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Posts posted by DJBOB

  1. I just can't escape the "just vibes" tactical approach that I see out there.

    It's all boringly predictable. Everyone's afraid of the press. Everyone always has to pick up their head to know what pass is on instead of instinctually knowing where to play. Everyone is simultaneously too far away from each other and too close to each other at the same time.

    Clueless, clueless tactics.

  2. Battles hard in the middle. Clearly enjoyed playing with Dougie as there was finally someone with him in midfield. 

    Would be just as tired sending passes out to the fullbacks knowing exactly what’s going to happen. Either a hopeless cross or just recycled back to lose possession. 

  3. 31 minutes ago, Zatman said:

    I dont hate McGinn, its really hard to hate him for his contribution since joining the club. I just dont think he is good enough and we all said at the start of the season he is the player we should be replacing

    Now the manager I hate, he has turned the fans against McGinn by his bullshit and making him captain when he should be a squad player. He has already ballsed up other morale in the squad and he should be the one the anger is aimed at not McGinn

    McGinn to me, as an outsider of the dressing room, always seemed like the good banter, lift the spirits, train hard but still have fun sort of lad. 

    As club captain, understanding the bigger picture and leading the rest of the team? Another bad appointment by Gerrard and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was just to “shake up” the team. 

  4. Same shit, different week. 

    Moyes, a manager who has a very clear style of play, predictably sat back and let our fullbacks cross into Watkins and Ings to no effect.

    No width in defense. Only fullbacks for creativity out wide.

    Continually shocking game planning. 

  5. Think he would benefit greatly from a more curated role. Too easily marked out of games based on the formation and opponents we play.

    Truly needs space to play because he's just a passenger without the ball if the other team is holding it away from us, but then it gets too physical for him against the low blocks that just set up against us.

    Game needs to be more open like the Leeds x2 games or his cameo against United in the cup last year.

    Certainly not the nailed on starter that Gerrard thinks he is, but has a role to play and can bring the wild card factor in certain games.

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  6. I know he played RM at Norwich, but clearly not blessed with the pace to play on the wing in the prem. Old fashioned number 10 or a hybrid 8 playing with Doug and Kamara fits him the best. Needs a little more defensive discipline to play that hybrid 8 role though.

    Think that's where he'll be at his best. If you play that 4321, the two inside forwards have to be pacey counter-attackers and so when Gerrard plays Buendia/Coutinho or Buendia/Bailey or Coutinho/Bailey, it's just not a natural fit in the 4321. He plays as the #10 in the diamond formation or if Gerrard comes to his senses, plays as a #10 in a 4231 or a hybrid #8 in a 433.

  7. For me - Mings would have greatly benefited being paired next to Carlos or a better CB besides Konsa or Chambers in short stints.

    He gets a lot of flack because of his distribution, but it is what it is at this point. Expecting it to change is a fool's errand. But he, bar his occasional walkabouts, is an above average defender and very good in the air at a time when every set piece looks like it'll go in against us. It's telling that the team look more cohesive as a whole with Chambers (the ball playing CB) next to him despite Chambers pace and athletic limitations.

    A shame Carlos went down as I truly believe that would have been a very good pairing against most sides. Instead we are back to the Mings/Konsa show - a pairing that has fallen quite sharply in stock even before Konsa's injury.

  8. There's a place for McGinn against certain sides with the right squad around him.

    But he has neither the defensive discipline nor the natural ability to break up play to maintain his role a shuffler #8 or god forbid the one time he played as a #6.

    Gerrard has fallen in love with him as an all-around midfielder when McGinn has always played best as an attacking CM that gets forward and breaks up the play high up the pitch for a counter attack. Now, McGinn is relegated to hovering around the right touchline, desperately trying to defend 2v1 against a winger and fullback abusing the lack of numbers around him.

  9. 19 minutes ago, duke313 said:

    Good assessment. If Gerrard is too stupid or stubborn to change it, then he’ll be sacked.

    The ironic part is that he identified the problems when he came on in terms of spacing. Too big of a gap between defense to midfield to attack. The "three lines" he likes to refer it to.

    The problem is that he seems clueless or helpless to implement the solution.

    He can still play the 4321 but has to set them up differently in attack and defense.

    In defense, either defend as a midfield 5 and flood the midfield, forcing opponents to either go over the top or tight through a packed 3 man midfield or defend in a 442. You can even do this playing Ramsay/McGinn! Simply have Ramsay play as a LM in defense and Buendias a RM in defense and leave the speed of Watkins/Bailey up top.

    In attack, split Kamara between the CB's and have the CB's slightly wider to defend the flanks. Mings and Konsa are no slouches in the open field but are often too far away in starting position to defend against the counter. McGinn and Ramsay can then play more centrally instead of hanging out by the touchline while Digne and Cash can continue to provide the width. The two number 10's play closer to the striker for better interplay. Now - the personnel here doesn't really fit that, but it could still work in theory. This 325 in attack is essentially what Tuchel's Chelsea does. By occupying the backline with the 3 forwards and having the two 8's sitting right outside the box. In this configuration, either the number 8 or the fullback will be free on the back post once the ball is pushed to one side. But I personally don't think Villa have the attacking personnel to pull that off.

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  10. I think ironically enough - Liverpool showing the same defensive frailties that Villa are showing when you're not 100% engaged in this system and they don't have the magic of Mane/Firmino/Salah at the height of their powers.

    The space behind the fullbacks exposed on the counter. Too easy to go 2v1 and 3v2 down the flanks against the FB/CM combo. A midfield (laughable with Elliot/Milner/Henderson) that is neither athletic enough nor fast enough to cover the space left behind by bombing fullbacks.

    If you play 4321, then you need to fill out a midfield 5 or defend in a 442. This idea that they can defend the flanks with just the fullback and center-mid on that particular side is being torn apart. It's too easy to overload and the 3 forwards end up chasing air. The 4312 might result in some better attack positioning on the counter, but has the same issues again. The number 8 CM's being asked to cover too much ground and the fullbacks often defending 2v1.

    Gerrard really has a feeling of "just vibes" after sticking the formation on the team sheet. No nuance of defending in different shapes against certain opponents and then targeting weaknesses when in possession. Just clueless man.

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