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Posts posted by screwdriver

  1. All Conner has to do to improve is move into space when he passes the ball. I watched one of those youtube montages of him. He plays the ball and just stands back to admire his pass instead of getting on his bike.

    You can't just get rid of players who arn't the finished article. Look at Guardiola getting hold of Sterling.

    Especially ones who show glimmers of talent. Goals from midfield are worth their weight. And surely he would have got more if Snodgrass didn't take all the free kicks.

    He's not one of these midgets we've had in the past like Bannon he must be knocking on 6ft. He just needs to add more miles per gallon.

    Surely someone at the club has noticed this? Or do they tell him to give it then get back in position and hold the shape?

  2. I like the early shield shape but also the round one and I like the motto I don't really like just the letters AVFC I would prefer the proper name.

    I don't think the star is necessary.

    Obviously the kit manufacturers want it as simple as possible to maximize their profits but there is a trend in the business world to have simple but high impact logo's eg apple and nike.

    I dunno how possible it is with an old world symbol like a lion.

    Surely a really detailed badge design would benefit the club by deterring any shirt counter fitters.

  3. Hourihane was totally anonymous again last night. I'm glad Bruce has spotted this and hauled him off.

    The midfield is well staffed with Whelan and Onomah. It's set up for the 3rd guy to grab the game by the scruff of the neck and start bossing it.

    Hourihane gets an easy ride off Villa fans because he's got a few goals but he goes missing every week for me. He's living off his wonder strikes in the same way Hitzelspurger did.

    Lansbury came in at the same time as Hourihane and suffered the same fate, games passing him by without impact. Then he got dropped cos of Hourihanes goals.

    It's now Lansbury's turn he did fantastic last night with the equalizer but I want more from him now. I want  to see a centre midfielder boss the game like the token ginger kid appeared to do at all the lower champ clubs last season against Villa

    Don't get me wrong I like Hourihane but I think Lansbury could have a bit more about him  he looks a bit lairy. I just hope he can get a run in the team and boss it like Shelvey did for newcastle last season...and chip in with a few goals.

    • Like 1
  4. Word will soon get out about Jota and the other guy and the championship hatchet men will start taking them out.

    It would be interenesting to see how well wolves play without these guys. They would be as ridged as Villa without Kodjia or worse.

    Theres a long way to go Wolves havn't done anything yet apart from beat Villa who can play much better than that.

  5. When Hogan comes off the bench it's game over for Villa. Nothing sticks up front.

    The best thing to do is loan him back to his old team and hope we can get 3m for him in the summer.

    In Jan we need to buy/loan a back to goal striker (basicly a more experienced DAvis) a fast winger and a dominant midfielder. Have a look at the portugese u21 squad for candidates

  6. It's not beyond the realms that he might not have settled in Birmingham yet, he might be living out of a suitcase in a hotel or something or might not have bonded with the group.

    I think Bruce has found his first 11 now and anyone else will be used as stand in.

  7. Pleased he's grabbed a couple of goals as when I first saw him I likened his play to the non scoring threat of danny wellbeck. Great touch back to goal holds it up and has a bit of a dwight yorke drag and go

  8. kodjia is almost playing in the hole against forest. With Davis pushed right up to hold it up for the on rushing Jimmy danger. Although it only happend twice against Forest the two moves happened cos of Kodjia in his new deep role. Bruce is a tactical genius!

    • Haha 2
  9. he was appaling yesturday I would have hauled him off for Snod and let him play central. Again we made their ginger number 4 look like a great player he had the freedom of the 18 yard to the halfway line with no pressure.

  10. McCormack is a joke you can't blame Bruce for getting rid of him. I remember being up in the leppings lane end at Sheffield last season for his debut and he looked overweight and blowing out of his ring piece straight away. I couldn't believe he was so slow!

    I see the guy as one of these frankie gavin types ie has a bit of natural sporting ability but doesn't have the rest of the ingrediants to get to the top and not prepared to work.

    Why do you think no prem teams touch him?

    What do you think will happen when he's in sunderland? he'll be doing the 2 hour sprint up to glasgow for some refueling sessions between bench time. And I don't mean the John Terry ice bath type!

  11. Midfielders have to do a bit of everything. We can't have every one given the number 10 shift and not have to do any tracking back unless they're as good as Le Tissier.

    So if he manages to get a starting place it's upto him to do what he's got to do to keep the shirt.

    I don't know if I'd stick him in centre mid or on the left flank?

  12. We need to bring in an out and out winger in the Hoillet mould. Adomah isn't exactly rapid nor is Amhed. and bruce admitted he signed him because of his professionalism in turning up for training on time as much as his ability.

    Shame Hoillet is all tucked up at Cardiff.

    I notice at Liverpool the kid Ryan Kent wasnt even on the bench yesturday after Klopp blagging him by saying he deserves some game time just to get him to sign that 5 year contract.

    Mind you I'd rather we signed someone with a bit more experience than breaking these lads in for other teams. I like Snodgrass he will create stuff and score a few freekicks but he's not exactly rapid.

    And I looked at the samba coming on up front situation as a cry out  to the chainman for another centre forward.

    It's obvious we need a big back to goal hold it up and lay it off merchant instead of the hapless Hogan. I noticed last season even with Kodja often nothing sticking up front.

    We can't play long ball as we don't have the right tools in the squad.


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  13. The only moment should we ditch Bruce is if a manager of Rafa Benetez calibre becomes available. If the job is too big for Steve Bruce there's no way on earth Dean Smith etc would cope.

    Apart from the worlds top managers, the only other guy I would consider is Allardyce as he seems to have the huge ego neccessary to run this place, but I'm sure his football acheievments are pretty much on a par with Bruce's.


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  14. Its obviously an incentive to get him up for the last couple of games. Get him in the shop window it's time to say thanks for the memories and move on.

    Leave on a high and he'll always be welcomed back.


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