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Posts posted by Zero7

  1. Tried to buy tickets as I have digital membership for me, my wife and daughter this year,  wouldn't give me the option to buy tickets got me in the queue and would then bomb me out without reason. Realied I was not logged in so tried again and managed to secure three tickets in the Trinity stand for the Brentford game. 

    Cant' bloody wait, so excited 

    • Like 1
  2. 10 minutes ago, StanBalaban said:

    Same for me, but I was lucky that my dad chose (and was chosen) wisely. Any fellow Asian mates were either Liverpool, Man U or not that interested in football.

    To attract more fans, we have not only to be a better team, but a 'cooler' team too. We've already seen JG's marketability sky rocket by being at City - a level that wouldn't have happened had he stayed with us.

    It's a slow process, but results will lead to some more fans, but Leicester have shown that even winning the league is not enough if there's not a few superstars in the team. 

    Someone mentioned it before, but some global Ambassadors could work - especially a tie in with high profile cricketers. Maybe we could wheel Ian Bell out on a Villa-based promotional tour of India along with the Indian cricket team?  Maybe we'll see some Villa fans in Argentina soon? 

    It's sad isn't it, very few Indians support Villa, I'm in the minority amongst friends who re 50/50 Liverpool or manure glory hunters thank god I got a lot of my nieces and nephews into villa, the next generation of fans. My daughter is in a u11's girls team and I'm one of the coaches, all the training tops are Manure or Plop. She wears her Villa kit with pride. 

    • Like 3
  3. 2 minutes ago, Peter Griffin said:

    I agree NSWE and CP want to keep Smith but I think that we have moved from from relegation being tolerable. The first season up I believe he would have kept his job if we were relegated but that level of support no longer available imo. Smith must continue to deliver to keep his job and it would not be accepted if we were in the bottom 3 in late Oct / Nov. I don't think we will be down there and hopefully we will be pushing for top 8 but I suspect NSWE and CP would be ruthless if they believe they need to be.

    BTW, I am only new to this forum and only permitted 5 posts a day so if I don't respond to a reply it is not because I am running for cover :)

    I don't think we will be flirting near the bottom, perhaps just below mid table by xmas and then we will kick on. I'm also a new poster but been an outside / onlooker / voyeur of this forum for over 20 years 

  4. not a chance they will sack Smith, he's part of the long term project

    7 minutes ago, Peter Griffin said:

    The loss of JG will hurt Smith and I think it will either result in his sacking at the Oct International break or either and extension of his contract. This season is massive for Smith, owners have backed him and he now needs to prove himself again. He is steadily improving but there are a few weaknesses that concern me. If he can get team playing as a unit with the new guys integrated then he will be safe, even if the results aren't great. But if we are flirting with relegation then we may see some changes. Hopefully we will see smith remain as Head Coach for the full season as this would probably mean we are doing quite well

    Not a chance they will sack smith, he's part of the long term project - which has a core pillar of stability 

    • Like 2
  5. Think we will finish between 8th - 11th, with Jack we made teams double up on him and occupying two of their players in the process, we won't have that luxury anymore. unless we replace him with someone that causes opposition to change their game plan to occupy and nullify one of our players i think we will struggle to push on this season.

  6. 34 minutes ago, Kiwivillan said:

    Davis and Wesley played total of 281 mins last season and 90 of that was because Ollie suspended. We don't and won't play 2 up top. Do people not understand Smith formations?

    We need depth and options, it's not about playing 1 or 2 up top, what would happen if Watkins was out for 10-15 games, where are the goals coming from 

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  7. Gives us options up front which we don't have, Davis could also go out on loan and Wes can be eased back in to see if he can make it.... I also think through balls from Emi and Bailey would really work for Tammy... 

  8. Pretty sure I posted this the other day but can't see it.


    Long time lurker, around 20+ years (I think that is some serious lurking lol), first time posters.

    Looking forward to contributing, was a season ticket holder for many years but only go to the odd match (play offs etc) now days as family take priority. I live in Leamington Spa. 

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