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Posts posted by TheDrums

  1. Nice to know that in true VT fashion he's been seemingly written off before he even kicks a ball for us.

    Its probably because he hasn't been heard of, and because he comes from Ireland.

    He won Young Player Of The Year and is thought of very highly in Irish league circles.

  2. Lol @ 1:25 some guy with glasses shouts "F@@@ off" or something waving his hands at the police, his woman grabs his shoulders, policeman looks round and he runs back.

    Look at bottom left of the screen.

    Ahaha. and if you go to 5:00 its the same guy putting his hand on his head checking to see if there is any blood.


    Also, how very smart of them to stick fingers up, mouth abuse all on camera.

  3. Browsing through some of their forums they have the audacity to call us arrogant and deluded, this coming from the same bunch of smelly inbreds who are nailed on certs for the league every year? :bang:

    They are rocket polishers.

    "King Kenny this, King Kenny that" STFU you tossers.

    I read some deluded clearing in the woods on one of their forums say under a picture of Kenny and Torres "Look, look, Kenny looks right into his soul and Torres won't look back". What a bunch of stupid pricks.

  4. I cannot wait until that smug prick gets abuse on Sunday. I've been looking forward to that day since he left.

    Barry I can understand left for a team that almost certainly would qualify for the Champions League within a year, and he gave us years of service. The only bad thing was his whole interview with the NOTW about that scum club Liverpool.

    This guy Downing though is a completely different kind of asshole.

    I actually would play Hutton on Sunday. He loves a dangerous tackle and on Sunday I'm hoping he pulls a few out on that bellend Downing.

  5. Tosser.


    Nicklas Bendtner demands free pizza, begs young girls for money

    Ekstra Bladent reports that after a drunken Saturday night in Copenhagen, the injured Sunderland striker went into a pizzeria without any money and tried to get himself a free pizza

    From Ekstra Bladent:

    "He was f***ing arrogant and came up as if he owned the place. Everyone just stood and looked at each other and shook their heads over the way he behaved," says a 22-year-old carpenter who ran into Bendtner in front of the pizzeria after a night out. [...]

    "He played really stupid. When he could not pay, he demanded to get free pizza and said: 'Do you not know who I am? I can buy the whole pizzeria,'" says one of the staff at Pizza House. [...]

    "We told him that it did not matter who he was. If he could not pay, there was no pizza," says the pizza man who does not want his name revealed.

    After some time, where Bendtner begged and begged the many pizzeria guests to fund his food, a couple of young girls at last took pity on the famous football player and paid about 120 kroner, which the pizza cost.

  6. Apart from quitting, I always thought he showed a lot of respect for Villa during his time here. He had a good grasp of our history and treated the fans with respect, particularly when compared with OLeary and Houllier.

    He does seem like a bit of a media darling though. Not sure why, perhaps he spent a lot of time moving in media circles away from Villa Park?

    He's always been a media darling. He does have charisma.

  7. More chance of Torres going to Liverpool on loan.

    Bent left after his mother was racially abused, he was getting abuse for a poor spell despite being their best player, and we came in with more money.

    MON could have signed him for £12m here but wouldn't. Lerner would ask for a profit on the fee he paid so O'Neill would have to come in with an offer of more than £25m. That is not going to happen and the "football being football you never know", is nonsense.

    Throw in the fact Sunderland are working within financial restrictions which is why they accepted the £24m offer in the first place, AND that Bent was given dogs abuse when he returned, he will be going no where north.

    If he was going somewhere I'd imagine it would be to Turkey.

    if your going to post like something is a fact, maybe getting basics like the transfer fee correct ?

    And where exactly did I insinuate that what I said was fact? Howver:

    -MON could have signed him for £12m - Fact

    -He was abused on Sunderland forums and mentioned it on his Twitter - Fact

    -His mum was racially abused by Sunderland fans - Fact

    -He was given more money here - Fact

    -He was abused on his return to Stadium Of Light - Fact

    -Sunderland fans openly admit he was interested in a move to Turkey whilst there - Fact

    So, yeah, you were saying? :yawn:

    And as for the Bent fee, yes it potentially rises to £24m.

    So Bent in part left Sunderland because his mum was racially abused and you think he is going to go to Turkey?

    Plenty of black players play in Russia one of the most racist leagues in the world, if not the most racist. Money talks in football. Black players are subjected to monkey noises and bannanas being thrown at them - Roberto Carlos, Vagner Love, Eto'o, yet they still keep going over for ££££.

  8. More chance of Torres going to Liverpool on loan.

    Bent left after his mother was racially abused, he was getting abuse for a poor spell despite being their best player, and we came in with more money.

    MON could have signed him for £12m here but wouldn't. Lerner would ask for a profit on the fee he paid so O'Neill would have to come in with an offer of more than £25m. That is not going to happen and the "football being football you never know", is nonsense.

    Throw in the fact Sunderland are working within financial restrictions which is why they accepted the £24m offer in the first place, AND that Bent was given dogs abuse when he returned, he will be going no where north.

    If he was going somewhere I'd imagine it would be to Turkey.

  9. He was sacked here, which is increasingly quite obvious.
    Absolutely and maybe the fact that people still seem to be obsessd with him points to the fact that deep down they feel we are worse off without him?


    Do you mind showing me where it says Mr O'Neill was sacked please Richard?

    And that will not be released under the terms and conditions of the compensation payout.

    Are you unaware of such agreements?

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