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Posts posted by QuintonK6

  1. Warnock: 0... No comment !!

    A Young: 6 ... Tried to make things happen but no service on the wing.

    Downing: 3... Did he play today ?

    Harsh marking for Warnock and Downing imo.

    Warnock had a wobble at the start of the game but then played much better, he made a lot of last ditch tackles in the box to stop Arsenal from scoring.. did you forget them or just not watch the 2nd half?

    Downing was as good as Ash imo.

    Warnock was caught out of position after 25secs and was consistently caught all game - He is utter shit and I can't bring myself to heap any praise on him. I've been every game this season home & away and cup and he has been a liability in all them.

    Downing is a pussy full stop !! When were leading and not chasing the game he looks good - Like Man Utd last week. Today he was useless !! If you can tell me 1 thing he did today for me to raise my mark I'll donate £10 to VT ??

    Ashley wanted the ball and tried to win it back when he lost it. He drifted inside to get the ball and tried to assist & help the attack - Albeit to no effect !! When he had the ball out wide put balls in hence the higher mark.

    I don't want to criticize Downing to much as he's been pretty good this season but when he's no up for it he's awful. When were loosing and looking for that bit extra ie tackle or some committed chasing back etc he hides on the wing.

  2. Friedel: 5 ...1 great save but let down by the defence.

    Young: 5... Very poor today gave nothing either end.

    Collins: 5... Can't belive how he was getting out jumped by Shamak - Didn't look fit to me.

    Dunne: 4 ... No leadership, No pace. Over the years there's been God,Teal,,Mellberg,Laurson - He's not fit to lace any of there boots IMO.

    Warnock: 0... No comment !!

    A Young: 6 ... Tried to make things happen but no service on the wing.

    Downing: 3... Did he play today ?

    Bannan: 6 ... Some great touches from the wee man but also some wayward passes 1st half.

    Clark: 7.5 ...MOTM. Impressive again. Much better in midfield than CD. Can pass, tackle and now we know he can shoot and get goals.

    Pires: 4... 1 decent run 1st half is all i saw him do. Too old and too slow. Houllier would have done better giving him a coaching job as the PL is beyond him - Hope he proves me wrong.

    Carew 2 Doesn't want to play for Houllier that's obvious now.

  3. He is a natural central midfield.

    I really have no clue in what other position he could play.

    I like the look of Clarke in midfield. No disrespect to Hogg as he's a young man thrown in at the deep end but I hope Clarke takes his position in the side once Carlos and Collins are back.

    I think Clarkes going to become an Iconic player for us for many years to come.

  4. Still think we'll finish in the top 8. This league is so open and we'll come good for sure once everyone's fit and hopefully a few additions in Jan.

    Gonna be in no particular order.










  5. Friedel - 5

    At fault for the first goal and didn't really do a lot else.

    Luke Young - 0

    Atrocious all game. He kept losing his man in open play, wasn't marking properly at any set pieces and couldn't control the ball or pass well enough to help Downing get forward. I don't think I've ever seen him play worse for Villa

    Stephen Warnock - 3

    He was actually playing really well for about 40 minutes, and then the silly challenges started again

    Richard Dunne - 6

    Better than I've seen him play in a while, probably because the rest of the defence was so bad...

    Ciaran Clark - 4

    He's still learning, but he got taught a lesson by Roberts in the second half.

    Stewart Downing - 5

    Very average. He hasn't played that poorly for us for a while, and just shouldn't be on the right-wing

    Ashley Young - 0

    All of a sudden he seems to think that if he doesn't want to play where the manager tells him to he can just ignore instruction. In the end he just got in Agbonlahor's way, making Ireland's life difficult and effectively ruined most of our first half chances in particular by spoiling our shape.

    Jonathan Hogg - 6

    Can't compete in the air, but made very few mistakes compared to our other midfielders and got stuck in. I think he's underrated by our fans.

    Barry Bannan - 5

    Started very well, and when the team is going forward he looks dangerous. Inexperience started to creep into his game in the second half however, and he started to make bad decisions

    Stephen Ireland - 5

    Needs to take more responsibility to win back possession, but he actually looks like he could create good opportunities in front of goal for us. Not helped by Ashley being a prima donna or Gabby's shocking performance

    Gabby Agbonlahor - 2

    Probably wasn't fit, but really shouldn't have bothered if that was all he had to offer.

    **** me mate - Did you go or watch on sky ?? I was there and disagree with every mark.

    Ireland better than Ashley and Warnock better than Young ??????

    I'm gobsmacked !!!

  6. Ulver

    Firstly let me say I agree totally about the Tracy Andrews thing. Much as i hate that club that song does not belong on the terraces at Villa park. It only brings us down to the level they've been at for years!!

    However that said i do think you should change your user name from Ulver to Vulva cos you need to remember that its a football match your at not f***in wimbledon!!!

    I'm a middle aged bloke, I was there Saturday & i was as drunk as a skunk (tbf i'd had a lot more than three though), I was stood on my seat most of the game singing old great songs that need to be sung more regular, at one point i had my trousers off singing "jeans off if you love Villa" & got absolutely slaughtered by those around me about the size of my knob. And do you know what I HAD A BLOODY BRILLIANT DAY OUT!!

    The atmosphere Saturday remided me of how it used to be years ago before all seating & over zealous stewarding stopped 'fun days' out at the match.

    There was not a hint of trouble despite the crowd around me looking like Alcoholics Anonymous had decided "**** the wagon lets go on a piss up".

    And fair play to the stewards in P7 who handled it all with good humour!!

    Vulva - if you don't like drunks, singing, bad language or middle aged men don't go to the match!! Spend your Saturdays in a health spa getting your vagina waxed!!

    UTV & Lets have more away days like Saturday!!!

    Glad you put this mate as it saved my fingers typing it all out as I'm raging !!

    As much as you (Ulver) hate the fans you criticise in your post there are many that dislike fans like you. IMO Fcking moaners who turn up with a flask and the Mrs in toe who knows sod all about footabll. I've no doubt you try to encourage a gang of lads out of town on the piss watching there beloved football team on a Sat,Sun afternoon to sit down because you can't see the pitch.

    You need to grow a pair mate. Football is a passion as well as a damm good day out when your away from home at in another City. Emotions run high when needed and laughs a plenty when not - that's the fun of away days. When Duff slammed Ashley into the corner flag everyone with 100ft of me wanted to get on the pitch and throttle the little pikey - But of course.. in a football fan type of way. Only 20 mins before that incident the whole away was in fits of laughter at the shoes off banter.

    I assume you found both incidents utterly disgusting and wont be attending any more away games this season ? With any luck !!

    With these sorts of opinions you wont find many friends within the AVFC brotherhood and would be better of supporting the likes of Fulham who's fans are emotionless, boring middle class zombies.

  7. Lived up to it's best away day bill. Cracking day the sun turned up as well as the Villa.

    Best away turn out this season - I was speaking to a couple of Fulham fans @ Putney Bridge whilst waiting for the tube, they said 99% of Fulham fans consider we are the best away support in the country. I was well chuffed with that !!

  8. I would have taken a draw before the game looking at the team sheet but walked out feeling like a defeat.

    My ratings...

    # Brad... 8 - Did nowt wrong.

    # Lukey.. 8 - Solid, Villa's Dennis Irwin !!

    # Warnock 6 - Still giving the ball away to much.

    # Dunne 7 - Better but got caught a couple of time dwelling.

    # Collins 8 - Superb, Won everything.

    # NRC 7 - Was looking solid again until injury.

    # Clarke 8 - Ready made Petrov replacement fantastic !!

    # Downing 7 - Played really well and becoming a consistent performer for us now.

    # Bannan 10 - Amazing 1st half performance the Fulham fans will be Googling him tonight !!

    # Albrighton 9 - Was completely on Bannans wave length great goal and put in some great balls.

    # Ashley 5 - Worst I've seen him for ages and the young lads showed him up !!

    # Fonz 7 - Wasted to many chances but he was there to miss so hope it will come with games.

    Atmosphere 10 - Best away support this season !!

  9. Nobody has mentioned much on ticketing on this thread so for your info season ticket holder can buy tickets for £25.00 non season ticket holders £30.00 not sure on the alloction as yet.

    To those that are worrying about safety i have been enough times and had no bother. Aslong as you dont advertise the fact you are a Villa fan you should be fine. The only place where it becomes obvious is the entrance to the away end.

    The Police will be out in force and dont be surprised to be kept in for half an hour this might not happen on a night game i guess it depends on the result as such.

    When did you get this info - AVFC ?

  10. I go Villa home and away virtually every game (away) If you want trouble you'll find it simple as. I not been a Villa Blues game home or away in the last 7/8 years where I've not come away without seeing 1 incident. This fixture is notoriously known throughout the UK's football supporters as being one of the worst.

    I heard one of the UB40 lads on Talksport this morning saying it would be great to have Villa and Blues fans mingle and share a drink before games like Liverpool and Everton - I nearly crashed my car with the thought and fits of laughter in the back. It will never happen as the hatred is frightening and always will be.

    On a match day the SHA inbreds are what the Taliban are to the Royal Marines.

  11. That I may be alone in thinking it is what it tells me. Should it tell me anything else?

    for the record I don't like Young's actions in diving and whinging so much either, it just so happens that those aren't quite as scummy in my view as kicking out petulantly at the opponent.

    Still, lets not waste the bandwidth, eh?

    Majority of Villa Fans will support there player regardless of what's right or wrong especially against SHA. Remember Dions headbutt on Savage ? That gave Dion in my eyes and every other Villa fan i now legendary status and the freedom of B'ham - For the record are you a Brummie and does beating the scum mean anything to you ??

  12. NRC's kick out should be worthy of a fine and stripping of the armband imo too. I don't want to see Aston Villa resort to that, especially from what the armband wearer. That belongs to the scum of the league, not us.

    You are surely on a wind-up, right? Look we all know you have a personal vendetta against Nigel Reo-Coker - and that you must be feeling more than a little embarrassed at the moment because the player you've been campaigning against for so long has now been made our captain :lol:

    Are you not big enough to hold your hands up and admit when you are so clearly wrong? Check out the MOTM poll and then try and tell me Reo-Coker was 6/10 in today's game. A good proportion of people thought he was the best player on the pitch - and rightly so - as he showed Petrov what being a captain is all about and fought for Aston Villa from the off. He was absolutely everywhere in that game - his work rate and commitment is quite frankly commendable. And he did an absolutely brilliant job of breaking up play, which is his primary job.

    If the other 10 players were that committed then we might just have won. You might like to vastly exaggerate what happened today because of your vendetta against him - which is getting somewhat tedious now to say the least - but football is still a contact sport and this was a Second City derby. What Reo-Coker supposedly did is seen in at least one Premiership game every weekend - that's a lot of fines being dished out eh Chindie? Even McLeish said that it "could" have been a sending off in some referee's eyes - which doesn't seem like a reaction that suggests he should be fined and stripped of the captaincy now, does it?

    Maybe you are just playing on the situation to suit your arguement, if you can call it that...

    Well said mate - I honestly can't believe the opinions of some people on this site. It makes me ashamed to be associated to the same club as some of these people !!

  13. I saw it.

    2 coach loads of Blues turned up singing shit on the Villa and the usual Lulu Lulu. Villa fans charged the 1st load with bottles been thrown etc then the 2nd coach load came in behind sandwiching the Villa fans. Loads of jumping around and bottle throwing before the old bill formed lines and drew a few batons swinging them around like they wanted the row.

    The cup game is going to be a mare to police - I can see us being locked in a long time after the final whistle then all hell breaking loose when were finally released into the open. Great police tactic that.. 2000 Villa fans walking down the hill when everyone's gone bar a few hundred Blue nose knuckle draggers waiting at the bottom for the ruck.

  14. I can't take any positives out this game I'm afraid other than the fact it wasn't televised for everyone else to see how poor we were.

    4-5-1 at home against a very average team IMO is very very negative and Houlier needs to look at himself. Our whole bench consisted of attacking players yet it took until the 83rd minute to go 2 up front. Clarke,NRC and Sidwel are all defensive minded and not 1 of them at any time supported Heskey. Dunne again looked shakey and the way Jerome out paced him and knocked him off the ball was embarrassing to him - It's just a good job he can't cross otherwise that would have been the opener.

    I know we've got injures but 4-5-1 at home FFS !!! I'm gutted and I feels like a defeat to me. Also what has happened to our support ? We can't even fill the stadium against the shit - And Randy wants to expand the stadium ??

  15. **** sake, why is Dunne still playing.

    I've been expressing this opinion since the Newcastle game. He's been terrible all season and the same for the Irish. This happened at Man City when his form went completely tits up for no reason. It's gotta be Collins and either Clarke/Cuellar pairing from now on in.

    On the bright side our new system of play is very pleasing IMO and NRC is in the form of his career at this moment. Will be very exciting when Delph comes back as I feel this will be the new midfield paring from next season on.

    Houllier is no mug and I'd bet my arsehole to a Kings Cross kerb crawler his No1 priority is a Centre Forward as we can't possibly compete for a top 6 spot with the current crop up front.

    I'm really optimistic tho and think once Houllier has established his best 11 and signed a CF we'll be very competitive.

  16. - The "Meatball wrappe" I had at half-time. I have never tasted anything so vile in all my life - and the wrap itself was like biting into cardboard. What a waste of £3.60.

    At least you got what you ordered; the so called 'last two steak & kidley pies' which your brother and I had turned out to be cheese & onion!!, and were equally shit.

    I learnt my lesson years ago about the quality of food offered at Spurs and most London clubs for that matter.

    Always a kebab for me at the lane - There's so many Turks down there you can't go wrong.. :winkold:

  17. Moan,moan and fcuking moan....

    Ive not missed a game this season, and i say that because you need to have seen them to see the progress we are making. This team is evolving, and with the aquisition of a decent DM and Striker, will be a team to be proud of.

    Yes, we lost, but you have to see the whole picture. I came away yesterday feeling very happy, and confident for the rest of the season.

    Downside was the Cockney shit who threw something at us, whilst hiding behind his other cockney flotsom. All mouth and wind, and that includes their thick useless, lazy stewards.

    Like you I've been every game this season and can see a huge change in our style of play in the last 3 games under Houllier - Looking good for the future IMO.

    As for the Spurs stewards ... The worst in the League.. :evil:

  18. Hi folks,

    Was just wandering what you think of the mighty Cuellar Playing at right back again this season.

    I know hes not a natural right attacking full back but he seems to provide us with the following:

    - Strong physical presence

    - Solid at defending set pieces

    - good at attacking from set pieces

    - confidence for the rest of the team

    - I know he lacks pace, but last season we had one of the best Defences in the league.

    - This season it seems as though we have looked more vulnerable defensively when he has not been in the team.

    keep the faith!

    Are you Mad ????

    We got one of the best right backs in the league playing there.

    Carlos is a CH and should be playing there with Collins at Dunne's expence. If Carlos plays at right back this season at the expense of Young I'll throw my Season ticket in the bin !!

    I really rate Luke Young too its tricky!

    You dont rate dunne then - quite a few people thought he was one of the last season best buys ?

    Do you think are defence is better so far this year

    I do rate Dunne mate.

    He had a great season last year alongside Collins. This year he has been well below par. He's been at fault for so many goals and was a complete liability at Newcastle. I rate Carlos (as a CH) really highly and have been campaigning for him and Collins to start together. I thought they were superb against Wolves and felt for Carlos being dropped today. I think Houillier is no mug and sees the game very well. It wont be long before he reinstates the Collins/Cuellar partnership especially after Dunnes poor performance again today. A simlar thing happened to Dunne at Citeh before he joined us. He was player of the season for them the one season and had a complete mare the next witch ultimately (along with the Arabs money) led to his departure.

  19. Hi folks,

    Was just wandering what you think of the mighty Cuellar Playing at right back again this season.

    I know hes not a natural right attacking full back but he seems to provide us with the following:

    - Strong physical presence

    - Solid at defending set pieces

    - good at attacking from set pieces

    - confidence for the rest of the team

    - I know he lacks pace, but last season we had one of the best Defences in the league.

    - This season it seems as though we have looked more vulnerable defensively when he has not been in the team.

    keep the faith!

    Are you Mad ????

    We got one of the best right backs in the league playing there.

    Carlos is a CH and should be playing there with Collins at Dunne's expence. If Carlos plays at right back this season at the expense of Young I'll throw my Season ticket in the bin !!

  20. Just got back from the game so here's my 2p's worth...

    Friedel - Did what was required no real chance with either goal......... 6

    L Young - Bale didn't get any change from him Rock Solid again....... 7

    Warnock - Better than his last few performances ............................ 6

    Dunne - Still not at his best but better, at fault for 1st goal IMO .... 6

    Collins - Rock solid again struggled with Crouch in the air ............ 7

    Downing - Average performance provided some decent width at times 6

    A Young - No real threat from Ash, Let down by Carew IMO ............. 6

    Albrighton - Usual Excellent 1st half from Marc, Faded 2nd again ........ 6.5

    Petrov - Can't see what Stan provides since NRC re-emerged ...... 6

    Reo-Coker - One word Immense , Captains armband should be his ... 9

    Heskey - Brilliant again until injury - Totally Re-Born ................... 8

    Carew - No confidence, Very poor display from the big man ....... 4

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