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Posts posted by luckyeddie

  1. 3 minutes ago, bickster said:

    Yeah you aren't understanding the compulsory in that definition. It's compulsory to pay income tax when you earn over the threshold, it's compulsory to pay VAT on non-zero rated goods you buy, it's compulsory to have a TV licence if you watch live TV. No one forces you to have a job, go shopping or watch TV. It's compulsory to pay the tax when you partake in the action that triggers the tax

    The TV Licence is a tax

    That makes every purchase a tax then, which I disagree with. It's a fee, it is even called that, not a tax. 

  2. 1 hour ago, bickster said:

    You can call it want you want, it's a tax

    You seem to not understand what the role of a state broadcaster is

    a compulsory contribution to state revenue, levied by the government on workers' income and business profits, or added to the cost of some goods, services, and transactions.

    It is neither compulsory (to watch TV) nor is it added to the cost of anything, it is a stand alone charge levied against a service which they have no investment or authority over, so by definition if is not a tax.

    I understand what it was 40 years ago, but now it is obsolete and just a cash cow. 

    If people want to pay for the BBC and it stands on its own two feet, great. But it is acting like a monopoly in a competitive market and the only thing keeping it afloat is outdated laws.

    Just my opinion, which is why I don't have a license. 

  3. 1 hour ago, bickster said:

    You pay tax when you go shopping at Tesco or Morrisons, you don't complain where it goes, it doesn't go to Tesco or Morrisons, the tax goes into the general taxation pot

    You pay a tax to watch live TV (or stream on iPlayer). That the money goes to fund the BBC isn't that relevant, apart from you know where the money goes

    You pay a tax to drive a car, it does not go to fix the roads, it goes into a general taxation pot

    If the TV Licence didn't go directly to the BBC and went into the general taxation pot this line of argument wouldn't exist.

    Taxation goes to run the country, in theory for the benefit of all (yes lol), you and I only get to (sort of) say where it gets spent when we vote for people at a general election

    You using the BBC isn't relevant here, I presume you aren't unfortunate enough to be homeless, a very small part of your taxation goes to fund help for those people, maybe you shouldn't have to pay that because you aren't homeless.

    A fully functioning democracy really should have an independent state broadcaster, whether you choose to use it or not is up to you but you do need it to exist for the sake of the democracy that you live in. WIthout it..... well, look across the Atlantic.

    Again, it is not a con, there is no confidence trick here, apart from you fooling yourself that you don't need the BBC

    This is not a tax, which I have no objection to paying. It is a licence fee charged to use other products the BBC have no investment in. It is closer to a protection racket than a tax. If they decided to become a streaming service and charge a monthly fee in a competitive market, they would be extinct in a decade, which shows they are not value for money. 

  4. 5 hours ago, bickster said:

    How is it a con? You know exactly what it’s for

    it isn’t a fee for using the BBC, it’s a fee for owning a TV that is used to watch live TV. The money goes to the BBC. There is no con

    The con is the money goes to the BBC, who have nothing to do with most live TV. 50 years ago they basically owned TV, so if was fair, but now times have changed. Why should I pay BBC to watch ITV. I don't pay Tesco to shop at Morrisons. 

  5. 14 hours ago, Seat68 said:

    It isn't compulsory, a large number of people do not have a TV license. You know this I am sure, but if you aren't watching live television, you don't need a license. As for the programmes being made? We will never know, would a proper version of Radio 3, 4 and 6 Music exist without the BBC, I think not. As for comedy, I think potentially Dave would make the programmes that the BBC would make, but as Dave is massively reliant on BBC content, in time that wouldn't exist either.

    I stopped getting a TV license about 2 years ago. My main gripe is that you need one to watch live TV, like Sky Sports. That's just a con. Also, I just didn't watch anything on BBC except Only Connect, so £160 a year was just money down the drain.

  6. 20 hours ago, mjmooney said:

    Scotland's Gritter names 2022/23:


    Mr Plow

    The Ice Destroyer


    Ready, Spready Go!

    Sled Zeppelin

    Snowlar BEAR

    Gansta Granny Gritter


    Snow Angel

    Veruca Salt

    My Name is Doddie


    The Snow Buster

    For Your Ice Only

    The Snowclaimers


    Grit A Bit

    My Name’5 Doddie

    I Want to Break Freeze

    Mega Melter

    I’m shovelin’

    Always Be Grit-full

    Scotland’s Bravest Gritter

    Blizzard BEAR

    Basil Salty

    Polar Patroller

    Snow Dozer

    Licence to Chill

    Sir Salter Scott

    Snow Connery

    Nitty Gritty


    The Incredible Ice BEAR

    Walter The Salter

    BFG – Big Friendly Gritter



    Mrs McGritter

    Polar BEAR Express

    I like this recognition for Doddie Weir and his charity work for MND

  7. 33 minutes ago, imavillan said:

    i thought he articulated himself really well here as opposed to Arteta, a stark contrast, and lets be honest he has and made some really valid points

    PGMOL and officials change the goal posts every week and they're reactionary to whats gone on the week before.

    We have them in Stockley Park re-refereeing the game, then it just becomes someone else's opinion. It's ok though, Howard Webb can come on the tv and defend them and apologise and just carry on. It's bull shit. Everyone can see it.

    The camp of VAR fans is diminishing with every week.

    I pray for the day when the eff it off all together and confine it to the rubbish tip

    Yeah, I thought he handled the situation well. Two penalties, neither of them close to being a foul denied them points. Refereeing and VAR, are killing the game.

    Human error is acceptable but taking five minutes to **** up is rediculous.

    • Like 1
  8. On 24/11/2023 at 09:58, Chindie said:

    There's a growing theory that JFK was accidentally shot by one of his security team as they reacted to Oswald's first shot, and the aftermath of the assassination was essentially a cover-up of the fact that someone in the security service had **** up and killed the President by accident.

    Like Marvin in Pulp Fiction 😲

    • Haha 1
  9. 7 hours ago, meregreen said:

    Well I’m 68, a member of the Labour Party, as is my wife. So don’t give me any of that boomer crap. Remember,  whatever pension formula we use, we all benefit from it eventually. Even with the triple lock, our State pension is still amongst the lowest in the major European countries. I pay taxes still, and would happily pay more, provided it goes towards funding a better public sector, and I include benefits in that. Don’t let the Tories propoganda turn generations against each other with their poison. They’ve been doing it for years.

    This, I don't think I have ever seen a British government with such a destructive divide and conquer attitude over the country, just to cover up how incompetent they are.

    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, sidcow said:

    Oh god. This reminds me exactly why I've never joined CAMRA. 

    This was definitely not CAMRA, just a local pub in an ex mining village. We could have hooked up the lager pipes to the urinals and nobody would have noticed.

  11. On 21/10/2023 at 08:51, VILLAMARV said:


    I absolutely agree about the formula not being that hard. Most of it is cleaning. Clean pipes/nozzles/optics religeously, clean tables clean toilets, clean glasses, clean cutlery. 

    This. The bitter drinkers in the pub I worked in could tell uncleaned pipes a mile off. Also they would use the same glass all night, as it tasted better after a couple of pints.

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