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Posts posted by ozvilla28

  1. 58 minutes ago, Tomaszk said:


    What are good leadership skills when playing football?

    Give me an example of a current player that shows them.

    A player that stands up and leads by example and pulls the team together. Have look at the top sides they all got them.

  2. 1 hour ago, WooJung said:

    Whoever we sign, I hope they have strong leadership skills as well as physical/technical

    Spot on our leadership or someone to lead by example when the pressure is on non-existent maybe McGinn that's it.

  3. Class player no doubt , but sometimes needs to do the basics right marking and cutting the high ball those balls we're school stuff.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, bobzy said:

    They aren’t though. They’re a point and every point is big at this stage.

    Spurs could lose to Forest tomorrow and they’d be 3 points behind us still rather than 2. 

    Could have should have is not good enough when your cruising at 2 nil up against a team struggling no excuses to many lapses this year in defence cost us you can bet on it in every game sloppy  goals never has been rectified. A bit of pressure on us we go mentally weake to.

    • Like 1
  5. Just now, villa89 said:

    Likely to lose away to Arsenal next which means one point from three games. Brighton, palace and Bournemouth games are huge now. If you're a betting man it seems inevitable we will finish fifth now, especially with more European games ahead. 

    The game itself showed we are running on fumes. No energy, no pace, players walking around. Alright it's tough when BrentFord were defending so deep but you need to up the pace then. 

    The only time we upped the pace was when it was do or die stuff at the end. Why didn't we start like that. When we got the equaliser the subs should have been made them. 

    Lastly zaniolo couldn't trap a bag of cement when he came on. Looked woeful. 

    Those weaker sides worry me we can't defend just to sloppy.

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  6. It's been coming for months we do the hard work get a lead and switch off concede the most sloppy goals you can bet on it nearly every game never has been rectified poor defending it come back to bite us. Our defence is to loose always a mistake. 7 goals in 2 games you aren't making top 4.

    As for the players a bit of pressure and they go missing seen it this year to often besides McGinn no one stands up.

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