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Posts posted by zeebra

  1. I’m not sure if this is a good place to share/ask but I’m at a loss what to do as next step. I purchased online a Villa shirt for my son in October. The shirt never arrived, so I wrote to customer.services@shop.avfc.co.uk and some guy called Adrian replied saying it had got lost in the post, and would I like them to send another one or get a refund. I replied a refund. Since then no refund came and also no reply to any emails I send. Over 3 months I have emailed 4 times, with increasing frustration. But nothing is replied to. Any thoughts what I should do next? Or does anyone have a contact higher up at the club store?

  2. Moyes now odds-on at PaddyPower and Betfair (5/6). Odds-on usually infers there is some serious evidence to support the result. I'd guess Moyes has clearly stated his desire for the role, and that he's been seen in discussions with the board. However its pretty much evens, so probably no evidence yet to suggest they are accepting his application, and he's probably now their banker if nothing better materialises. With no evidence of anything better, he's therefore moving into odds-on territory. 

  3. 2 hours ago, John said:

    They have probably heard it all before in the playground but already know not to repeat it especially in front of their Dad.;)

    Cheers all. will stick with the Doug Ellis lower, as sounds like a good balance....good view, close to the 'noise' of the Holte, and fine for kids. As you say John, they've heard all the 'bad' words before...and have proven to be quite skilled in not using them in front of Dad.....who knows what they speak at school....well they speak Czech at school so I have no idea what words they use:)

    Here's to back to back home victories.....should be enough to ensure they remain unfortunate life-long Villa fans? 2 loses and Im worried they'll become Man City fans?.....where half the world cup players play!!!

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  4. I'm taking my kids (6/8/10 years) for their first Villa matches this year. We are heading to the Brentford and Reading home matches in a couple of weeks time. I bought tickets without really thinking about it in Doug Ellis Stand Lower (area M4). Now I've learnt there is a family area in Trinity Road and wondering if I should try and switch my tickets there. What do you think, is Doug Ellis Lower (M4) suitable/safe for young children?


  5. whilst I think GH has got his figures wrong, the criticism is ridiculous. You can easily look at the prem stats at a glance and say 7th to 12th (although 6th to 12th would of course been better, and perhaps not led to all the negative comments on here).

    Just to set the record straight though, Aston Villa are the 5th best team in the Premier League (one place behind the 4th placed Liverpool). Here is the total points table for Premier League History, surely this is the best assesment of who's how good:

    1 Man Utd 1501

    2 Arsenal 1318

    3 Chelsea 1276

    4 Liverpool 1228

    5 Aston Villa 1009

    6 Tottenham 959

    7 Everton 925

    8 Newcastle 910

    9 Blackburn 899

    10 West Ham 731

    If you take all history (from the start of the football league) I expect you'll find us in about 4th place.

    If you take more recent history (last 3 years lets say) we are in 6th place. Allround WE ARE THE 5th BEST TEAM IN ENGLAND. Actually we're the best team in England, but in terms of results we're 5th:)

  6. I find it unbelievable the amount of negative reponse being aimed at Houllier. I think The General put it just right when he said have a view but have respect. Houllier is a great man with a great record, and why so many people are 'searching' for negatives (and ignoring the positives) is strange...and sad. Check out these quotes from Gerard (primarily from his days at pool), I think they say a lot about him:

    1. "I used to stand on the Kop when I was here in 1969. The atmosphere and passion on the pitch as well as the terraces was intoxicating and Liverpool became part of me from that day on."

    2. "Our job is to make the fans happy. When we win, 45,000 people go home happy. When we lose, it not only affects them, it affects their cats."

    3. "To most Liverpool supporters it won't matter if 11 Martians bring the championship back to Anfield, as long as it comes.''

    4. "We don't destroy our heroes today when we worshipped them yesterday"

    5. "The only pleasure I take is that the fans are happy with the team. But I don't believe in anything other than my team."

    6. "I notice a former captain of ours said recently that this squad is so good that we don't need a manager. I took this as a great compliment. He must have changed his mind since leaving as he said at the time that Phil Thompson and I would drag the club down. On that point I suppose he was right - we dragged the club down to Cardiff three times in the last 10 months."

    7. "You can't build a cathedral in a day. A look at the club's history tells you these things take time."

    8. "We scored 127 goals - the third highest total in the club's history. Although, if you believe everything you read in the papers, 126 probably came from a breakaway from the edge of our penalty area. The other one was probably an own goal."

    9. "A player needs to be a winner every day in training. Every function, every exercise, he should be striving to win. We assume they go out on match day with that attitude but I expect to see it all the time, when they are working behind closed doors."

    10. "You are not sure to succeed in this job but you are absolutely certain to fail if you are not one hundred per cent committed to the job."

    11. "Sometimes football can send you from the attic to the basement without the aid of a lift."

    12. "A Liverpool player must play like a lion, give his all. There must be determination, commitment and resolve to be a Liverpool player."

    13. "One day we will beat Manchester United. I promise you that."

    14. "I don't live in the past. I live in the present and I look to the future. But I take lessons from the past."

    15. "The players? country is Liverpool Football Club and their language is football."

    16. "Nobody knows everything about football but I am prepared to live and die by my ideas.''

    17. "I'm very demanding in terms of work and spirit. I think I'm a very nice man but I can be a very nasty man if someone is not behaving right. If someone upsets the harmony of what we are trying to do, I am 10 times nastier than anyone else."

    18. "I don't want to talk about the start of something special. I'm just doing my work."

    19. "I belong to a special club, I live with special people, this is a privilege, this is pure happiness."

    20. "I want to keep an English heart to the team. I believe in that. Michael Owen is that. Never think Michael is afraid of anything."

    21. "To me, the team is more important than any individual member of the squad, and the players have to realise that and accept that my priority is to pick a side with the best possible chance of winning each match."

    22. "When I see the Bill Shankly statue, I look at the sentiment on the base. It says: 'He made the people happy.' Well now the modern Liverpool is making the fans and the city happy. And that makes me so proud."

    23. "One of the things I am in the habit of saying is that the only place success comes before work is in the dictionary."

    24. "All I know is my team will die for the shirt they now wear; I can promise our fans that at least."

    25. "Players have responsibilities, because, whether they like it or not, they are public figures. They have to be aware that the people who come to the ground spend fortunes in relation to what they earn."

    26. "My philosophy is that you must compete, you must run and fight until you have nothing left. If we don't, then people are entitled to criticise us as much as they like, because it would be totally unacceptable."

    27. "If someone is not committed or not prepared to give his all, you have a problem. Believe me, though, it is one I would not tolerate for long."

    28. "These players are my true heroes."

    29. "I came to this club with double vision. I want this club to be the best in this country and I want this club to be the best in Europe."

    30. "I feel a bit embarrassed when the fans sing my name but my name represents the team. The players are the most important people in the game. I want to share the credit with the people around me. You don't win as just one person."

    31. "The Liverpool fans are something special. I have to say that the Liverpool fans have been magnificent with me and that's all that matters. The true accolade is from the fans."

    32. "The atmosphere is different here from other clubs. The mutual faith between fans and the team dates back to Shankly's time. Shankly's charisma helped that relationship develop and that relationship is still valid now."

    33. "The fans are more patient than the media. You don't see many games here when the fans stop singing."

  7. An old man sits down on a park bench next to a Punk. Facinated at the Punks multi-coloured hair the old man cant help but stair. Eventually the Punk looks at the old man and says "what are you staring at? haven't you ever done something crazy in your sad life?" To which the old man replys, "Oh yes, once I **** a parrot, and was just wondering if you might be my son"

  8. General, cant say enough how we all appreciate the efforts you are making in talking with us on this site. It means a hell of a lot. Anyway to my point....

    You wrote:

    "...we are looking into a foray into the Czech Republic"

    Anything I can do to help? Im Villa through and through, and live and work in CZ, also own a recruitment company, and have CZ staff who are pretty good at searching for and introducing themselves to anyone. We have an office and meeting rooms here you can use, and we could even put an Aston Villa CZ sign out the front:) So if you need us for anything we're here to help.

    Anyone else who wants a job out here, send me your CV:) Or....whilst im inadvertantly advertising myself a bit here (am I allowed to MODS?, it is on topic:) anyone interested in skilled Czech staff (mainly IT and engineering) to work for their companies in UK (or anywhere) please let me know.

  9. I think we will finish 2nd!!!! We will have an okay start to the season, and be hanging around 6th place up until the end of November. We will then have a solid starting 11 (with very little squad rotation) that will be growing in confidence that will take us on a run of 8 wins, and 2 draws in 10. By the end of January we will be top of the league (2 points ahead of Arsenal).

    At this point in time O'Leary will start to be hailed as the greatest ever Villa manager, Angel will be worth 30 million, and Match of the day will be giving half their coverage to Villa.

    Villa will soon fall off the top spot (tiredness setting in for the soon to be legendary starting 11), but remain in the top 3. In March several key injuries will contribute to Villa falling to 4th spot (behind Arsenal, Liverpool, and Man Utd - but only 6 points away from 1st).

    Solano will return from injury with 5 games to go, and will contribute greatly (with the help of a regularly sold out Villa Park singing their hearts out), to Villa winning 4 of their last 5 games - including a vital win over Utd or Liverpool to finish in 2nd place (2 points behind Arsenal).

    No cup wins Im afraid though. We'll lose to Newcastle in the semi finals of the league cup, and take an early exit in the FA cup losing to Crystal Palace or someone.

    This time next year we will be looking forward to Champions League football, have some decent spending money, Pavel Nedvied will announce he wants to finish his career at Villa Park, and Van Brommel will be suffering from depression and struggling to find match fitness as he tries to help Spurs make a quick return to the premiership!!!!

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