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Posts posted by wildwood

  1. 20 a season counts for alll competutuons.

    Ah, so when you said that Darren Bent was a "proven 20-goal a season Premier League scorer", you meant in all competitions?? I see.

    OK the, I'll rephrase - what's that based on the two seasons out of his ten year career that he's scored 20 goals in all competitions?

    You may be desperate to believe you're signing Lionel Messi, but you're not.

    All this from a person that supports a team that includes Titus Bramble.

  2. For anyone who's interested

    here is a thread form the Sunderland board. First 10 pages are abuse to the ITK who posted the rumour. Bottom of page 10 it begins to dawn on them that it's actually true. Quite amusing reading from then on.

    Thats brilliant. So much like Villa talk!!!

    This is brilliant.

    Although I'd hate to look at the rumours when Milner was on the verge to sign for Man City.

  3. RTG does make me laugh As well as some so called safc supporters

    9:19 AM Jan 9th via ÜberTwitter

    Just a note: He reads the message boards of the clubs he goes to (RTG is ReadyToGo - Sunderland message boards) I dont think its at all a real reason but some Sunderland fans are suggesting his reasons for leaving are:

    a) Gyan

    B) Newcastle fans smashing his car in

    c) Nobheads on Message boards

    Disclaimer: I think its because we're going to win the league and he knows it.


    Charlie Adam knows too.

    (Ian doesn't)

  4. A couple of quotes from a Daily Mail article

    i stopped reading here.

    I know Cheltenham, I felt the same, but boredom at work meant I had time to spare, and the first part of the article was quite interesting.

  5. A couple of quotes from a Daily Mail article in another thread:

    Let's imagine for a minute that you had deliberately set about sabotaging Aston Villa Football Club.

    Bearing in mind that you had to remain in paid employment to carry out your dastardly plan, what would you do?

    You could publicly belittle a new £8million signing, who admitted he was short of confidence at his unveiling, knowing that his brittle mental state would cause him to disappear from view.
  6. If he did ask to leave... do you not think the poor reception from fans is due to it?

    You being serious ?

    I'd say its because he can't get his own way and he's threw his toys out his pram. You can't expect to play week in week out if you waste every chance you get can you ?

    Tell me ONE thing he's done when given the chance to warrant a place in the side above any of the other players ?

    He struts around unwilling (or unable?) to contribute anything to the team effort. He's an absolute waste of space

    And his career is as good as over

    I could quite easily ask you the same about some Villa players this season. Does it mean we should get rid of them as well?

    Last season Spurs didn't win for a long time and it was reported that every game Bale played they didn't win. Look at him now.

    Stop letting your Villa pessimism get to you, have a little faith in our boys.

  7. Dunno what has gotten into everyone. Ireland has been useless every time he has played, has asked to leave, and doesn't want to be here, what makes everyone think he's suddenly going to burst into life and be a creative force.

    He's a disease in the squad.

    No wonder our players are under performing with the negativity coming out of all the fans about nearly all the players.

    If he did ask to leave... do you not think the poor reception from fans is due to it?

  8. Got to agree with you. I like Ireland, and the little he has played, I think he's had a few moments where luck has been against him, but the invention and ideas are there.

    It's a shame that GH seems to want to continually try Young in Ireland's position, and put Gabby in Young's place. Maybe with Heskey out for 3 games, Ireland might get a chance - but I doubt it.

    Total shame.

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