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Posts posted by will87

  1. 10 minutes ago, HanoiVillan said:

    We're already safe. Even if we were to lose every remaining game, ALL of the following would need to happen:

    • Leeds would need more than 4 points from their remaining 6 games (because of their goal difference);
    • Everton would need 8 points from 7 games, AND;
    • Burnley would need 9 points from 6 games

    If any one of those did not happen, we would not be relegated. The chances of all three things happening are already extremely remote, and the chances of us losing every remaining game make it remoter still.

    We're safe.

    Burnley would need 3 points from 4 games as they play us twice. If we lost every remaining game (which obviously is highly unlikely) the chances of us getting relegated would be far from remote, Everton getting 8 points from their remaining games would be the only one I'd probably bet against.

  2. He did seem to find the joke genuinely amusing initially. I guess he saw his wife's face and the switch flicked. Mad reaction though, there's clearly a few issues behind the jolly persona.

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  3. As long as the acting is up to scratch, sadly if the recent fantasy epics on Amazon/Netflix with mostly young unknown casts are anything to go by (Wheel of Time/ Shadow and Bone etc.), I haven't got high hopes.

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  4. If that Watford 'performance' was the culmination of Gerrard and his coaches drilling their system into our players for 3 months then I'm worried. We even seem to have regressed since Coutinho and Digne came in which takes some doing.

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  5. You were always going to get people a bit bemused by all the furore and saying things like "it's just a cat, its not like he killed anyone" etc. It's not really about the fact that its a cat, it's that he (and his brother) clearly derived pleasure from inflicting unnecessary pain on another living thing (in front of a child no less). That's psychopathic, and shows them both to be two seriously damaged human beings.

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  6. 10 minutes ago, nick76 said:

    Did they, what for? Was it Bielsa that gave the special praise?

    Dublin, saying how well he did keeping out the way, thus creating space for our better players, I shit you not.

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