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Posts posted by Zero7

  1. I actually thought he was pretty poor by his standards yesterday bar that overhead kick, he struggled to control the ball in tight spaces, plays much better when the game open up rather than when 11 plays have parked the bus 

  2. Was on lower Holte right at the back and the atmosphere was nowhere near as bad as some are making out. I will say this, if we play side to side slow build up play, its not going to rouse the crowd, once we started to move the ball quicker and pinned them back it lifted the crowd/. It works both ways. 


    I was dreading seeing Dedonker and Youri on team sheet and my concerns of that pairing were founded, they don't work together, they are too slow and ponderous. Individually with a Luiz or Kamara next to them I think they will be ok as squad players. 

    I though Duran was very poor and expected as he's young and raw but needs to learn movement and runs, also don't think Zaniolo had his best game, he's more effective when the game opens up and he can run at players or into space. A win is a win, we need to field our strongest 11 next game though. 

    And FFS score from a bloody corner this century 😃

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