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Posts posted by SempiternalVillain

  1. With MON back on board we just need to sort out and improve our scouting and transfer dealing. MON knows the club from the back of his hand and the players who did well under MON. I want him back.

    What the **** :| I think some people have lost the plot...

    Do people think that little of our football club? I actually feel degraded that some fans could even think this, let alone say it. Mind boggling, completely mind boggling.

    Rijkaard is surely going to be a dissappointment like Houllier was prolly a little more. I hope you ignorant people will witness this. Hire Rijkaard, Randy and show the fans how abysmal his managing skills are. 1 good spell with Barca with World-Class players makes things quite easier than turning a sub-top team into a top tier team. Besides Barca his other spells were horrorfying. Look at Galatasaray in their current state ending up on 8th place with their squad they should really be champs year in year out. Excuse my rage.

    Sorry, I missed the bit where I even mentioned Rijkaard's name? :?

    Sorry, posting on PS3, it's really impractical. That post is meant for the Rijkaard lovers.
  2. With MON back on board we just need to sort out and improve our scouting and transfer dealing. MON knows the club from the back of his hand and the players who did well under MON. I want him back.

    What the **** :| I think some people have lost the plot...

    Do people think that little of our football club? I actually feel degraded that some fans could even think this, let alone say it. Mind boggling, completely mind boggling.

    Rijkaard is surely going to be a dissappointment like Houllier was prolly a little more. I hope you ignorant people will witness this. Hire Rijkaard, Randy and show the fans how abysmal his managing skills are. 1 good spell with Barca with World-Class players makes things quite easier than turning a sub-top team into a top tier team. Besides Barca his other spells were horrorfying. Look at Galatasaray in their current state ending up on 8th place with their squad they should really be champs year in year out. Excuse my rage.
  3. With MON back on board we just need to sort out and improve our scouting and transfer dealing. MON knows the club from the back of his hand and the players who did well under MON. I want him back.

    What the **** :| I think some people have lost the plot...

    Do people think that little of our football club? I actually feel degraded that some fans could even think this, let alone say it. Mind boggling, completely mind boggling.

    Rijkaard is surely going to be a dissappointment like Houllier was prolly a little more. I hope you ignorant people will witness this. Hire Rijkaard, Randy and show the fans how abysmal his managing skills are. 1 good spell with Barca with World-Class players makes things quite easier than turning a sub-top team into a top tier team. Besides Barca his other spells were horrorfying. Look at Galatasaray in their current state ending up on 8th place with their squad they should really be champs year in year out. Excuse my rage.
  4. Deschamps really? I rather like us to go for Rudi Garcia from OSC Lille. He built Lille from being a mediocre team to title contenders. This man is exactly what we need. And this season didn't only win Ligue 1 but Coup d'France as well. Deschamps..

    And Deschamps won the league and the Coup de Ligue the season before, after 17 trophiless seasons. He also won the Coup de Ligue this season, as well as over achieving with Monaco and doing ok with Juventus. He's also as respected as they come for his playing career and would have far bigger pull in the transfer market.

    Rudi Garcia is ok, but he's been well backed at Lille by the owners and only has one sucessful season behind him.

    I would be happy with Garcia or Deschamps.
  5. Rijkaard shouldn't be allowed a million miles of Villa, I would put money on us getting relegated if we get him. Yes he had a good spell at Barca, but just look at the players he had to work with there and just looked how a inexperience Pep had done a fair better job as manager with Barca.

    Rijkaard nearly got Galatasary relegated last season, signing players like Kewell!. He also got Sparta Rotterdam relegated in his only other club manager role and somehow still manage to get teh Barca job afterwards. Speak to any Gala fan and they will tell you to keep a million miles away from him. He a manager in name only. Keep well away.

    This and I'm Dutch.
  6. All the Rijkaard lovers in here are delusional! Don't want him as a manager.. He's abysmal. I don't want his name ever be mentioned in here again.

    Frank Rijkaard, oooooooooooops

    Yeah, right - what's he ever won?!!!

    Blinkered, ill-informed, puddle of arse-drippings. Took over a struggling Barcelona, reinforced the youth policy with Guardiola's appointment of Barcelona B, won the European Cup and ended R Madrid's dominance of La Liga.

    Oh.. Really? And with a powerful side like Barca does make things quite easier to manage if you have world-class players in your squad. Look at Galatasaray now, enough said.
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