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Posts posted by sellyoakvilla

  1. No. I had Glandular Fever and was prescribed amoxicillin and I was foolish enough to go out and drink whilst I was still on prescription and threw up within a couple of drinks and had to come home. Of course it depends on how serious your condition is or how long you were prescribed for but I'd stay away from it just incase. Unless you don't mind projectile vomiting, of course.

  2. As much as it sounds like a good idea Jack, it'd have to be a song everybody is familiar with. I know it's been suggested several times, but the Kings of Leon tune was good, for sex on fire, as it's played all the time at Villa Park and just about everybody knows it at the moment..

    Ashhhhhhhhhhhhhley, Young is on fire

    Sex On Fire

  3. I don't see this "Spurs are a big club" notion. Yeah they have some big named players and have had a lot more in the past but I don't really see them as big. They've got a shit stadium, shit backroom staff and haven't won anything notable (except Carling Cup) for a while (I think anyway, quote me on that if I'm wrong). They have a lot of fans but I don't see them as a big club. The only reason they are uttered in the same breath as Arsenal, Chelsea, etc - is because they are from London. If Tottenham was in Birmingham they would not be a big club. Just like we're not, apparantly.

  4. I hate them all on that list. Especially West Ham and Portsmouth. How Portsmouth got to how they are now in such a short space of time I'll never know. All their fans are arrogant dickheads aswell just because they won the FA cup.

    The reason they got to where they are is because of Redknapp. Unless they get the 'right man' and keep their main players, it's not going to be fun if your a Pompey fan.

    I hate him too.

  5. Hi general. Just a quick one

    Dissapointed with the programmes. Seems as if you paid the extra £2.50 just for the cover. There were less pages (30 odd, there are close to 70 in our premiership programmes) I know there's always been a smaller programme for cup games but it said on the Villa site that there would be 'in depth' analysis on Villa and the rest of the group...not exactly in depth is it? There were only a couple of pages if that on the rest of the group.

    Perhaps a scarf + programme combo at £10 for both would of been better.

    Also they sold out incredibly quickly. Perhaps this needs to be looked at for further special edition publications.

    I'd like to echo this. A big marketing push was made by the club promoting these 'special' programmes and all we actually got for twice the normal price was a programme half the thickness with a shiny stiff cover.They are not even limited edition as your going to reprint them and sell them in the club shop!

    50p off the next programme isn't exactly a generous offer too, is it? I expect the majority of people have lost the vouchers that were given out yesterday as well!

  6. Hi general. Just a quick one

    Dissapointed with the programmes. Seems as if you paid the extra £2.50 just for the cover. There were less pages (30 odd, there are close to 70 in our premiership programmes) I know there's always been a smaller programme for cup games but it said on the Villa site that there would be 'in depth' analysis on Villa and the rest of the group...not exactly in depth is it? There were only a couple of pages if that on the rest of the group.

    Perhaps a scarf + programme combo at £10 for both would of been better.

    Also they sold out incredibly quickly. Perhaps this needs to be looked at for further special edition publications.

  7. Now then General,

    I need a bit of advice if i may. I bought a Villa home shirt about a month ago from a store in Leeds (should have got it from the OS i know). Now i have washed the shirt a couple of times without having any problems but after its latest wash it, seems to have shrunk. I usually do the washing but this time the missus did it and swears she did it on 30 (she is ultra energy efficient and environmentally aware).

    The shirt is as good as wrecked. I have been buying villa shirts for nearly 15 years and have never experienced anything like it before.

    Has anyone else had anything like this happen? Do you think my missus really just hates my love for villa and sneaked it in a 90 degree wash?

    Im just a bit upset, like a said, our lass swears it was on a normal wash and now i am without my prize piece of clothing for 5-a-side tomorrow night and my trisp to hamburg and prague :| :| :| .

    Any suggestions/views/comments and is there anyone at the club i can talk to about this or as it was not bought direct, would the club not want to know?


    p.s i have seen villa shirts on sale inthe centre of milan in italy and munich in germany, what a great time it is to be a villa fan, i keep having to pinch myself. Thanks for everthing you do/have done and in advance for everything im sure you and the new guys will do. I love this football club as do thousands of others. (except the missus of course)

    re to this - I am sure I am washing my shirt on a 30 but the colour is running into my lettering on the back of my shirt which is puzzling.

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