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Posts posted by Hamburglar

  1. A point is fantastic considering how poor we looked for the majority of the game. If Fulham could finish we would have lost. I need to see us play at home before I draw any conclusions but I did expect to see a little more enthusiasm considering it was the first game of the season.

    and if we could finish we might have won. collins failed to hit the target when 8 yards out and with room to jump relatively unchallenged. heskey had several good chances, including a one on one (although not the best angle) and a free header 8 yards out. if albrightons shot late on went a couple of feet the other side of the post we may have snatched all 3 points.

    we didnt look great, but we didnt look poor for the majority of the game either. it was a game where there were few chances for either side. fulham got into good positions a handful of times and made given work. we got into similarly good positions a handful of times but failed to make their keeper work. on the balance of play it was a fair result.

    we could have nicked a win but we would not have deserved it, in my opinion.

    if zamora hit either of his two cler cut chances two feet to the other side he would have scored, amongst others. Shay Given is man of the match for a reason!

    i'll reserve my judgment for now and would like to see a different lineup against Blackburn. The team today didn't click often enough for me.

  2. JulieB wrote:

    Just asked Dean Scoggins (Journo & Villa fan IIRC from the Sun)... for an update on Zog to Villa... as he tweeted that despite what McLeish said we'll get a few more in AFTER N'Zogbia this morning.

    I beliebe him He Works for Murdoch. Have you Not Seen the News lately.

    He's just tweeted me back... "talks happening today. I wouldn't think it'd be long"

    Let's hope so!

    we wouldn't believe the sun newspaper so why should we believe someone who works for the sun?

    Not to say it's not true but don't really see it as very reliable.

  3. Hamburglar wrote:

    The man is clearly

    We made a loss of over 37m last year so even if we sold Downing for 20m on top of the Young money we would still be making a loss. Randy is losing money and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. He also knows we will be a weaker team without these players and so will make funds available. I expect action early next week when the staff get back to work.

    I don't see Liverpool going to 20m so think it quite possible Downing will be at the Villa next season, even if he doesn't want to be.

    Don't get me wrong Randy has been good for the club but I can't help thinking he wants his money back, he is a businessman after all, what does he care if we never win anything as long as the turnover is good and we are not making losses year after year! He tried his best and pumped a lot in but we failed big time. We must now reap. I just do not see the guy pumping more money into the club so we can make another fat loss next year. For what its worth I think Downing will not be here next season.

    I hope you are right Hackney but I have just got a bad feeling about it all. I believe in positive thinking would you believe and I like your style I am just finding it difficult to agree with you on that one. No offence.

  4. A massive backward step! I seriously think this man (if he takes over) will fail big time. Bring out the quote in a few years if he proves me wrong, as I am hoping he will prove me wrong but I seriously doubt it.

    How much did he spend on Zigic? He's been trying to sign Robbie Keane, **** hell I had enough of O'Neill trying to sign that tosser.

    I will still support the team albeit for the time being not financially, I will struggle to find any inspiration to fork out the dough to support a team that doesn't seem to have any ambition whatsoever.

    I have a feeling Randy weants some of the money the great MON pissed up the wall back. Can't say I blame him either.

    This really saddens me.

  5. I dont think van Gaal is reknowned for being a prick but rather not suffering fools and prima donnas gladly.

    Which is another feather in his cap as far as I'm concerned.

    He is 'renowned for being a prick' in German media at the moment because he upset the apple cart at their beloved Bayern Munich and didn't win the league with them this year!

    I do not take the media word for it, for what its worth I have never met the bloke. Can't argue that he is successful.

    As I said he would give us a good kick up the arse.

  6. It might be interesting to stop thinking as fans for a moment (we all know what we want), and to try and imagine what Randy wants over the term of his next managers contract. It might point us to his target.

    I believe it needs to be somebody who can work with that great investment we made in Bodymoor Heath and I would not be surprised if thats what Randy thinks rather than someone who just wants to piss his money up the wall on average players. Lets make it clear I am a thingamebob hater

    The fact is Randy does not have the money to compete with Citeh adn the like.

  7. What about van Gaal with AZ Alkmaar??? He went there won the league and got them in the champions league. I had never bloody heard of them before he went there !

    Excellent point well made.

    I am with you that he could be just what we need. We seem to be going towards using our academy and I think he could achieve success with a good core of academy players like he has done in Holland. Which is more than can be said for thingamebob (MON)

  8. Do some of us seriously want O'Neill back?

    Get over it!

    Van Gaal has done well with an academy based team in Ajax, in the past. Wouldn't mind him.

    Benitez has got a good CV, although I'm not keen on him personally I do think he could be a good appointment as he has a lot to prove.

    Moyes is good but I can't see it happening.

    Coyle did well with Burnley and Bolton considering the status of each club, could be good for us.

    I'm edging toward the fat spanish waiter and I suppose I will accept him becaused he would be our fat spanish waiter.

    If O'Neill comes back I'll eat my hat.

    PS Ignore the bookies they're not interested who takes over as long as they make a quick buck and they make that buck by choosing a new favourite the longer the charade goes on. Has Randy got shares in Coral???????

  9. On another note Reus is the standout player for me. I know the club have high hopes for him and I've been well impressed. They're more desperate for a striker than the Villa has ever been if you ask me, the reason we were in the mess we were. Definitely some decent players there hopefully the new coach can push them on next season.

    After paying attention to the BUndesliga this year I have often wondered why there aren't more signings in the English League from there. They play a similar style to us and I have seen some quality dotted around.

  10. Yeah, things are definitely looking up for a change. I've high hopes a combination of Reus and Herrmann on the flanks will keep Arango out of the side until he's moved on. Plus, ter Stegen looks like he'll be our first half-decent keeper since Kasey Keller. We need an out-and-out poacher something chronic, though.

    The Bökelberg was the first stadium I ever went to as a nipper, grand old place.

    I haven't been able to see them yet however I have been promised a boat load of tickets for whenever I can get over to see them so fully intend to take my brother in law up on that offer. I'm looking forward to it to tell the truth the new stadium looks fantastic from the street and on the streams i watch the games on. :winkold:

  11. Fortunately for me I only had to suffer the last season so far, due to a family connection but now I will never look back. Great victory against köln it was à springboard for the Great end to the Season we had. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did and I am now looking forward to next season once we have got rid of that tit arango

  12. When I have seen him play he reminds of those figures that came out a few years ago with the big heads and small bodies... is it just me?

    On a serious note hope his family are ok

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