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Posts posted by villa84

  1. People who are saying its pointless showing this to the general and that MON will never see it could also be wrong. Managers put up newspaper articles and fans views on players performances in the changing rooms and make them aware of it. If Petrov needs to be told to work on his fitness and up his tempo im sure he will be told, by Mon and us, and if we are not happy with Heskey and word gets around which i bet you it does, MON will have to consider it for longer whether Heskey is really working. The General will put comments views forward to MON maybe not directly but they will get there, even if he says he doesnt. Not a dig at the General by the way.

  2. Feel free to pop into this thread and take a look General. Look at the voting at the top, i know your nothing to do with it, and you would never dream of letting MON know as the thread i have started is pathetic as pointed out by many posters. Just thought for your general knowledge you might be interested. A bit like the history lessons many give you about our club whereas this is more of a predict the future lesson..

    3000 posts and I still can't do a short link

    Before i get slated, i love the clubs and think you guys running it are doing fantastic. Also MON is awsome but needs to tweek a few things..

  3. Well this wasnt suppose to turn into a slag MON of fest lol. The only mistakes he is making is playing Heskey and playing a 4-4-2. If we play 4-5-1 and drops Heskey the man will be a genius again, if he continues with Heskey and plays 4-4-2 he is going to fail. Come on MON, we know you can see it, your just being too loyal to Petrov and Heskey, and too stubborn towards us fans. Do what we all know is right......................take Heskey off to the quarry for a little chat and do what you gotta do...

  4. So we are losing in a game.... 2 - 1 to be precise after 60 mins, and Carew and Gabby are injured and knackered and its too much of a big game for young fonz. We bring Heskey on upfront on his own.......... Which one of you guys feels confident that he will score and we will get back in the game?

    Probably none of you....so why do we have Heskey as a striker? Strikers are suppose to score goals aren't they?? If Drogba scored 1 in 9 for about 3 years would he still be at Chelsea?

    If you are one of those thinking, " but he holds the ball up, like he does for England" well we don't play like England so that theory is flawed. Any other theories on why we should keep him? Maybe its because he is good backup?? Well if we do what most on here want us to do and play 4-5-1, then that will mean that Heskey if used as backup will have to go up top on his own.

  5. Heskey has started 12 games of which we have won three. Not good enough for me (not that it is all his fault).

    so take away those 12 games and I think you'll find it's 1 win in what? 7 games?

    Blaming Heskey rather than the person taht picks him is foolish

    No its not. MON cant go out there and kick the **** ball for him. He gets paid a fortune to play football. He should be a social worker or something..

  6. I agree he has made A mistake. Heskey being it. But an idiot doesn't get a team of players beating Liverpool 3 - 1 and Arsenal and get them from 16th to 6th in the table. An idiot striker such as Heskey DOES miss chance after chance and barely scores and i mean any goals at all. Everyone was happy to call Carlton Cole rubbish but at least he is banging in some goals. Id rather play Harewood, as he can score!!!!

  7. Congratulations - this is the worst and most pathetic thread I have ever read on here - and that is saying something.

    Whether you like him or not - he was not to blame yesterday.

    If anyone really thinks he is to blame or mainly to blame for 6 months of shite you're either extremely naive, jumping on a fashionable bandwagon, impressionable or at worst completely stupid.

    The manager prefers him to Gabby and / or Carew therefore save your

    ire for him

    I agree we lump up the ball when he plays - but that isn't Heskeys fault it's either piss poor management or players themselves being morons

    Lay off Heskey, blame the clueless idiot that picks him

    And your not on the other fashionable bandwagon..calling MON a clueless idiot?? Fool. The thread might be bad, but you have just made yourself look completely stupid with that post!

  8. Im at uni, have a gf, im fit and healthy, looking at a good career, travelled a lot and wanna travel more and have a great supporting family around me. In general an 8, but at the moment whilst im looking for part time work whilst its summer at uni, and money being a bit short until the end of spetember it would have to currently be a 6.

    In general an 8.

    Currently 6.

  9. This is only a difficult poll if you are five years old, or had a hard bang on the head. Do you want Heskey to play or not? If you think he should play in a 4-5-1 then your answer would be YES, if you would have him play in a 4-4-2 then your answer would be YES, if you would have him come on after 60 minutes to hold the ball up, in a game we are winning then your answer would be YES. If your not happy with him and think Gabby and Carew are better and cause our team to score more goals, your answer will be NO, if you think we play better in a 4-5-1 with Gabby up top, then your answer would be NO.

    Has that made it a little easier for you all?

  10. You shock me you really do, i have not moaned about tonight. Im positive about the season and when have i suggested that i want to manage the team????????? All i have said is that i dont think Heskey is useful up front and i would prefer him not to play. It wont make any difference, Mon isnt going to say "oh Villa84 doesn't want Heskey playing, i'd better go throw a boot at Heskey and have a word" is he?? But he will see a vast amount of fans maybe questioning a certain part of our game. Are you not all doing the same thing, telling him to play 4 -5-1??? I rest my case.

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