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Posts posted by Dirtysanchez

  1. 2 minutes ago, Richard said:

    I may be biased but I think he's been shit 

    He's playing really well, maybe call it how it is instead of how you wish he was playing. You clearly want rid that's fine but he is playing well tonight.  

  2. 28 minutes ago, MrSmirch said:

    Murphys also tweeted replies to people saying he's hearing that the midfielder Dr T mentioned isn't happening. 


    Wouldn't be a fan of this, why is Tony picking out transfer targets? RDM should be the one picking who he wants not our owner. 

  3. We desperately need a midfielder who is composed on the ball and can pick a pass, a big physical presence is exactly what we are missing. Championship is a very physical league so unless we address this ASAP we will be losing an awful lot more games like yesterday. Looking at it again I think Wednesday were there for the taking and we played well in parts, with a few additions I think we will be extremely strong, just need to get the first win and get up and running. It's a long season ahead! 

  4. 12 minutes ago, Zatman said:

    surely we would have included him in McCormack deal

    Townsend and Gayle switched clubs in the space of a couple of days and were seperate deals so it's possible I suppose but yes I agree you would imagine a swap should have been discussed if he is off there so maybe it's not them

  5. And what if he scores do we just boo him? If he plays well he should be cheered like anyone else that has a good game. Booing our own players helps no one and it is just a horrible reminder of last season, and nobody needs any reminders of that horrible year. 

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  6. Just now, av1 said:

    To be fair mate Ayew is the same. 

    But Ayew is better through the middle so hopefully we won't see him out on the wing too often, Cissokho was having a bad day of it with Ayew leaving him so exposed all the time. 

  7. The problem is he leaves the defender behind him very exposed as he does **** all tracking back. He seems a luxury player I'm not sure we can afford to have in our side

  8. If he plays well im happy for him to play for Villa, he wasn't the only contributor last season it was the whole team,  forgive and forget, leave last season exactly where it is, the past.

    he did well today despite all the abuse he was getting which I'm sure he definitely heard! 

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