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Posts posted by R.Bear

  1. I think we will finish top half now tbh. I'm very confident.

    Think of it...

    Bent dint have to think twice when we came knocking, what a massage that says to the other players in the squad.

    We're spending big money. No more promises, talk and innuendo. We're ACTUALLY spending 24m on one player. Another great message to the players.

    Lerner is completely backing Houllier. The players now know that he isn't going anywhere, they will be fully behind him.

    The fans are starting turn off Ged. We all know we needed a striker, a poacher. He has gone out and spent huge to get one of the best available. Fantastic statement of intent to the whole league.

    Two transfers before the 20th Jan with supposedly more to come. Fantastic.

    This is a great day to be a Villa fan and one we have deserved. Top half and you can quote me on that.

  2. People will moan til the cows come home but we were unlucky today. Chances are just not going in.

    Thank god we didnt lose is all I'm saying, would have been worse than disasterous.

    Defence was a little more solid today, which is uncoraging and Walker provides something down the right.

    Solid performance.

  3. Get out, get out, get out.

    You cannot defend the undefendable. There are no excuses.

    Injuries? No time? Couldnt sign anyone?


    The teams immediately above us have got a lot worse squads and have put out a lot worse starting XIs.

    He's fallen out with players, hasn't got any playing particularly well and the attitude on the pitch and off from players and himself has been appalling.

    Get out you utter **** disaster of a human being.

  4. Has to be heard to be believed :lol::lol:

    Its not on YouTube yet but they keep repeating it on TalkSport. Apparently he got into a massive argument with a few Chelsea nearby fans afterwards who weren't happy with his over exuberant celebration. He also said afterwards...

    "Yeah I got lots of stick from the Chelsea fans who had been silent until Terry scored. Ive got to be impartial on the radio? Where in the rules does it say that? I've been a Villa fan since I was 7 and my team has just equalized in injury time and I'm supposed to just stand there? No chance."

    What a legend 8)

  5. I cant help but wonder what the reactions and attitude on here would have been had Clark skewed his header wide...

    Anyway, Houllier got his team selection spot on today. Real guts in the performance. Everyone did a shift but special mentions to Petrov and NRC, tireless as ever. Friedel was immense, so unlucky with the third.

    It was a great point but the old problems were there yet again. Sitting back as soon as the lead was taken and panicking in the last 10 minutes. Until we stop making the same mistakes and letting in late goals, we ill lose a lot more points in the last 10 of matches.

    But Great point and the first points from behind come at in the backyard of the champions no less.

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