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Posts posted by TRL

  1. Nope. Still will have stupidly good stats, which is why i will be IMMORTAL. Purging will always be a problem as a healer, but less of a problem after 2.3.

    Anyway, its worse for Shamans then priests. I can pretty much instant cast everything i have so purging is more or less meh.

  2. Simply because when you say Enhancement Shamans sucks for PvP, that link proves you wrong.

    And FWIW he almost guaranteed doesnt use his PvE epics for PvP. That bloody obvious and you know it aswell. You do not hold a 2200 rank with 0 resilience. Gladiator gear > BT epics. And it should, works as intended.

  3. Arguing with you is pointless, isnt it? Whenever a point is made, you change the parameters.

    Please point out where ive done it. Actually you are the one who have made things up so far. You are the one who claims things which is directly wrong. Now who is the one its pointless to argue with?

    1. Playing a class on somebody elses wow account means you know jack shit. Live with it.


    2. FFS - I was responding to your "You can just as easily Frost Shock to snare targets aswell" bullshit. Dont start spouting more bullshit to cover your ass. You are wrong.

    About what? That other classes suffer DR on CC? No. Different classes have different types of CC and snare IS a CC. No im right. Live with it.

    Understand that there is NO tactic that makes it any easier for me to get into melee. Once dismounted I am extremely easily kited/CC'd. That was my only point.

    QfuckinQ. If they zerg a target he can hardly move anyway, and if you then are snared and CC'ed without the option to trinke break away, then it means less trouble for the rest of your team as you are in fact focused.

    4. The point is this: Enhancement sucks for PvP. Period.

    If you seriously think this, l2p. Just l2p. You honestly cant play your class then.

    Apparantly Enhancement is shit. Or wait, maybe its not there the problem lies.

  4. Oh puh-lease.

    Let me guess - you played enhancement for as long as you played resto, right? That makes you an expert then, right?

    It's not stretching to say you have played every class in every spec and it goes without saying that you know more on the subject than anybody else does.

    You just need to accept you stated something which was incorrect once again, and stop beeing a drama queen about it. Ive never said ive played every class at lvl 70 or anything similar. So instead of working yourself up, trying to be funny, just accept you were wrong.

    For your information:

    - Frost shock is on diminishing returns. Its on the GCD along with every other shaman talent, including totems. If you cannot counter-CC it to keep the enhance shaman away (even if they charge in) then you need to learn to play.

    Oh bu **** hu. Thats why a team in 5 vs 5 arena have multiple CC's, snares and abilities. Unless you are trying to solo a group you are crying over **** all. You think other classes CC dont get affected by DR?

    - Charging in works fine, if the other team has no warrior and no CC'ers. You can guess how many times that happens. (Hamstring, MS, Pounce, Sap, Gouge, Kidney shot, Charge, Bash, Sheep and any flavour of fear. Remember, I'm charging in on a target - I dont have time to drop both grounding and tremor).

    Thats your problem then. If that happens to you, it means you are zerged. Basically your team takes down the target aimed for. There will always be a target trained down. Its me a lot on my warlock, and when its me i just rely on the other 3 dps classes to nail our focus.

    If you arent focused then you can simply ride in with a burst team and **** over your target with stupid burst and the warrior will already have him charged, the priest will have him in blackout, the rogue will have him stunned, the hunter will have him concussion shot, the warlock will have him FG intercepted or CoEX'ed.

    Enhancement Shamans do stupid dmg in arenas.

    And please, tell me exactly how many enhancement shamans there are in the top rated arena teams of any size. Now why is that? Is it:

    "Team Setup > Gear > Skill" or is it

    "If you cant reach your enemy in an arena, well then its you tactic which is wrong, not the spec or class."

    I'll give you a clue - it has NOTHING to do with tactics or skill.

    I have no idea what you are whining about here. Are you indicating you are suffering because a team Setup with an enhancement Shaman is difficult? You think you have the right to have all 3 specs equally viable? You think all other classes have 3 viable spec in 2vs2/3vs3/5vs5?

    Yes Enhancement is shit. QQ

  5. rofl is that confirmed to be Kalgan's warrior?

    And I've never had shadowsight and NOT destealthed the noob hiding, it doesn't matter where they are, you just tab target em.

    Maybe its just Scarab which is a noob then. Shame my proximo didnt work when dead.

    And yes Kalgan has a warrior and its the main reason for the Warrior you see now and will see **** us in the arena the next patch aswell.

  6. Doesnt work im afraid. Scarab used his mount and used the felhunter, but if the rogue doesnt want to be seen, you dont see him. He had SL and HS and still died within something like 10 secs. No idea why he didnt CoEx kite, but still Nerf ROGUES. Fix the game plx.

    Shadowsight you noob.

    That does **** all good when you can time it and basically hide on the other side so you cant be seen. Its only active for a few sec anyway. Noob.

  7. You may have played resto - but you've never played enhancement.

    Oh, but i have. You should stop saying what people have or havent done, egg on face again for you eh.

    Now we got that out of the way. I honestly dont get your whining, and frankly it seems fairly stupid. You dont get one hybrids spec to work against all classes and in all arena teams.

    An enhancement Shaman does stupid amount of burst at cloth and everyone who has a cloth character knows it. You wont solo healers at high levels anyway, but thats something which is equal for anyone as PvP healers > DPS one versus one.

    CC > Healers > DPS just as Team Setup > Gear > Skill

    If you cant reach your enemy in an arena, well then its you tactic which is wrong, not the spec or class. Thats also why you have teams who base their attack in riding in, burst and hoping to catch people by suprise.

    You can just as easily Frost Shock to snare targets aswell.

  8. Doesnt work im afraid. Scarab used his mount and used the felhunter, but if the rogue doesnt want to be seen, you dont see him. He had SL and HS and still died within something like 10 secs. No idea why he didnt CoEx kite, but still Nerf ROGUES. Fix the game plx.

  9. 49328607wa5.th.jpg

    We did some arena again. I got focused as usual, died pretty much when their Shaman died after drainage.com, then the fun started.


    So the **** rogue vanishes with **** all hp, he waits something which must have been 3-4-5 min, felt like ages. He comes back with all cooldowns and 100% hp. I could more or less have waited until people decided to log for sleep.

  10. Says the one without a cloth class, while his main has 1 million dodge, parry, evasion and stuns. I loll'ed.

    Funneh how you want the magical classes/specs nerfed who dont care shit for the previous abilities mentioned :)

  11. Yes like i already said. Without beeing able to insta counter anything or CC, while beeing purged you are ****. Enhancement needed a nerf against priests atleast. It was an unbalanced fight which never was supposed to be that unbalanced.

    You're kidding right? You're the only class I can consistently take down, outside other shaman. Nobody else has a problem with enhance shaman. Period.

    But shaman should never beat anyone, amiright?

    No idea what you are getting worked up about. Enchancement shamans can do stupid damage which ive experienced both on my warlock and my priest, but the Shaman vs priest fight was very unbalanced and no intended imbalance, which is why they are fixing it.

    If you only kill priests it might be your gear though. Playing with good geared enhancement shamans in BG's and arenas, and with a dedicated healer they hammer through **** everything with ridiculous burst damage.

  12. As I am nearly 70 now (10 bars to go) Back with a few more noob questions:

    1. I have nearly 2000g now saved up and I dont think druids need to buy the epic flying mount --> do they get epic flight form? What to spend this money on?

    2. Its taken my about 20 days (game time) to level to 70 without any boosting or anything like that, is that good or bad? Can I lvl another character faster than that?

    3. PvP? How does this work ( I have 389 honor points most from ninja kills :oops: )? How do you go to battlegrounds and when there, what happens? Is it just a killfest or are there king of the hill/capture the flag/etc. games. Can you go there play and have fun or do you have to be in an arena team. Is my feral spec tanking druid going to get pwned?

    4. PvP gear versus PvE gear - whats the difference. Resilience for PvP gear important? What is it?

    5. Alchemy specialisation - Which one?

    Just save your money until you decide what way you fancy going. PvE gear can be crafted more or less wether you are DPS or HPS. The crafted gear might cost some gold.

    Make an arena team with a friend. Gain a Gladiator piece after a month. DO AV/AB etc. see if you like it. If you do you just continue and buy PvP gear for honour points.

    The enchants you will need costs a bit aswell.

  13. Well i usually have time to hit panic buttons when a rogue nails me. I can fear, trinket insta or something similar. With a shaman its ride/run/jump whatever windfury 1 million damage, no casts, no workable CC etc.

    Maybe he was just similarly geared and had you focus fired.

    Seriously - there is a class that actually has a problem with Shaman in PvP? Windfury, eh? So not just shaman - but the worst shaman PvP spec?

    You wouldn't be the only clothy class with long cast times, would you?

    Nevermind. Blizz is fixing that. Shaman are obviously still OP and should not be able to kill anyone 1 on 1. After all, the game is balanced around 5v5, right?

    Yes like i already said. Without beeing able to insta counter anything or CC, while beeing purged you are ****. Enhancement needed a nerf against priests atleast. It was an unbalanced fight which never was supposed to be that unbalanced.

  14. Which was tbh to powerful. If you are talking equally geared, an enchancement shaman will probably kill me faster then a warrior or rogue. Simply because i dont get heals off.

    ES stopping you healing for 2 seconds is more powerful than a rogue stopping you doing anything at all? Kick has the same effect as ES, yet stops that school for 5 seconds.

    Well i usually have time to hit panic buttons when a rogue nails me. I can fear, trinket insta or something similar. With a shaman its ride/run/jump whatever windfury 1 million damage, no casts, no workable CC etc.

  15. * Silence and Interrupt effects now have diminishing returns when used on PvP targets.

    Does this mean i wil be harder to kill in PvP? 8)

    Anyway, thats a big blow to 3 x Mage teams.

    Have to say the Hamstring nerf is stupid tho. Basically it only affects your trinketing. From imbalanced spam to 10 sec cooldown when the duration of the ability is 15 secs. LOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOOLOLOLOLOLDPSKfhæhnæha'pogj'aSRBJ0RTJHÆAPMBNÆAG

  16. Nah for a PvP healer nothing in the game is better then Chastice. Its utterly imbalanced.

    And SoH is shit for a shadowpriest. What are you on about? Dev-P is the best shadowpriest racial in the game.

    Draenei have Chastise too Tarj.

    If you want to go into raiding, being able to give your group an extra 1000 mana every five minutes on top of your VT and giving your entire group +1% chance to hit with spells makes you the perfect DPS caster support player. Fantastic racials.

    Honestly you dont have mana problems with a shadowpriest in the group anyway, so the mana regen is BS. End-game raiding now is based on dmg output and not the mana dependent shit which was previous.

    And Dranei doesnt have DP which makes them nothing compared to a dwarf. Chastise is stupidly imbalanced.

    But still they claim its Belfs and Humans who needs racial buffs. Fantastic. Tell me when i get use for ToW and DP as a healing priest EVER.

    Nerf chastise, but oh we cant because Alliance and dwarves have to be easymode.

    Oh and btw for a shadowpriest to use that Dranei racial to save mana he has to move out of shadowform, because without checking i can guarantee you that racial is holy school. So to cast it he have to spend close to a 1000 mana. Great isnt it.

  17. Level 8 human priest

    Just re-roll a Dwarf and become the best priest race available.

    You look like a **** ugly midget, but after they have given fearward around, nerfed it, they have given Dwarves the new ability called Chastice which basically makes Dwarves once again imbalanced.

    Im **** furious that Blizzard never ever learn, **** stupid words removed.

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