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Posts posted by Vancvillan

  1. This topic makes me yearn for the late 80's and early 90's, when everyone played 4-4-2 and the manager told the chairman who to buy. He even stuffed their boots with the odd brown envelope to keep the squeaky wheels greased.

    It's was a simpler time and we all knew where we stood.

    More importantly, we were actually quite good near the end of it.

    • Like 1
  2. The crowd noises used in the audio feed at AVTV. I was on a long motorbike trip for the Newcastle game and I swear it's on a loop with a goal every ten minutes. 

    I also burned through 2GB of data just listening to crap commentary - about what I use when I watch games on DAZN. AVTV always seems to find new ways to fail.

  3. 15 minutes ago, AvfcRigo82 said:

    We love it really.

    I think we gave a good go of it and it was only a respectable 1-0.

    Luiz is the star man for keeping Traore under control.

    But it was only a respectable 1-0 because Wolves never got out of second gear. If they'd have needed the goals it would have been a cricket score.

  4. In 61 pages I'm sure it's been said, but this really is a contest to see who's the most useless / spineless out of us, West Ham, Watford and Bournemouth, and no-one's doing themselves any favours right now.

    Remaining games...

    Us: Wolves, Liverpool, Man U, Palace, Everton, Arsenal, West Ham

    Bournemouth: Newcastle, Man U, Spurs, Leicester, Man City, Southampton, Everton

    West Ham: Chelsea, Newcastle, Burnley, Norwich, Watford, Man U, Villa

    Watford: Southampton, Chelsea, Norwich, Newcastle, West Ham, Man City, Arsenal

    From that list I'd say Bournemouth are in deep trouble if they don't get something from Newcastle.  West Ham and Watford run ins look easier but assuming Norwich don't give up completely, a lot of those teams still have everything to play for.

    Ironically Steve Bruce could indirectly decide the whole thing. C'mon Brucey, we love you really. 


  5. Another in the "impact sub" category, along with Tresz, Connor, AEG, and (at the moment) McGinn. 

    Just a shame we lack attacking-minded players to cover the other 60 or 70 minutes.

  6. 4 hours ago, romavillan said:

    At least the weed is legal up there.

    One of the many reasons the city I live in is approximately two thirds first and second gen immigrants. We come to visit and never leave.

    • Like 1
  7. They say bad things come in threes - so far this year we've had a worldwide pandemic, my neighbours to the south (who happen to have more nukes than we have people) are imploding with a mad man at the helm, and on June 17th I exit my 30's.  The world's gone to shit.

    4-1 Villa, after going a goal down Samatta grabs a hatrick. Davis gets the other.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, sir_gary_cahill said:

    My side for this match would be:     Heaton

                    Guilbert                Engels                        Mings      Targett   

                                  McGinn                  Nakamba       Drinkwater

                                  El Ghazi                 Samatta       Grealish (c) 

    Subs:  Nyland, Elmohamady, Konsa, Taylor, Luiz, Trezeguet, Wesley



    Ignoring whether he should, can Drinkwater play against Chelsea?

    • Thanks 1
  9. My two year-old loves the Gruffalo movies. I've watched them a bunch of times and almost loved them, but something always seemed a bit off.

    Just found out that the lead character is voiced by fake lad / talentless chancer James Corden.  A dagger to the heart...

    • Like 3
  10. I remember when we signed him an Egyptian buddy of mine text and said "he's got the potential to be better than Mo Salah".  Right now I'm not sure he's better than Mo Johnston.

    I love his graft but I feel like most of the time he's trying to exploit his pace - an advantage he might have had in Turkey, but that is completely non-existent in the Prem.

    File under "players you really want to succeed but probably won't". That drawer has gotten pretty full over the last few years.

    (Edited for rubbish spelling)

    • Like 1
  11. 20 hours ago, sne said:

    Wonder how something like this would go down with these guys?

    Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announces a ban on 1,500 types of semi-automatic weapons. The decision was made after the mass murder recently when a man killed 22 people.

    The deed in Nova Scotia, which began on the evening of April 18 and continued the following day, is among the worst of its kind in Canada. The offender could only be shot dead after 13 hours of police hunting.

    The 51-year-old perpetrator had several weapons with him, at least one of which was a powerful semi-automatic weapon.

    "These weapons are created for a single purpose, and that is to kill the largest possible number of people in the shortest possible time," Trudeau said on Friday at a press conference.

    Those who have weapons covered by the ban will have two years to get rid of them, and Parliament should pass a law to compensate the owners.

    But Trudeau says the law on importing, selling and using the weapons in question has immediate effect.

    I live in Canada and while the a lot of Liberal  voters cheer this I don't think it's a victory for anyone. Those on the either end of the gun control debate are massively disappointed - don't equate this to what NZ or Australia did. Keep in mind we already have strict ownership, storage and transportation laws.

    Things to know:

    1. The firearms are banned by name, not any technical specification. If Armalite release the AR16 tomorrow it won't be covered, so cue years of whackamole. Imagine fuel economy laws that only used car makes and models.

    2. Many high powered semi-auto guns aren't banned, mostly because they have wood stocks instead of black. The 308 and 300 win mag varients are far more powerful than an Ar15, while the 9mm carbines have less recoil, so there's no good argument to not ban them if that's the goal.

    3. The majority of firearms-related crimes in Canada involve hand guns, but the federal government knows banning them would cost a lot of money in buybacks and a lot of votes (a reasonable number of handgun owners live in cities, which is where non-Conservative voters are). Instead the feds suggested that individual cities ban handguns, which passes the buck to mayors who can only ban the sale within city limits, meaning a 20 minute drive to buy one (a lot of big outdoors / gun stores are outside city limits anyway).

    4. It's a buy-back, and 95% of people who own these firearms have hundreds or thousands more dollars in related items (gun safes, scopes, cleaning equipment, etc). They are going to take that buy-back money and purchase something else just as lethal, because see 1 and 2. The PM stated that Aboriginal hunters can continue to use the banned firearms for up to two years until they can source a replacement, so this is absolutely the intention and the expected result.

    Given the above , I don't see this reducing the number of guns in circulation, or taking the guns out of the hands of criminals (the vast majority of whom use illegally imported handguns from the US).

    I do see something that'll cost well in excess of $1B, and has already created more division between firearms owners (approx 1 in 4 households), the general public and gun control advocates. Sensible discussion is almost impossible.

    The argument that "at least it gets some guns out of people's hands" or "it's a good start" doesn't hold water. It wasn't debated, it was an order-in-council from cabinet so they could have included anything.

    If the government truly wanted to get what I think they view as dangerous firearms out of circulation, they would have banned centre-fire semis and handguns. Everyone would have understood what this meant because its like saying "all has powered vehicles with four or more wheels". There would have been a huge financial and political price to pay, but that's the reality of leading by principal instead of posturing.

    • Like 2
    • Sad 1
  12. On 02/04/2020 at 08:40, Straggler said:

    Is the virus only killing nice/talented/cool people?  I've not heard of one single clearing in the woods that has succumbed. Whilst I'm not wishing it in anyone, if I heard that Rupert Murdoch and Trump had gone down to it'd even up the score a bit.  Boris is apparently fine and only displaying minor symptoms but comics and musicians are dropping...

    You spoke too soon. Boris must have been hanging around the 5g towers...

    • Haha 1
  13. 5 hours ago, HanoiVillan said:

    I have here the 'Co-op Funeral Music Chart 2019', which is the top 10 pieces of music chosen at funerals, as reported by funeral directors and arrangers. Without looking it up, how many of the pieces can you guess?

    In reverse order:


    Bye Bye Bye - N Sync

    Another One Bites the Dust - Queen

    Staying Alive - Bee Gees

    I Touch Myself - Divinyls

    Ghostbusters - Ray Parker Junior

    Should I Stay Or Should I Go - The Clash

    U Can't Touch This - MC Hammer

    Hurts So Good - John Mellencamp

    Finally - Ce Ce Peniston

    Rape Me - Nirvana

  14. 14 minutes ago, screwdriver said:

    If the board had any clue they would have taken action on the day i created this thread.  December 28, 2019

    We would have been comfortably at 40 points by now. and another trophy in the cabinet.

    They probably saw that Poch was suggested as a realistic option and assumed this was just the rantings of a mad man.

    • Like 2
  15. On 23/02/2020 at 03:47, TRO said:

    my quote had no connotation attached to it....its my opinion

    A connotation means there is deeper or further meaning attached to the words used. You don't get to say there's no connotation any more than you get to say "my words did not cause offence".  It's like me saying "classic Boomer reply" and then saying there's no connotation because you are a Boomer.

    The splitting of fans / supporters / followers / whatever into distinct groups is a problem. It ignores the fact that everyone's relationship with the club is marked with nuance, and encourages a (frankly toxic) "better fan" narrative.  A young kid who can't afford to go to games and whose parents can't afford a Villa shirt shouldn't be made to feel like less of a supporter because of it.  You engaged in that, made a huge generalisation and think there's nothing wrong with that.  I have zero interest in trying to change your mind.

    My next click is on "ignore user" - just to save you the time responding.

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