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Posts posted by TRL

  1. Read Dan.

    Okay, so maybe it isn't exactly new, but its threat has increased tenfold with the last patch.

    We peaked at 2500~ running a cookie cutter Warrior/Warlock/Druid line-up. I don't like to call it cookie cutter due to the limitations that a Warrior has when selecting his teammates, but that is due for another topic. Last week, we decided to try and knock out the last 40 points to Merciless Gladiator. We ended up being paired against Ming's PMR setup that we could go 1:1 with before the patch if we were playing at our normal. It wasn't that their line-up was spectacularly original or difficult, but Ming's more unique playstyle of going all out at the beginning threw us out of our outlast 'norm.

    We went 0-7 against them in a series that ended our night's games. I can say with confidence that it wasn't them going up in general skill by 300%, or us playing drastically under our 'norm. It is simply three times more difficult to get anywhere in the matchup with our line-up.

    The games went along these lines. It didn't really fluctuate that much, because, well, you have to almost try to make a mistake with the new PMR. I would naturally have the Mage glued to me, doing a typical polymorphx3/frost nova/water elemental lock down combo. The rogue would stick to my Warlock with an AR maces/preperation build. The priest would attack my druid with constant dispelling and PW:S to prevent me from gaining rage during my 8 seconds of damage time.

    It boiled down to me being the only real damage going out, but we couldn't realisticly keep the Mage from locking me down without risking a counterspell on my druid or kick on my Warlock. I am placed in a situation where my damage is erratic and my rage generation is obsolete because of PW:S, evasion, and Ice Barrier. My only targets become the Priest and Rogue, both of which are difficult enough to drag down inbetween the Mage's harassment.

    Our Warlock can't do anything with the Rogue glued to him, and I can't get him off. Our Druid can't risk casting a cyclone for fear of being CS'd or Chastised (what a lovely, balanced racial to replace fear ward with) and even if he manages to land one the Rogue can always use his PvP trinket or CoS. The entire time their priest is timing his PI's for 6k shatter combos, pain suppression if I manage to get someone low, and dispels our Druid's HoTs to the point where he is reliant solely upon lifebloom. There isn't enough damage from either me or my Warlock to force the priest into a heal-spamming situation.

    So, my question. How does a Warrior/Warlock/Druid stand any chance against the much more difficult PMR line-up? Have any similar line-ups found any glaring flaws in PMR's offensive playstyle? We've tried everything; from having me focus on the priest to having our Warlock hang back for half a minute while we 2v3'd.

    I'd also like to say that after playing against some better teams we don't feel we can reliably beat a good PMR team. 1.5m blind with all the cooldowns an ar/prep rogue has now is insane. We can't really touch it.

    I think this is probably a good chunk of the problem. I've lost a ton of rating on all my teams in the 2 weeks since 2.3 came out just because Blind is so ridiculous now. Granted, I don't really even have the rights to be speaking in a 2400 arena thread, but having a blind that is for all intents and purposes only removable by a pvp trinket that is on a cooldown that's shorter than the pvp trinket is a little bit insane. The CC chains you can set up with an unremovable blind are pretty harsh, and it's also effectively a nerf to the PvP trinket. If you're fighting a rogue team, it might as well just be "Removes every other Blind" because you can't possibly risk using it more than that.

    Pretty much. Blind is the best CC in the game right now. As the sole healer in a 3v3, if I get blinded and cannot trinket it, the game is almost certainly over

  2. We should discuss our 5 vs 5.

    I think the team setup isnt bad, in fact i think its very good.

    Warrior - MS

    Druid - Feral

    Warlock - SL

    Paladin - Holy

    Priest - Disc

    So basically you see right away that we aint a burst or dps heavy team. So obviously we have to outlast them.

    We had a shitty start, but got better yesterday and i think we should have a game plan. It worked better when Rubber did as i do on Renew, simply pick out a healer and destroy him.

    I think we need to sort out some basic rules though. And Cait should do a lot more feral charging, cycloning, rooting etc. Having CC and not using it is failure.

    Personally id like to see Rogues cycloned, but thats just me. Maybe even druids.

    I do think we should focus Shadowpriests in one way or the other aswell. Last night we encountered atleast 5-6 teams with SP's and they mana burned, VE, VT without us doing anything. Its just a to major problem to leave them alone.

    If they start mana burning me when im felguard charged, pet charged, rogue stunned whatever. I will go oom as they will just Silence me when i try to burn back.

    We definatly should have a plan versus Shadowpriests. If not nuking em down, simply have one person constantly **** up their cast times and make them CC'ed a while. Maybe Caitlynn should do this.

    This means one less DPS on our focus which Asbo controlles i guess, but as we have 2 healers or 3 if it gets rough, + innervate and mana burning... well we shouldnt have a problem with long fights.

    And TBH if we manage to **** their Shadowpriest/DiscPriest we will probably win. I can take a beating anyway now and if im allowed to mana burn we cant lose. (Unless Asbo runs far the **** off on a charge and get focused down in a split sec, then complains about fears :mrgreen: )

  3. Well i have to be honest. As a PvP disc priest you basically shine with a support healer on yourself. You can Mass Dispel, Mana Burn, fear and obviously heal, but you are much stronger if you got one healer to heal you aswell.

    One of the reasons for this is the new Disc talent which increases healing taken. So i basically will not die ever if i get focused with an additional healer.

    I defended Galvanger in AV with a Paladin healing me and we 2 basically held it for ages and Galvanger didnt die the entire AV as we just ran into it from the GY again.


  4. I think its a setting that Engorge hasnt ticked. When it was my server i had an "allow duplicate IP's" option. I think i had an "allow duplicate users" option too?


    Though it appears others have the same problem Tarj.

    My server was 2.3, though Vent appear to have upgraded everything to 3.0 on the 14th of November, and that has **** things up for pretty much everyone who uses a Uni connection.

    Just called down to the Uni Computer wizard department, and they refused to open the port for me due to security reasons. I could though send them an e-mail telling them why i should get access, but they said it had to be a very very good reason.

    Somehow i dont think my reason is good enough.

    So basically no ventrilo for me unless its an older version or TeamSpeak. I dont really chat so thats not an issue, but its nice for PvP :(

  5. Yeah i have Sam. But it seems like the info is saved in the registry (the words Kinxer usually use atleast), because when i install it again i get the same vent info.

    I love my new PvP spec though. Managed to hold a MS, Hunter, Fire Mage zerg and when i got low --> PS

    Might not be that awesome in arenas, but i will see.

  6. Can you guys give me some advice on why i cant get the vent to work?

    I have now tried to uninstall and install it again, and i still get the same message.

    This is with 2.3


    This is when i use the exact same info on 3.0.0;


    Plx help me. plx plx fix it.

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