'm sure there's a boring job thread, but I'll stick it here as we're talking about jobs.

    The most boring job I ever had was probably the best, in a weird way. It was working in a pensions department, and it didn't interest me at all!

    But what made the job worthwhile were my colleagues. We were an office of 12 people, all in our 20's and 30's, half the office were female and they were fit! The main boss never bothered us, the office manager was in his mid 30's and was more of a mate than a boss. Every day was a mixture of flirting and jokes between us. We did our jobs well because for the most part we were a good team.

    It was great, but the pay was shit so I left for a job earning double my salary.

    I wanted my old job back after a month, the new job was horrible. Bad atmosphere in the office, nobody was happy there. Every day was a slog. I'd rather be poor and happy in my work.

  12. Hot on the heels of the news that a few rich people have just gotten a whole lot richer after the government sold off one of our assets worth billions for the price of a bag of chips. A commons select committee report has concluded that the most vulnerable in society, the disabled and the poor are being hardest his by the bedroom tax. There's a shocker!

    It's hardly a revelation, but worth a post on here, as juxtaposed against the Royal Mail theft, it really highlights this governments raison d'être, should anybody be in any doubt.


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