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Posts posted by HolteEndRob

  1. Personally, I didn't feel anywhere near as angry in the DOL days compared to how I've felt this season! Even in Taylor's spell before DOL when we nearly went down, I didn't feel like this.


    We had an owner who weren't willing to invest much into the squad, and a pretty crap manager too :P

    True but Ellis would never have hired a man that came 3rd in a 2 horse race and that had just been relegated AGAIN with our local rivals. At least Ellis knew football and Stride was also a Villa man. Yes, Ellis made his mistakes but Randy is clueless and so is Faulkner. Even Cleveland Browns are shite!

  2. I've never been a fan. I have often shook my head in disbelief at some of the comments that I've read on here saying how highly they rate Bannan. If we stay up then we should sell him because he's never going to be a decent Premier League player. He tries too many "Hollywood" passes that don't come off, he's slow, he can't tackle and he's too small. With those attributes he's never going to be able to handle the physically demanding Premier League. Just my opinion, obviously. I'm sure some people will disagree though.

  3. The fact that we are heavily relying on teams like Blackburn, QPR, Bolton and Wigan to lose every weekend is heartbreaking and at the same time very worrying. I clenched my fist and said "Yes... get in" at every Swansea goal Vs Blackburn yesterday. I have NEVER been this disappointed in Villa before.

    Obviously not expecting us to win or draw at Old Trafford today. I'm just hoping that Arsenal don't slip up against Wigan on Monday. I hate to rely on other results going our way but it's the only thing that we can do because we certainly can't rely on Villa! Especially with how we are playing at the moment eg, can't score goals and defending like 7 year olds on a school playground.

  4. After 17 consecutive seasons as a season ticket holder, I don't think I can handle the disappointments anymore. The last two seasons have really taken their toll on me and at the moment there are absolutely no signs of improvement in the immediate future. There have been times this season where I've literally had to force myself to go to games. That's not right at all. It has really affected my personal life too as I'm always moody these days. I have NEVER been this disappointed and pissed off with Villa. The fact that Lerner has hired a shite manager and at the same time decided to operate on a shoestring budget but still expects us to do ok makes me think, why should I pay all this money every season if the club I love are not even going to be competitive? I understand about the wage bill but we still needed investment to improve! Over 500 quid a year to watch this? No thanks. Loving Villa is not enough for me to renew anymore! Cheers, yank! I'm out! And I shall be staying away until we have a new manager!

  5. Erm... off the top of my head I can't remember exactly but I'm sure that it was around June/July when the packages came out. As soon as they come out this year I'll be buying so I'll post the link in this thread for you.

  6. Yeah it was roughly 3,500 per person which is definitely worth it in my opinion. That was the top package as well. They do quite a few different ones that are alot cheaper than the one we did but obviously the cheaper options would have less perks. I think the cheapest package was about 1000 per person which included tickets to Wrestlemania and Raw (not ringside), 3-4 nights accommodation and free transport to the events. Personally I'd rather pay the full price to get the ultimate experience. I couldn't even put a number on the amount of wrestlers and ex wrestlers that we got to meet and some of the things that we were able to do was great fun. For example, go karting with Kofi Kingston and The Miz was, well, "awesome" pun intended.

  7. The 6 mentioned above plus Gary Kelly, Mark Kennedy, Jeff Kenna, Graham Kavanagh. I'm sure I remember seeing Paddy Kenny play for Ireland as well? Can't think of any others. There's bound to be a few more Keane or Kelly's though!

  8. Got back home a few hours ago. What a week! I was in Miami for Wrestlemania and for Raw and I've got to say that the past week has easily been one of the best experiences of my life. The atmosphere was amazing. I'm 27 and my brother is 14 but the way that I've been running around Miami to all of the different WWE events that had been going on all day every day you would think that it was me that was the 14 year old. I've been to America to watch WWE shows before but nothing comes close to this. The only thing that would have made it even better was if Stone Cold was involved but unfortunately he wasn't. I went abit trigger happy with my camera so I'll get a few pics posted up when I get a chance to. I'm definitely going to Wrestlemania again next year!

    Id love to do this one year. If you dont mind me asking, how long did you go for and how much was the overall cost?

    We went for 10 days. We did one of the official WWE travel packages. The VIP package included hotel accomodation, ringside seats for Wrestlemania, ringside seats for Raw, tickets for the hall of fame ceremony, entrance to all of the WWE Axxess events that happened over the week before Wrestlemania, a £50 gift card for WWE shop, transportation to and from the events, a special VIP stadium entrance for Wrestlemania where we were greeted by Mick Foley, Road Dogg and Billy Gunn plus the Wrestlemania chairs for the VIP package were collectable and we were allowed to bring them home. All of that cost £1750 per person. Then the flights were just over £600 per person with Virgin Atlantic. Bearing in mind I was also paying for my little brother, if you add spending money on top of all that it cost me roughly £7000 altogether.

    There was a bloke with a Villa shirt on in the crowd, was it you?

    No that wasn't me.

  9. Got back home a few hours ago. What a week! I was in Miami for Wrestlemania and for Raw and I've got to say that the past week has easily been one of the best experiences of my life. The atmosphere was amazing. I'm 27 and my brother is 14 but the way that I've been running around Miami to all of the different WWE events that had been going on all day every day you would think that it was me that was the 14 year old. I've been to America to watch WWE shows before but nothing comes close to this. The only thing that would have made it even better was if Stone Cold was involved but unfortunately he wasn't. I went abit trigger happy with my camera so I'll get a few pics posted up when I get a chance to. I'm definitely going to Wrestlemania again next year!

  10. As someone else has already said, I have been very tempted to just grab the lot off the internet but I've been watching one episode per week on channel 4 instead. I like it. A couple of the episodes have been abit average but overall I'd say that it's been a pretty good series so far.

  11. We are never going to win games if we are going to keep on defending like 7 year olds on a school playground! Considering McLeish is an ex centre half you would think that he'd have us well organised at defending corners. The fact that a few of the teams below us are picking up points while we continue to struggle is very worrying because we are getting dragged back in and with the fixtures that we have coming up I really am fearing for our Premier League status.

  12. Darren Bent. I was in total shock when I put SSN on and breaking news was that we had bid for him. Then when the deal was done I was over the moon. Finally we had signed a decent striker and I was confident that we would stay up thanks to his goals. Then six months later every player that assisted his goals had left the club and were not replaced. I really do wish that we had signed him 12-18 months earlier. His goals would have probably helped us claim a Champions League spot.

  13. While I have never been the biggest fan of his footballing ability during his time here, this news is absolutely shocking! I really do hope that he can pull through and make a full recovery.

  14. I used to DJ. I've played at pretty much every club and bar in and around Birmingham that is/was worth playing at. In total I've played at over 80 different venues around the UK aswell as playing in Ibiza (twice), Poland and Tenerife (three times).

    My first proper booking was in January 2007 and I knocked it on the head in September 2009. To be fair I accomplished quite alot within that two and a half year time period. Especially when you consider that I didn't even start taking DJ seriously until 2006. As well as all of the bookings, I also had a few tunes that were released on vinyl and cd. I have to admit that it was a nice feeling walking into places like HMV and seeing cd packs with some of my tunes on.

    I pretty much know the Birmingham nightlife scene inside out so if you have any questions feel free to ask and I'll try to answer them later. I would have typed abit more now but I'm on my PS3 and it only lets you type so much at once. I'll come back to it later when I'm on my laptop.

  15. Personally I'm quite sad to see this happen to GAME. I've been shopping at the store in the Pallasades in Birmingham since the Electronic Boutique days. I'd say 90% of the games that I've bought in the last 10 years have been from GAME. I always did my pre-orders with them too.

    I had about 9 quid left on my loyalty card I think. I was planning on taking some games to trade in later on this week. I know that I can still trade in elsewhere but GAME always offered me better prices than the likes of HMV. Oh well, sign of the times I guess. Big shame though!

  16. When I decided to stop drinking alcohol that was it, I stopped! I wasn't drinking alcohol every single day. I'd say on average I was drinking 4 times a week but one day I thought **** this and I put a halt to it. I haven't had a drop of alcohol for 8 months now and I really don't miss it either. I still go out and enjoy myself with my mates and I never have the urge to start drinking again. I know in some cases it's not as simple as just stopping altogether straight away but it has worked for me.

  17. I still play it quite regularly. I'm involved a pretty decent elite clan and it's good to play when there's a team full of us. The amount of camping that people do is ridiculous though and it seems to get worse by the day. If I didn't have a laugh on there with my mates then I reckon that I'd hardly play it. Most of the maps are shit and the new ones that have been released are not exactly great either!

  18. What an opportunity for Michael Bisping now! Mark Munoz is injured and has had to pull out of his fight with Chael Sonnen on the 28th so Bisping is going to be fighting Sonnen with the winner getting a title shot Vs Anderson Silva. The trash talk between Bisping and Sonnen should be funny over the next week or so. Even if Bisping does manage to beat Sonnen there is no chance that he'd beat Anderson Silva! Great opportunity though!

  19. I wasn't happy with the Jose Aldo's win. At one point in the fight Mendes was about to slam Aldo, he had him in mid air and was just about to slam then Aldo grabbed the cage and levelled himself. Without Aldo's hand grabbing the cage he was certainly going to be slammed pretty hard and put on his back. It's pretty cynical cheating in my opinion and the referee missed it.

    Yeah that was quite bad from Aldo. It does annoy me sometimes when they try to gain an unfair advantage by doing things like grabbing the cage and grabbing shorts.

  20. Your story of the incident has brought back memories from what happened to a lad at school whilst we were in Andorra on a skiing trip. Like you, he fell awkwardly and he broke his leg. If the ski would have come off his foot then he probably would have suffered minimal damage but the ski staying on sort of made his foot bend one way and his leg bend another way. That was about 12 years ago and it still makes me shudder whenever I'm reminded about it as I was only 15-20 feet away from him when it happened. I've witnessed some very bad accidents but it is safe to say that this incident is one of the worst.

    I hope your road to recovery goes as smoothly as possible.

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