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Posts posted by LordSepulchrave

  1. I think we may be Southampton's natural predators. Their high tempo pressing game and high line are dangerous against pacy counter attackers as incisive as us. They like the game to be played in the opponent's half, but we also prefer the game to be played in our half. Since neither of our teams really have a plan B, it was going to be our Plan A vs their Plan A.


    If Pochettino had learned from Rogers - who recognised the danger we represented and adapted accordingly - and dropped his high backline deeper, they would have been able to cope with our counter attacks. Hell, their Plan A probably would have worked if he'd been able to field the double pivot of Wanyama and Schneiderlin. Without the especially important Schneiderlin, however, I reckon that Lambert won the tactical battle.

    • Like 1
  2. My worry with Kozak is how he fits in with us tactically.


    He was clearly a better player than Benteke on Monday, yet subbing him off rather than Benteke was 100% the right decision. With Kozak in our side we lack the same balance that we have with the front three of Tekkers, Weimann and Ags, and our style of play isn't helping create the right sort of chances.


    I'm not worried about his ability, I'm worried about Lambert's ability to create a play style that he can thrive under. Early days yet though, and it's no bad thing that we have players who can offer us something different.

  3. I'm exhausted after that.


    Good point - disappointed they looked so superior to us technically, but we raised out tempo when we needed to and just overwhelmed them at the end.


    Benteke looked better as a midfielder than a striker here. Not great.


    Seems like Lambert wanted to keep things tight until the final half an hour and then hit them with Delph, Weimann and Ags. Got it half right today, but considering the injuries you can't blame him for that line-up.

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    Agreed, possession is overrated. There's more than one way of winning a football match, and everyone wants to be Barca overnight without considering that it took them quite a few generations of players.


    Personally, I'm with Klopp on this one. Possession football can be really boring.

    Strange that the game of possession wasn't overrated during our run in last season.



    Except that it was. Possession has been overrated for a while now, pundits haven't stopped banging on about it for seasons. A couple of seasons ago the media were drooling over the fact that Roger's had got a system going where their back four basically kept the ball for a whole match.


    When we were good at the end of last season, it was because of our pace and incisiveness on the break, and the speed at which we could transition from defense to attack.. It definitely wasn't because we were dominating possession.


    I guess we then hit Sunderland six times on the break last season and its amazing how Liverpool haven't improved under Rodgers playing a more possession game. Arsenal aren't doing too bad either but as you say possession is 'overrated.'



    Citing random examples to try and demonstrate a point always seems like a bad idea:


    - Barcelona were destroyed by Bayern in the CL - Bayern used their physicality to dominate a side who were more adept at retaining possession.

    - Swansea have looked much better ever since Laudrup made play more direct and quicker football.

    - Dortmund coach Jurgen Klopp recently gave an interview saying that he isn't interested in Barcelona-esque (or even Arsenal-esque) style of football. I'd argue that Dortmund haven't been doing too badly recently either.

    - Roberto DiMatteo won a CL by just parking the bus.


    None of this actually addresses the point I'm making. At the moment possession football, Barca style, is the most talked about and lauded style of football in Europe, probably the world. Everyone presents possessions stats in isolation, as if that means anything, As if Cardiff having 60% poss meant they played better than us. It's silly and a totally false way of looking at football. Possession is overrated because possession alone doesn't mean anything.


    This whole possession vs hoofball is a false dichotomy. A style that emphasizes possession is just one style of football. If you are like Barca then it's a brilliant option, but doesn't mean it's the only way. It's far from the most exciting way in my opinion, and results against Barca and Spain in the last year have shown that it may not actually be the most effective either.


    Edit - Came off a little too condescending, tried to cut that out.

    • Like 1
  5. If nothing else, the fact that this lad offers us a bit of width in midfield/attack is pretty valuable. Pretty much everyone else we play wide - Gabby, Weimann, Bacunna - are players who will drift nearer the centre of the pitch.


    He works hard, so I don't think we're losing anything by playing him, just hope he can step up his game soon.


    Agreed, possession is overrated. There's more than one way of winning a football match, and everyone wants to be Barca overnight without considering that it took them quite a few generations of players.


    Personally, I'm with Klopp on this one. Possession football can be really boring.

    Strange that the game of possession wasn't overrated during our run in last season.



    Except that it was. Possession has been overrated for a while now, pundits haven't stopped banging on about it for seasons. A couple of seasons ago the media were drooling over the fact that Roger's had got a system going where their back four basically kept the ball for a whole match.


    When we were good at the end of last season, it was because of our pace and incisiveness on the break, and the speed at which we could transition from defense to attack.. It definitely wasn't because we were dominating possession.

  7. What do you guys think is a "better" brand of football? It's not clear from this discussion.


    Bare in mind, the counter attacking Dortmund is Lambert's biggest influence, so do you have a problem with that style on the whole, or just the way we are doing it at the moment? Should he drop the style and try to do something more possession based or does it just need refining?

  8. Agreed, possession is overrated. There's more than one way of winning a football match, and everyone wants to be Barca overnight without considering that it took them quite a few generations of players.


    Personally, I'm with Klopp on this one. Possession football can be really boring.

    • Like 2

    I think should be aiming for 10 points from the next 8 games


    Doable even being conservative IMO


    WBA (A) - Draw

    Sunderland (H) - Win

    Southampton (A) - Loss

    Fulham (A) - Win

    Man Utd (H) - Loss

    Stoke (A) - Draw

    Palace (H) - Win

    Swansea (H) - Loss


    That'd be 11 from those 8, having us on 25 after 19 played which is a reasonable enough mid table return



    Seems realistic. Too realistic...

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