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Posts posted by luckyeddie

  1. My dad brewed home made wine in demi-johns. One year he didn't vent them properly. We were watching TV, and suddenly one of them exploded and ripped the doors off the cupboard and smashed the window opposite. Needless to say we all shit ourselves😁

    • Haha 4
  2. 2 hours ago, sidcow said:

    I used to insure the Vulcan Bomber at Wellesbourne Aerodrome which is able to taxi. 

    Obviously another was flying till only recently.   There are a couple more around I believe probably in worse condition. 

    If money was no option and we were in a do or die situation as a nation, would it be feasible to get some of them back in the air do you think? 

    As I say, would have to be a Government throw every resource possible at it situation. 

    I remember being at Wellesbourne airfield watching the Vulcan bomber land, it must have been early 80's. The main aspect I remember was the noise of the engines, it was deafening.

  3. 49 minutes ago, sharkyvilla said:

    It happened to me the other day, this Range Rover was struggling to park and nearly reversed into me, I had to emergency stop and let him have another go. I then parked up among loads of empty spaces further on as the same Range Rover came along and parked next to me, as he'd obviously realised it's easier.  Turns out the driver was a pilot and didn't even acknowledge me for nearly crashing into my car.  I just called him a Representative for Wellingborough under my breath and hoped he drives his aeroplanes better than his car.


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    • Haha 2
  4. 4 hours ago, Wainy316 said:

    Selling a property, a transaction between two entities.  The amount of third parties that get to leach on and make money off that transaction.

    I'm selling one at the moment, and it seems like everyone wants a piece of the pie. The buyer was saying the same.

  5. 2 hours ago, Zatman said:

    Thats definitely made up, could move an indirect free kick if you wanted in that case

    Your right, law 13 states

    2. Procedure

    All free kicks are taken from the place where the offence occurred.

    it was rugby where you can bring a penalty back

  6. 4 minutes ago, fightoffyour said:

    You can’t just decide to take a free kick further back than the foul was awarded can you? That doesn’t seem right.

    The handball was being checked for a penalty and was pretty close, then the free kick is allowed to be taken 5 yards back from a more advantageous position.

    I think you can, but the wall has to stay 10 metres from the original place of the foul.

    Or I might have dreamed it. Or it might be rugby laws.

    Glad I could help.

    • Thanks 2
  7. 17 minutes ago, sheepyvillian said:

    I wonder how Farrell or Edwards would fare as England coaches?

    I think they would be excellent, but I don't think the suits at England Rugby would hire them. They would probably see it as embarrassing to be be lead by two ex Rugby League legends.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Panto_Villan said:

    You’re exaggerating a bit though. You claimed we’d played that way since Woodward but at the last World Cup we looked pretty dangerous in attack and even blew away the All Blacks in the semis with multiple tries. South Africa then absolutely humiliated us in the finals.

    True. Under a foreign coach. Any English coach will probably drag us back to pragmatic dull rugby. We have played forward orientated rugby for as long as I can remember. That said we are the most successful Northern Hemisphere side by a considerable distance.

  9. 3 hours ago, Panto_Villan said:

    I dunno. I don’t think it’s necessarily good to clear out older players en-masse because if it means we have a couple of years of disastrous performances it’s arguably worse for young players’ development than being introduced into a winning team that performs well on the pitch.

    I think there needs to be recognition we need to move on from our older players, but in the form of an organised phase-out (perhaps over a year or two) rather than mass cull.

    The Tour from Hell in 1998 to SA was the beginning of our journey to winning the WC. It was tough but blooded some talent. I believe we are going to lose more than we win against Tier 1 teams in the couple of few years, so I would rather do it blooding new talent, than wheeling out the same old predictable corpses.

    Also, I would like to change the negative attitude. We pick wingers because of their kick chase ability rather than their ability to beat a man. This attitude throughout the team makes us dull. Pick Marcus Smith, give him a big crash ball 12 (like Bundi Aki) and allow some talented backs to play exciting rugby off that solid base.

    Borthwick won't do this and we will see Youngs box kicking for May to chase for another couple of years.

    • Like 1
  10. 15 minutes ago, theboyangel said:

    We lost that on the scrum. Fair play to SA they tweaked their setup and we couldn’t compete with it.

    a rather surprising and disciplined performance up until then and played a good tactical, albeit attritional game plan.

    looks like England will be stuck with Borthwick for the time being but hopefully he acknowledges the likes of Vunipola, Dan Cole, Joe Marler (both great to have around), Johnny May etc are finished at International level and we can look forwards to the next WC and build a team for then and not the immediate future.

    I’d keep Lawes in the team for the transition period to keep the experience in there though but not many of the current over 30s should continue being selected. 

    I'd like to see a significant clear out of the old guard and bring in the younger players, it may cause a couple of years of pain , but we should be competitive for the next WC. I hope we don't just limp on with these older players who obviously won't make the next WC.

    • Like 3
  11. 3 hours ago, Rds1983 said:

    I help coach the u6s and u7s at my local team. You see it with the kids already basing their game on just physicality, on being bigger and faster than others. Rather than passing or looking for gaps it's smash and run with the big kids excelling and the little ones struggling. Completely the wrong approach but it comes from on high so nothing we can do.

    I also think it is self defeating, as rugby is supposed to be the sport for all shapes and sizes, but kids will turn their backs on rugby if only big kids win and smaller kids are used as cannon fodder.

    Also guys like Billy Vunipola become one trick ponies, and when they are worked out become ineffective.

  12. Just now, Rugeley Villa said:

    South Africa have always been masters at the kicking game, although their just as legendary scrum won it for them tonight 

    Playing at altitude in SA encourages the kicking game, but they are also a massive team, I think it's their Dutch heritage.

  13. 18 minutes ago, sheepyvillian said:

    Someone just made the comment regarding our performance, "basic but brilliant," as true as that may be, basic will only get you so far, it's time for the rugby big- wigs to appoint a coach who can getting us playing rugby that excites. We have been playing the same way for 30 years. 

    This is where the ABs excel, their basics are virtually flawless, but they add excitement to their game. The single biggest difference to all other nations is that they aim to run through gaps rather than players. I think this is because they don't player age grade rugby as children but by weight categories, so they never learn to just plough through a smaller player, but go round them.

    • Like 2
  14. 3 minutes ago, UpTheVilla26 said:

    I'm not a huge Rugby fan but have watched a lot cos my eldest lad used to play and my father-in-law will always have it on. 

    One thing I think needs looking into is the penalties. Great, a bloke can whack a ball 50 metres over the posts but I think it ruins the game.

    I think you should only be allowed to kick a penalty at the posts if it is within the opposition 22. 

    It would be like in football, winning a free kick just inside your own half, the 'keeper ain't allowed to try and save it and people just punting goals in every time there is a foul. 

    The whole point of rugby football is actually kicking the ball through the posts. Originally it was the only way to get points, and a try was called a try because if you achieved one you had a try at getting points by kicking at the posts. There is also a lot of skill kicking at goal, as rugby balls are harder to kick than a football. Removing the threat of losing three points will just increase the amount of penalties given away and kill any flow of the game. It does seem alien when compared to football.

    • Like 2
  15. 18 minutes ago, theboyangel said:

    Argentina have plenty of possession but NZ look so good defensively 

    Against Tier 1 teams, the ABs are not bothered about possession stats, but they are so lethal with what ball they do get. They just soak up the pressure and capitalise on the mistakes. Gotta admire them.

    • Like 1
  16. 6 hours ago, Davkaus said:

    He definitely deserves some credit for prioritising that kind of cultural change, though I'm unsure how much was really down to him - I think the other significant change was the end of the Fergie/Wenger/Mourinho era of genuine hostility between the players at a club level. No amount of sitting around the national team campfire holding hands and singing kumbaya was undoing the hostile culture driven by the club managers with the previous generation of players, IMO.

    Yeah, he does deserve credit.

    It also shows that the FA should have made him the Player Liaison Officer and employed a proper manager to manage the team.

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