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Posts posted by Davies4England

  1. Good debut, as others have said he looked a bit off the pace but that will come with time. For someone who has probably had two training sessions he always seemed to know where his teammates were and instinctively read some of the runs our attackers made.

  2. Tonight's viewing:


    Legendary stuff.

    Totally! :notworthy:


    I went to see this and thought it was very good. Ryan Gosling still remains one of my favourite actors. Once again he is superb and steals the show in this film, although Michelle Williams is also good in it. It's miserable but very good.

    Need to see this. Big fan too, coincidentally I watched him in Lars and the Real Girl just, hilarious film!

  3. Agreed, very much back to his best. It's amazing how comitted he is to his job, (slimming down, regaining the weight etc). The whole cast was very good infact, even Mark Wahlberg who I'm not usually a fan of.

    Also watched 127 Hours, Franco was a lot better then I expected and the film got me gripped all the way through. Really is a horrifying situation to be in.

  4. I bought the Korean film Old Boy on DVD today. I saw a bit of it on TV recently, but I'd missed the start. I then started to fall asleep with half an hour or so remaining, which may make it sound boring, but I'd been up since the early hours of the morning and was on at about 3-5am the following day! What I did see was fantastic, though, and I'm looking forward to watching it properly.

    Brilliant film, one of the most disturbing I've seen though.

  5. Just watched M, the whole film is on youtube thanks to openflix. Been meaning to see it for some time.

    Excellent film, very atmospheric and Peter Lorre was amazing in the lead role. Brilliantly shot for its time too.

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