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Posts posted by pooligan

  1. I am of the same view as you NurembergVillain . Nasty horrible supporters who think football was invented in Liverpool. Use to hate going there in  the 70s and 80s,as they were always looking for trouble on the way to and from the ground.I also hate the ones who live in and around Brum and telling me how much better Liverpool is as a city than ours. Why the f**k don't they go back then 

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  2. The Last House On The Left  (1972)  Watched this last night and thought it was a really good film .I noticed on IMDB that there is a new version of this movie.Anyone seen both ? Would like to hear which is the best

  3. Two goals today for Drennan. I remember last season one of the Villa coaches ,think it was Sid,saying he was a natural finisher and will always score goals. By all accounts he picked up a bad injury which kept him out for the first half of this season and it has held him back.

  4. Yes PaulC i remember Frank Pimblett very well.I thought he was going to be a good player. Like someone mentioned on here earlier, he liked a drink or two. My friends and i use to see him along with another promising youngster Bobby Campbell and a few other youth team players in the city centre most weekends and more often than not they were drunk .Was probably the main  reason Ron Suanders got rid of them

  5. Did Gabby actually play yesterday? Oh yes, he passed the ball to the Palace keeper in the second half i think it was .That is the only thing of note I can recall him doing. 3 goals all season for a so called striker is pathetic .Waste of space as far as i am concerned

  6. Really sad news about the death of Gordon Smith. I can see him now in that League Cup Final 2nd replay against pass the ball back Everton crossing the ball for Brian Little to get the winner.Not the greatest left back i have ever seen, but far better than anyone we have at the moment.RIP Gordon 

  7. Sleeping Beauty (2011) Found it hard to get excited about this film. It is about a young woman who is prepared to do just about anything for money and excitement .It sounds good,but not a lot happens to be honest

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  8. With the way we are playing at the moment and the injuries we seem to keep picking up ,i honestly can't see where the next point is coming from .I am hoping Hull are in the Cup Final by the time we play them and have a eye on the cup final and leave one or two out

  9. The Man In The Iron Mask     (1998)    I had no idea when i sat  down to watch this film,that it was actually a film abut the Four Musketeers. I have always enjoyed Four Musketeers films and this was no different .Good Film.

  10. The Vanishing (1993) I finally managed to watch this last night. One of those films on my to watch list. I really enjoyed it.Would certainly recommend it to anyone who has never seen it 

  11. Watched " Now is Good " last night. I really enjoyed it,,great story and one of those films that for me,made me stop and think about life and what it throws up. It is also a British film which i liked.

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