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Posts posted by tommytenjobs

  1. I think I'm lucking out on this one...so far. 

    My seat in family section appears to be pretty much the same price, as does the u14 ticket. Or as good as. Maybe, I've not been paying enough attention to prices?? Either way; 44quid a fame for 2 seats for the quality if football and winning football, is a huge bargain. Compared to our competitors, we are still very cheap at the cheap seats end of things. I couldn't go to my Essex local club, Colchester for these prices. 

    Huge increase on what we were paying when I first got STs, John Terry season in championship. But in the grand scheme if things, we are a very lucky fan base, IMHO, whatever our gripes on Heck, communication, ticket office access, random whole office lunch breaks and rubbish website/ticket reselling. Maybe it's all a bit crappie around the edges, because fundamentally, it's a very cheap operation? (For a lucky few granted) 

    Also, an aside, why have they tagged on some kind of champions league subscription plan, with no explanation I could fund about what this is for, cost or anything? Opted out, because I had no clue what opting in would mean. Any clue...anybody? 


  2. For the first time all season....I'm frustrated and angry at a performance. Still light in middle, can't play out because we're are short of energy and numbers.....what does Emery do after 20 mins or so when it's obvious...nothing. if Tim and Omari are not ready and Chambers is not good enough, then let's at least tell Morgan to play somewhere in the midfield. Outnumbered at all times. Not surprising playing four upfront. 

    Two games in a row where being a but more pragmatic, earning the right to play and taking a draw would have been preferably to going for broke and playing everyone up front. 

    Liverpool better stick a performance on spurs. 

  3. 6 minutes ago, WooJung said:

    The closest one is probably Duran, and he's miles away 

    Yeah agreed. I thought that....and agree....he's nowhere near Rogers. 

  4. Is there any other option than Morgan for young player of the year? Thinking about this last night and I couldn't come up with one. Perhaps says more about Ramseys injuries and the 'aging' squad we have thanks to relegation avoiding squad building and Gerrard in recent past.....and Rogers has been great don't get me wrong....but i think he gets it almost through default. And he's only been here for a third of the season. 

    Any other shouts? 



  5. Utd are terrible. This game is an embarrassment to the recruitment teams of both sides. Absolutely no coaching either. The org is poor, effort poor...its awful. 

    And everyone claiming this man u side can catch us are living in 1990s world. 

    Caicado just giving them a lifeline....another 100m well spent. 



  6. Thought I'd let the dust settle as usual before posting thoughts on yesterday and others reactions. 

    Firstly, yes Arsenal showed how to nullify City....with nearly 200 million pounds worth of central midfield three. I think its an unfair comparison to make of DL and TI. Whether we should have gone with a third in there is another thing.....but with chambers as your only real option there yesterday, I suspect UE went for more attacking threat on the break in the middle. Tbf this nearly worked with one break away goal, several other possibles and a very nearly from Luiz. I'm not too sure any of us would realistically have gone with the Chambers option, so what is UE supposed to do. Not sure I can see a third option. They did try to crowd the middle and force city out wide when not in possession, but city picked doku and JG, learning from previous game where neither started and both were a significant upgrade on what they put out against Arsenal. 

    Secondly, I'm a bit fed up with the Foden love in. One shot at the middle of the wall and one falling over. Both would not normally result in goals, just mirth. Second goal, good finish, but again was due to Rodri winning a duel and playing the right pass at the right time. (A luxury not afforded to us. Lets remember, his equivalent was making his first start of the season and second ever in the Premier league....we don't quite yet have the tools to compete with a guy on a 64 game unbeaten streak despite what some posters seem to think.

    Thirdly, the team we had out taht we could not pick from, would have given city a game, we've shown that before.... and still would be expected to lose. The team we played with....surely no-one thought we would get a point even, so the best possible outcome was a point at best. We finished 1pt less that the best possible outcome, surely this needs to be considered in the reaction. 

    Fourthly, some of the posters thinking UE, EM or NZ bottled it, threw it, gave up etc etc need to really have a think next time before posting. 4.1 everyone is disappointed but seriously, to start some of these claims is just sad. We are fourth and in euro 1/4 final. Those of us who remember Barnsley away, qpr at home or any other number of days where we were looking at liquidation 4 years ago need to pipe up and defend the status quo on these ideas. 

    Fifth, front three made an interesting comparison. Doku, JG and PF verses JD, MR and Diaby.....anyone still think we should be winning that or were we against anything other than financial cheating? 

    Finally, loved the mins given to TI, MR,JD,OK. This is the future of a sustainable squad and they competed with city, threatened and looked good at times. Positives, positives, positives. 

    Really psyched for sat, can't wait to be walking up trinity Rd with the boy and thinking about how great the club is at the moment and in what safe hands it is with UE. I'd rather be fourth and thinking about a few games that got away from us, what's to come and the excitement of the final 8 games plus Europe, than worrying about Gerrard, Bruce, scot hogan, Richards,McCormak or some delusional and spoilt nonsense about how we failed to try against the best club in the world with 8 first teamers out and two vital games to play in the next 7 days. 


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  7. Thought he was standout in first half. Exposed and out of position without the ball but doing things not too many can with it. You take the rough with the smooth at his age and development. I think we can all start to see why they bought him. He'll grow as a player and in value. Like all the youngsters, he needs ti play to develop. Hope we see more of kkh, TI, JD and MR in the next 8 games. We need to keep developing these guys to keep compliant and to save up for 1 or 2 big signings per window, rather than adding 4 or 5 each time. 

    Rogers could save us 50+ million if he carries on improving and growing into games. 

    • Like 3
  8. Music absolutely ruined any attempts at pregame atmosphere. Time and again chants start then stop as you can't hear your self think. 10mins before kick off starting hi ho silver lining and it kept going until kick off itself. No chance for fans to create and curate a build up. Just brash in your face noise and fake nonsense like hhsl. That's not a villa song and never has been. Just generic tune we all know the words to. Sweet Caroline ends any chance at the end too. Fed up with banging this same drum. Feel like a 'better I'm my day' old codger........

    • Like 4
  9. Anyone know roughly when renewals likely to be asked for? Need to plan finances and not really had to in recent past. Don't want to give up ticket, but expecting hike and now need to plan for this. 

  10. 1. Watkins 

    2. Konsa

    3. Luiz 

    4. Torres 

    5. Digne 

    Likely still on the pitch at 120. Key experience at 3 and 5. Luiz always takes one at 3. Watkins gets the easiest to score. Other notables, but less convinced still on the pitch at 120 or suspended for this particular game. Mcginn. Ramsey, Bailey, tielmanns, moreno. Martinez. 

    No where near....zaniolo, diaby, Carlos, longlet, Duran.....please.  


  11. 9 hours ago, Talldarkandransome said:

    Are you within the valid criteria?

    Season ticket holder. 

    Just wasn't able to decide to go until too late to retain seats. Then sold out, now just a smattering. Seats just flash when I click on them and then go back to the blue vacant sign. No ticket office to phone, just have to watch on the telly. Saves 5 hour round trip I suppose. 

    • Like 1
  12. Most of the articles are behind pay walls but this is a bit of a summary of discussions. 


    Day trippers, poor service, too much alcohol, music at tries etc. Mostly a rugby view so it's different...buy some similar issues and thoughts about the possible direction of the club in terms of tourist tickets and hospitality focus cooperate whoring. 

  13. Atmosphere is absolutely ruined by the insistence on blaring music and annocements at head splitting decibels.

    No opportunity for anyone or stand to actually do what we used to do. 

    Currently a survey out in Ireland on this issue about croak/avia Park. Huge numbers replied with the most important thing to do, to improve atmosphere, was to get rid of piped music and annocement systems being toned/turned down or off. 

    Biggest way to improve atmosphere is to actually leave it to us. 

    Yesterday was rubbish from start to finish and every game has been this season with the exception of arsenal. Been a season ticket holder since 2018 and its invariably poor. Not like the days on the holte in the 80s or 90s when I was last there regularly. Been taking the boy since '19 and I keep telling him about what it used to be like.....because he's never seen/heard/experienced it. 

    My childhood is not his....massively for the worse if I'm honest. Phones, social media, wealth, all on a plate. I'd swap all that for him to have been by my side, on the holte, mid-week, European night, god at the back and the smells and sounds and squeeze of those times. 

    Games gone....I'm sad to say. Replaced with corporate, seating, man City and sky TV.

    Not the same and it makes me sad. 

    • Like 3
  14. I think this is going to be the game where we can afford to rest a few as a draw or narrow defeat would be 'fine'. 

    Dull and insipid 0.0 would be fine by me. Pass them to death with our reserves and keep energy in the bank. 

    That said.....its a romantic fixture and my heart says....go full strength and try to spank them. 

    Most likely is the top option I think as we always have home leg to come. Under lights, big euro night....love to be there but not sure I can this time. Last night I remember like this was inter with God showing Baresi how to do it. 

    I'd go...... 

    Gk- new aussie lad 

    Lb - moreno (keep digne for spuds) 

    Cbs - longlet and konsa (keep pau for spuds) 

    Rb - KKH (we've gone strong on cb ro cover his involvement) doubt emery agrees with me. I will bow to his slightly better experience.... 

    CM- mcginn and youri (doug too important for spuds) 

    ACM - Bailey, zaniola, diaby 

    Cf - Rogers (ollie too important for sun. Win that and we have fourth. He can always come on for 30 mins if we need to nick a goal. Again.....I don't think emery will do this. But I would fwiw. 

    Just think we can overrun them at vp and spurs......need to keep a foot on their throat. No more injuries to give them hope. 


  15. Love the attacking flair at times...but this performance has made me angrier than every other all season. Such an opportunity to rectify goal difference issues and just played at half paced 'professional' game management within ourselves. Every time we've trued we've nearly scored....but we've only tried about 6/7 times all night. Should have been 10 if we'd tried. I know I should be happy and yay we've beat the bottom side.....but feels like we lack urgency and killer instinct. Should have been statement win and instead its been a knock about raining match for an hour. 

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