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Posts posted by maloneyt

  1. One I was emailed today:

    At first I was afraid, I was petrified,

    Kept thinking "can we score enough to stay a Premier side?"

    But then I turned on SkySports news, the banner told me that you signed,

    And I felt fine, I knew you'd score every time,

    And so we're back, we're staying up,

    You're so much better than Heskey oh Bent your balls I want to cup,

    I want to kiss you when you score, I want to hug you when you miss,

    And if you score against the Blues I'll even rim you when you piss,

    Well now go, walk on the pitch,

    Just turn around now, and make agent Ridgewell your bitch,

    Bent you're the one who's going to score a cheeky lob,

    A left foot screamer, and a tap in off your knob,

    Oh Darren Bent, from here to Kent,

    We love your lovely little face, best 18 mil we ever spent,

    And we'll bake you a birthday cake, with a candle and a flake,

    Darren Bent, oh Darren Bent, hey hey


    LOL! We would be the campest team in the league if we sung that.

    magical :clap:

  2. Hi General great to have you back.

    A group of us are messaging across the AVFC forums about creating a club anthem. We are looking to set up a poll on each in the near future and then add up the results to give the winner which we would like to hear at the ground. My question is whether you and the club would be behind it if we came to you when we have our decision?

    Thank you.

  3. all I create one on a separate thread or on this one? I think we should wait till wednesday evening then set it up?

    What's happening Wednesday night? Sorry I haven't been keeping up.

    dont worry you haven't missed anything, I just thought tomorrow was too close and the weekend too far away :lol:

  4. yes its down to the fans to create the atmosphere so thats what were trying to do here. my inspiration is YNWA. classic known by all, passed down from dad to son, PA sets tempo, crowd join, its electric. we are trying to start it off here, it can be played over PA, put on OS as the general has said he is fully behind the idea and hear that amazing roar from all 4 stands after it on kick off. it can be achieved.

  5. no. listen mate we're all villa fans here, we are just trying this out alright, not really sure what your issue is? if it doesn't work fine but may as well give it a go. another forum has noticed this thread and got a bit of discussion on there, get it on a the rest hopefully and facebook, big poll, general, you never know. sorry if your'e not behind it.

  6. We could use this
    (great at 1 minute in) to either of these efforts:

    He scores with his left, he scores with his right.

    That Darren Bent, he is dynamite.

    Or as a general chant for the whole Villa team:

    They're great down the left, they're great down the right,

    That team Aston Villa, it is dynamite.

    With the fans swaying to the left and right whilst chanting it would be a **** amazing sight. Imagine the Holte End and North Stand Lower doing this in sync?

    Agree with any of those, both would look quality.

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