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Posts posted by bielesibub

  1. not wanting to be confrontational or anything, but I quite like the new badge. It looks like Aston Villa. I'm looking forward to seeing this badge as it is this season, then next season we can bicker about how the second star makes the badge look lop-sided.

    • Like 3
  2. 15 minutes ago, Tegis said:

    Hornets here are pretty docile and slow, big though. I'm not going to pet it.

    We have one wasp variant that have nests in the soil and they are horrible. Aggressive as **** and last time one got me I turned into Gothmog

    I choked with laughter! brilliant.

    We had a hornet in our wood burner a couple of years ago, I squealed round the house like a little girl for ages while I thought about what to do. The thing was enormous. I killed it using the deodorant flame thrower trick I perfected when I was younger.

    • Haha 1
  3. 4 hours ago, tomav84 said:

    derby day today. looks quite an open one. think dancing gemini is overpriced so that's the one i'm on

    I agree, my computer says City of Troy is the favourite but with a 44% chance of winning. As a punt I went for Bellum Justum - my system has it coming 5th and the best e/w option.

  4. 1 minute ago, Teale's 'tache said:

    Yep, good spot, just checked the website code as sometimes those can be a pain for caching, but it is still pointing to the old crest image as far as I can tell, be interesting to see how long it takes them to update it, are they among us?... 🤔

    🤓 I geeked it as well, still pointing to the wrong image.

    • Like 1
  5. spacer.png

    Just pushed the website link to my nippers to say the site had been rebranded, WhatsApp still bringing up the old badge. Think they need to update the website meta tags?

    Answered my own question - yes, they do need to update the sites meta tag - og:image

    • Like 1
  6. Not sure if this is the best thread, I just read What You Shouldn't Know About Quantum Computers . It's a run down of what author sees as the most common myths surrounding quantum computers and quantum computing. Amongst other things, the thing that really caught my eye was that in the future there might be a QPU in future computing devices, like we have GPUs nowadays; obviously once all the challenges that surround the current quantum processing units (supercooling and the like) 


    For almost twenty years, my blog, “Shtetl-Optimized,” has been (I'd like to think) the central clearinghouse on the Internet for puncturing inflated claims about how quantum computers would work and what kinds of problems they would help with. That's sort of my beat. I never planned it that way, but the more hype flooded the tech press, the less choice I felt.

    Yet in all that time I never thought to write, much less did I actually write, a pithy book called “What You Shouldn't Know About Quantum Computers.” My colleague Chris Ferrie did. He's the same guy who coauthored the surprise bestseller “Quantum Computing for Babies.” Now he's back, with something for those babies to read when they're slightly older.


    • Thanks 1
  7. 1 hour ago, UpTheVilla26 said:

    Why are they having all that stuff - which I'd have thought most Conference sides already have - installed, when they are moving to a new 500,000 seater stadium that will host every major event ever known to mankind for the foreseeable future? 

    I've heard it'll be the launch pad for the next moon landings and beyond, it's going to be proper space exploration, we're going to see the first man to land on the surface of the sun. and it's all come from a proper place. mate.

    • Haha 2
  8. 1 hour ago, wishywashy said:


    Today in Small Heath they are bragging about not one but *two* newly installed screens over at St Andrews. Groundbreaking technology that has *not* been in stadia for decades.

    It's over for us. No coming back from that one

    adding on to those ground breaking Matsui screens they've also got a knotweed problem over where their new 60 gazillion seater stadium is going to be, we cant compete with that. we're utterly done. 

    • Sad 1
  9. 15 hours ago, mottaloo said:

    They STILL just can't let it go.....someone needs tell Amy VAR  and Hawkeye are not the same thing 🤣



    I'm not sure what AmyT is trying to say here "They would not be in the Premier League if goal line technology did not not work ......"
    I pretty sure if you say this sentence out loud in front of a mirror, a portal opens up and you get transported into a land where everyone has 6 fingers on each hand, webbed feet and love playing the banjo.

    • Haha 4
  10. 39 minutes ago, magnkarl said:

    Would you say that Hamas isn’t emboldened by the wide scale support their cause gets across the West with very little mention of their hostage taking and terror in the same marches?

    Palestine seems to be able to pull it all off, act like Islamic barbarians, receive aid and help from across the globe and still have very little demanded of them in the way of acting in any way towards peace. 

    You bring up some really good thought provoking points, this one above is another example and I'd like to add neither side are any good at this. As an outsider looking in, both sides need their heads knocking together and being put into the naughty corner - no questions.

  11. 52 minutes ago, magnkarl said:

    Supported the actions of 7/10 more like. Selective judgement really isn’t good, Israeli or Palestinian alike.

    By your argument of ‘they started it’, surely Israel being invaded every 5 or so years justifies a lot, no? Or are we not using your logic for your team? 


    Tacitly supporting either side in this dumpster fire of a conflict (like millions are in London every weekend) is asinine. It emboldens whichever side you’re supporting. Some actual improvements from Palestine’s government before one gives them the all clear to keep on keeping on would be a good idea, no?

    I'm not sure what I've said that has meant you've been able to twist it that I made an argument of 'they started it', puerile. Israel being invaded every 5 years or so is utterly awful, and I'd never say otherwise so please don't try putting words in my mouth, likewise I guess being suppressed is also awful as you say there is a load of bad on each side. as you say there is utter filth happening on both sides, both sides look utterly sad and desperate. As for 'my team' childishness, good luck. mate.

  12. 1 minute ago, magnkarl said:

    Polls, they’re actually a thing.

    oh, I get you. not sure how I would be if I was polled about if I supported my government while I was being shot at, forced from my home, starved, tortured by the other side.

    • Like 1
  13. 2 minutes ago, magnkarl said:

    Hamas has 58% support on Gaza and well over 40% in the WB for what they did. Far more than the lousy 15% for Israel’s government. 

    wow, what a fantastically democratic country Israel is if it lets a government take control with only 15% of the vote.

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