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Everything posted by villaofthesouth

  1. I can understand supporters frustration of Villa's plight, But don't take it out on the players because they are not the ones to blame regarding Aston Villa's present position as a club. Mis-management from above is the reason! Remi Garde looks to be a good man, thrown into the deep end, when many would have said no.......but he took the job on, when nobody in their right mind would have done so - give the man credit. Possibly he might not make the right decisions that we might like, but against Wycombe today, Villa in a no win situation showed spirit and played ok in spells and I have seen on many previous occasions Villa buckling under and losing this type match, but we are still in the hat for the next round. Yes we are in need of some fresh players, but why would Villa attract them when they are propping the table up, plus getting hammered by their own supporters. Leave the players out of it, protest against Randy Lerner, Tom Fox, Paddy Reilly and the board, but if we want what's best for Aston Villa support the players because the relentless barracking from the supporters will in time take its toll, once they are down where are we then?........support the players because they are our last chance........come on Villa!
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