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Posts posted by AVFCAM

  1. Up until he got injured, I'd said selling Bent would be a good thing as we could reinvest the money...

    Since he has been injured I have watched our goals dry up, we have no other frequent goals scorer in the team. Wiemann is good, but was hardly prolific, Gabby has his good stretch every November and the joins the queue to check in for his summer holiday and Delfouneso (remeber him?) looks no better than when he first started breaking through into the 1st team.

    I'd sell Gabby, £10m yes please. He's never had to play for a contract, it's always just been there.

  2. If Man City do lose or draw to Newcastle, I think that will help our cause as well...it means Man City HAVE to win to have any chance of winning the title. If they took their foot off the gas and then Yanited give up a lead like they did against Everton, Man City would miss out. Luckily for us, whatever happens this weekend, whoever is in 2nd place will only be 3 points behind, so till has a chance of winning the title!

    I'd still be happier if Stoke beat QPR though, I'd even be pleased if they draw! If we can somehow beat Spurs, it becomes irrelevant...

  3. Hang on, let's take stock here...

    It looks like we might be safe this year,

    One of our players, who is a major confidence player, who has been showing promise recently, enough to be named MOTM on numerous occasions, has been voted Fans Player of the Year...

    yet we are STILL moaning about it.

    Who cares if he has just been "good"?! That's better than he was last year. If this builds his confidence and helps him to continue his improvement that I for one am glad he got it.

    Sometimes I wonder that if it had been us beating Man Yoo to go top of the league last night, whether I'd log on to find people moaning about how "we should have scored more", "we shouldn't have let it slip anyway", "the manager has disgraced us by arguing with SAF"...I'm negative with my predictions (some might say I'm a realist) but I am all for encouraging our players...

    Well done Stevie Ireland!

  4. Are people completely forgetting how QPR have pulled unexpected results out the bag recently? Wigan were 'useless and doomed' and then suddenly, they beat Arsenal, Newcastle almost Chelsea, Man Utd...

    Everyone seems to be able to get results right now, except us...

  5. Tomorrow's game has a huge influence on everything...

    If Man Yoo win, city trail by 6 points and go into the final game with nothing to play for. We lose to Spurs and QPR beat Stoke and we could be on real trouble again...

  6. I agree with SIK

    2 points is obtainable. Last night we were a yard or so away from being about 5-0 up at half tme. We did lose, but we played well for 60 minutes.

    I do however think we'll go down

  7. Sorry, I have to disagree with the comments about today being a poor performance.

    It was by no means vintage, and we definitely gave the ball away, but we played better today than we have for a while. Mignolet made 2 important saves early on, without which we'd have won 2-0

  8. August-November...Gabby, he was on fire...since then, he's been shit.

    Petrov has been as consistent as ever. I do think if he won it though people would just say it is because he is ill, which is not that case.

    Herd has been brilliant since he's been in the team.

    Ireland has started to show his worth, great pace to set up Wiemann against Stoke and for the early chance at Yanited.

    Collins has been better recently, but when he left the ball for the 2nd goal on Sunday it reminded me of how poor he has been.

    Cuellar has been good, but has hardlly played. Wiemann the same.

    When you think about it, there's not been that many stand out performers...which I think is our main problem!

  9. Honestly, I always wanted him to succeed here...with Blues he won a cup, with Villa he took on the world kinda thing...

    I always thought we should give him the chance to build a team when he is backed be the Chairman...as was originally 'promised' by the General...

    Now, I've reached a point where I have seen nothing at all over since August to justify giving him that chance.

    Under Houllier, we at least showed fight in some games, but rolled over for the big boys...now, we seem to find it difficult to even muster a performance against Wigan (who at the time were rock bottom and doomed in 20th).

    He's a decent chap, I've met him a few times, loves the game, really does seem like he genuinely wants us to be as good as we should be...but, it just isn't happening for him. This position is not acceptable, we managed some corking results to pull clear last season, but here, we really look like we have no hope.

    I think our safety relies on everybody elses results...I can see maybe picking up a draw or 2...but no wins...I really don't think we are good enough. Those draws we got early doors should probably have been loses based on our performance levels!

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