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Posts posted by DreadPirateRoberts

  1. That's a really good video Bicks. My vote is going to be an anti-BNP vote rather than pro-any of the other parties. By the look of the link below on wikipedia though, it looks like the best way to vote to achieve that aim would be to vote for the Lib Dems given that they were 90,000 votes ahead of the BNP last time and the gap will probably be closed. Unfortunately I can't see the Greens closing the 30,000 vote gap to the BNP this year. Anyone else want to comment on whether my assumptions are right for West Midlands voting??

    Last time out in the West Mids

  2. Havent got a season ticket any more, but I am a Holte Ender.

    Lower Holte these days, but before that it was... THE RIGHT SIDE!


    Anyway, I'm in row LL in L6 just in front of some right moaning bastards.

  3. Did you want to break Petrov's legs when he wasn't playing well?

    If it's best for the team and all that.. clearly you're happy with mediocrity, I'm not..

    So you think MON should break the legs of players who aren't performing?


    :lol: I think there should be a sliding scale. A broken nose for anyone whose cross doesn't get past the first defender, a broken finger someone who gives away a penalty, a broken arm for someone who misses and open goal all the way through to a broken leg for someone out of form.

  4. No.

    I believe that it is doing our club good in the long run as we're showing that we won't be pushed around while also refusing to strengthen one of our closest rivals on their terms; I accept that Barry will leave eventually but the less pre-season he has with Liverpool the better for us.

  5. I've never played WoW, but I saw this on theonion.com and thought of you guys:

    Baby, You Mean The World Of Warcraft To Me

    April 19, 2006 | Issue 42•16

    Come on, honey, why do you have to be like that? You know that you're my Elven princess. My one and only. I would dare say that there is no one in all the realm who doesn't know of our love. I have sung your praises from the mouth of the Shadowthread Cave to the Stranglethorn Vale of the Eastern Kingdoms. I've introduced you to my comrades-in-arms in the Ulster guild, and they all accept you as kin.

    And now you want to dissolve the greatest love ever to brighten my basement?

    When we met, I was looking for a group fit to take the Zul'Gurub instance. But as I stocked up on provisions at the convenience store before my quest, and our eyes locked, I realized that I was not looking for a group, I was looking for love, and I found it in you. You are the sun, the moon, the Cinderhide Armsplints of the Monkey. There is so much we have to offer one another. Unfailing loyalty, a Strength of 250, someone who can go out for snacks in the heat of battle. Can't you see we're made for each other?

    Darling, no orc can keep me from you. I would make my way into the heart of Moonglade and fight an army of trolls just to be by your side. I would go up against Varimathras, the ruler of the Undead himself, if he so much as hinted that he was a danger to you. Make no mistake, I would get aggro on anyone who would threaten you.

    This is, of course, provided the system is not down due to a faulty patch.

    Don't you see that I did it all for you? My love for you exceeds Level 60, higher than anyone thought possible in this fantastic computer universe. My spirit soars when you are near. You restore my mana with a kiss. I even named my epic mount after you. Her name is Helen, and her hair shimmers in the sunlight, and together we ride forward into destiny.

    I would climb the highest peak of Mount Hyjal to toil for 100 days and 100 nights in the mines in order to extract the precious ore so that I may fashion you a necklace of the finest thorium. My warrior, Hammuster, devoted his game's life to the professions of mining and smithing just so that I might accomplish that very thing. All you need do is join me in the WoW and hold the necklace up to the virtual sun. Then you may see the efforts I have expended to create this thing of beauty for you. The dishes can wait until tomorrow.

    Helen, my mage, when I was ganked by a lowly rogue from Tennessee in the Caverns of Time and stripped of my treasured belongings, I rose from the grave with one purpose in mind. I had to be resurrected, not to seek revenge, but to return to you.

    There is no other way to put it: You take my breath bar away.

    Why do we need to go out to have fun? Everything we could possibly want is right in WoW. Fine dining, theater, romantic sunsets—they're all there. The outside world just costs money, and I don't have a magic breastplate to protect me from people's stares. Come with me so I can treat you like the princess you are.

    Please, baby, if you leave, you will increase by 32 percent the chance of doing direct damage to my heart. Please reconsider.


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