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Posts posted by rjenkins

  1. Rather than staying calm and letting Houllier continue to ruin our club...

    The club was here a long time before GH, and will remain so a long time after he has left. If we lose to West Brom AND Wigan, then we can start to ask questions, but can anyone honestly say they thought the side we were forced to put our against Liverpool was anywhere near capable of beating them?

  2. If we sack Houllier now we would have to:

    Replace his coaching team and revise his scouting arrangements

    Find a new manager

    Agree terms with that new manager and his team

    The new manager would have to fully assess the squad

    Find out what areas need strengthening

    Find available players

    Scout those players to see if they are suitable for us/are willing to join

    There are just over three weeks until the transfer window, it would be madness to replace Houllier now. What we need is stability.

    We're not in the relegation zone yet, and there are some very bad teams below us. Let's save the hysterics until there is an actual crisis, and until then we should just get behind the team and hope that Houllier has got some kind of vision for the club.

  3. Tonight was massively frustrating for me, because it was Small Heath, because of the way we played, and because of the manner of the goals we conceded.

    Houllier must be gutted. It seems to me that, for the really big occasions, he's got us playing some good football and we seem to come out up for it at the start of a game. Both of the goals they scored tonight were the result of Richard Dunne and James Collins combining horribly against the run of play. This was certainly not the same as the games against Blackburn or Arsenal, where we were just poor full stop.

    Dunne has been poor all season, and if Cuellar had not gotten injured, I'd hope Houllier would have enough sense to make sure that by now he'd have been dropped. Collins was poor against Arsenal and poor again tonight, and he seems to have a habit of being easy to lose if you're a striker running into the box. Lastly, Friedel is showing his age. This has to be his last season for us. On the plus side though, I thought Luke Young was better tonight than he has been recently, although he's still performing worse than Warnock in my opinion, (although I've rarely agreed with the criticism of Warnock from a section of Villa fans generally) and Hogg, Bannan and Gabby can all be proud of their performances tonight.

    My ratings:

    Friedel - 5

    L Young - 7

    Collins - 5

    Dunne - 4

    Warnock - 7

    Bannan - 7

    Hogg - 8

    Clark - 6

    Downing - 6

    A Young - 6

    Agbonlahor - 8

  4. Friedel - 6

    L. Young - 3

    Dunne - 5

    Collins - 4

    Warnock - 4

    Downing - 2

    Clark - 5

    Bannan - 5

    Pires - 4

    A. Young - 3

    Carew - 2


    Delfouneso - 7

    Ireland - 6

    Herd - N/A

    For me, we were poor all game. From the first minute we looked lethargic and disjointed. I think this is predominantly down the number of first-team midfielders we are missing but Houllier also got his tactics wrong in the first half. Pires supporting Carew wouldn't have been an inspired move even if Carew could trap or pass a football. We needed a leader today to organise the team and we didn't have one, and I think a few players (Downing in particular) just didn't look bothered today. 4-2 makes the game sound better than it was for us.


  5. I have two spare Holte End Upper tickets for the match against Arsenal. I had booked four, as my mates and I are going to see Interpol on the Friday night and I thought it would make a perfect end to the trip to see the mighty Villa against one of the biggest clubs in the country.

    What I had forgotten is that the game clashes with the Wales vs. All Blacks rugby game in Cardiff, and so since two of the lads had seats for the eggchasing, I'm left with spares.

    The tickets are in a good central position (K3 Row 23) and whilst I paid £38 a ticket for the seats, I'll accept £60 (or nearest offer) from anyone willing to take the pair.

    Let me know if you're interested. I'll be at the game so I can arrange to meet you somewhere around the ground before kick off to hand over tickets and payment.

    Cheers guys,


  6. When he brought Pires on, I thought he should have shifted Young to the wing and played Pires in the hole. Pires doesn't have the legs to play on the wing any more. Don't think he ran once, jogging or walking everywhere. Young looked good on the few occasions he drifted out to the wing as well. Not to mention how good Downing was on the left last week, and fairly inefective this.

    And who the hell voted Ireland as MOTM!?

    I think a vote for any Villa player after today is redundant tbh.

  7. Friedel - 5

    At fault for the first goal and didn't really do a lot else.

    Luke Young - 0

    Atrocious all game. He kept losing his man in open play, wasn't marking properly at any set pieces and couldn't control the ball or pass well enough to help Downing get forward. I don't think I've ever seen him play worse for Villa

    Stephen Warnock - 3

    He was actually playing really well for about 40 minutes, and then the silly challenges started again

    Richard Dunne - 6

    Better than I've seen him play in a while, probably because the rest of the defence was so bad...

    Ciaran Clark - 4

    He's still learning, but he got taught a lesson by Roberts in the second half.

    Stewart Downing - 5

    Very average. He hasn't played that poorly for us for a while, and just shouldn't be on the right-wing

    Ashley Young - 0

    All of a sudden he seems to think that if he doesn't want to play where the manager tells him to he can just ignore instruction. In the end he just got in Agbonlahor's way, making Ireland's life difficult and effectively ruined most of our first half chances in particular by spoiling our shape.

    Jonathan Hogg - 6

    Can't compete in the air, but made very few mistakes compared to our other midfielders and got stuck in. I think he's underrated by our fans.

    Barry Bannan - 5

    Started very well, and when the team is going forward he looks dangerous. Inexperience started to creep into his game in the second half however, and he started to make bad decisions

    Stephen Ireland - 5

    Needs to take more responsibility to win back possession, but he actually looks like he could create good opportunities in front of goal for us. Not helped by Ashley being a prima donna or Gabby's shocking performance

    Gabby Agbonlahor - 2

    Probably wasn't fit, but really shouldn't have bothered if that was all he had to offer.

  8. Ireland off after 60 minutes again tonight... Hope things pick up for him, although I think he could do with a few more full games. I thought he was unlucky to get substituted against Chelsea and he shows glimpses of class. I am not worried yet, Milner and Petrov weren't great when they first came here after all, but I can't say that he's performing as well as I hoped he would.

  9. I think this 'crap atmosphere' claim is really just a matter of where you are in the stadium. Villa Park isn't a great shape for keeping noise within the ground. I had a great time in the upper holte yesterday and couldn't hear the chelsea fans at all the entire game. I think that perhaps the trinity and doug ellis stands may not be starting many chants but I don't recognise the scenario as being as bad as some of you guys make out.

  10. Friedel - 8

    Solid throughout, did all that was asked of him

    Beye - 6

    Whilst he undoubtedly had a harder task than Warnock, he was only ok for me. His positioning sometimes looked a little off to me.

    Warnock - 7

    Thought he had his best game for a while, he looked determined and strong.

    Dunne - N/A

    Collins - 8

    Excellent performance considering he was up against a top-class forward. Hardly put a foot wrong.

    Downing - 9

    My MOTM, all season long he's been looking composed on the ball and more dangerous in possession and today he was very good defensively and offensively.

    Young - 6

    Not one of his better showings, but Ferreira marshalled him well and he still managed to get himself involved in some of our attacks

    Petrov - 6

    I thought he was Jekyll and Hyde yesterday, sometimes getting stuck in and keeping the midfield shape, passing well, but the ball gets stuck under his feet so often and his lack of pace was exploited by the Chelsea midfield at times.

    Reo-Coker - 8

    All of a sudden Reo is one of the first names on the team-sheet.

    Ireland - 7

    I think he's a player who drifts in and out of games, but he's genuinely skillful and creative and, especially in the second half, every pass forward he made could have led to a chance. I think with a run in the side he'll create lots of goals for us, and it's the most impressed with him I've been since we signed him.

    Carew - 6

    Decent first half, couldn't get into the game again in the second.


    Clark - 8

    Delfouneso - 5

    Sidwell - N/A

  11. A few people mentioned that Warnock had a great match.

    Maybe I was watching a different match, but Warnock was exposed and played poorly. It looked like after he picked up a knock, he always does, he couldnt get forward and couldn't defend well.

    Oh and he got done on the Bolton goal.

    Speaking of the Bolton goal, did anyone else see Downing just moping around? Warnock gets beaten and Downing should be hustling back to cover for him. Nada. Downing defends like he's a striker. Shocking match from him.

    Collins was huge and so was Friedel. Why the F was Dunne starting?

    Cuellar played well and showed some hustle. He even got forward and put that cross into the box that Gabby so poorly knocked out for a goal kick.

    Ashley Young isn't a AMF or second striker. He's a winger......sooo frustrating.

    We were lucky to get a point.

    I thought Warnock did ok actually. He made a few errors but he put in some good tackles as well and even won his fair share of headers against a very physical side. He got done for the goal yes, but Richard Dunne and Luke Young were all partly at fault also, so it's unfair I think to lay all the blame with Warnock.

  12. The way I see it, if Randy and the board have sought advice from outsiders before drawing up a shortlist, and then conducted interviews with all of their favoured applicants where possible, then for Houllier to come out as favourite as a result of this process is surely encouraging, whatever we think of his past record.

    Hell, I know I've been in interviews where, at first glance of the competition I've thought 'I'll be lucky to get this', but there's a tried and tested process involved in filling vacancies in all businesses. Randy is not an idiot and he'll know this. Keep the faith, at the very least we still have a good team of players and Houllier is a manager with a track record of winning trophies. UTV!

  13. This is the latest from the Independant , States that he is going for the "manager" role not DOF role .............


    Thank god for posting that, i can now go to bed in a better mood 8)

    Houllier as Manager im happy with, Macca as first team coach im also happy with.

    Good night all :)

    I'd be happier with that too, but I've just thought of possible snag with having Houiller as manager.

    Isn't "Gérard Houiller's claret and blue army" going to be a bit hard to sing, especially for several minutes at a time?

    Oh well... at least it's not Vahid Halilhodzic.

    He sounds like a decent coach to be honest

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