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Posts posted by Borgs

  1. I'm looking forward to playing against teams around our level again - I think we'll then be able to get rewards for how much we've progressed so far under Lambert. Against the likes of United and City it's just so damn unforgiving.

    Precisely. Still a third of the league to play a first time and we're getting the juggernauts out of the way now. We're much improved and should fare better against the league balance.

  2. Unsure.

    Villa can't score. Southampton can't defend. Norwich are very thin and one key injury would be decimating. QPR are collectively shit but possess the individual talent to pull themselves out of it with perhaps a better manager. Wigan will be thereabouts as always. A lot of contenders.

  3. I haven't committed either way on whether or not this club could go down but I can say this: I find scrapping for survival with cheap, unproven youngsters with potential more exciting than running sixth three consecutive seasons.

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