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Posts posted by Biffta

  1. Hi General

    I appreciate it is difficult to answer the many issues we have with GH and I understand you have to be generic...my support for you and Randy is unwavering, lest we not forgot the change of fortunes we have had since you guys arrived..but surely you can see the difference made by the quality shift of Manager, MON kicked every ball, headed every cross and talked about Villa with a smile on his face... I believe Houlier has irrevocably removed the support he had

    The statement he issued is a good as a chocolate fireguard.. Houlier is starting to lose the fans, History is a great teacher, you and randy should research what happens when a Manager loses the fans..ask Mr Ellis, in fact, thinking about it you should thing about replacing Mr Faulkener with Doug, Doug wouldnt stand for that in any way shape or form

    P.s. We still support you and Randy 100% : - )

  2. General,

    Whats Randy's thoughts on where we are presently heading? Does Randy still want to be in the top echelons or his he happy with mid table i.e. reducing his costs to keep in the prem and therefore return some of his investment? if we are still aiming for the top, will we be in a position come Jan 1st to start to implement changes? its obvious Houlier isnt happy with what he has got, How much involvement does Houlier have at the training ground, im hearing rumours he stays in the back office a lot?. Just to let you know, the only good thing at Villa at the moment, is Randy, I hope he's keeping the faith

  3. Like a lot of people the unknowing, the waiting is torture...The "good, bad and the ugly" all want the same thing, we have been watching football for many years and to be honest, the new generation of Villa fans have never seen success, we didnt know what success looked like until Randy and MON gave us a glimmer of hope...I will still support Villa through thick and thin and I want a top Manager ASAP but I understand people's availability issues, I hate to say this, then if the right ones are not available now, would it not be prudent to wait a while longer, if you guys said no-one of the right calibre is available right now, then I for one would go along with that judgement...we have seen some good managers at the Villa but some useless ones, just trawl the annuals of our history and other clubs and see the impact of a poor choice, have a look at the end of season tapes for the teams that are being relegated and see the pain on anguish on the faces of their fans, then you will understand why we are anxious, football is a religion!! and Villa is our church!!

  4. Hi General

    Are we only interviewing Managers that are out of work? I agree with your sentiment about bringing in Managers for the right reasons, however you have to consider that Managers that are currently available are available for a reason and its usually to do with poor performance..Headhunting is a tried and tested method used across many industries and sectors...getting the right man shouldn't be purely based upon their stated availability i.e Curbishley, he's useless!! in the interview process are you or do you plan to seek advice from the fans? you should, together we have 1000's of years experience to help you and board make the right decisions...let me put it bluntly, the decision this board makes on a new manager will have effects on how the team is supported for the rest of this season and beyond, make the wrong choice and I reckon you can kiss goodbye to Randy's investment i.e. if Curbishley takes over I'll find it difficult to continue my support

    I would love to see us take advantage of the McLeish situation, not only do I think he's a very good manager, it would also piss Small Heath fans off immensely if we were to nab him (double whammy) just think about the positive responses you would get

  5. Hi General,

    I was fuming last night but after a good nights sleep and a good breakfast I'm still fuming

    The cost of my season ticket and the season tickets for my 2 kids is probably proportionate to the money Randy has invested in Aston Villa...however as a fan of too many years my sacrifice and my hard earned cash will be belittled with you commenting that Randy has invested this, that and the other...

    I agree Randy has achieved many things at our club, I am still 100% behind Randy but is Randy still 100% behind me as a fan, the evidence would suggest no.

    In terms of a great Manager, there is one available that we should go and get now...MARTIN O'NEILL...give him what he wants and get him back..

    Can you not see what he has to deal with? the pressure he was under, he took us to a challenging team, he had to build a team from scratch, he made mistakes but this was probably more down to availability than choice. Give him what he wants and get him back for the love of god!!!

    My question is, does Randy understand now what's he's lost?

  6. General,

    I'll think you'll find Randy will get a standing ovation on Saturday (he should)...Its Randy who has moved Villa forward, under Randy Villa have had the backing to push on, any Manager worth his salt with £138 mill to spend would have progressed Villa..Can you let Randy know that Villa fans appreciate his efforts and ask him not to lose his passion..we are villa fans and the majority will support Villa through thick and thin, not glory hunters! although some glory would be nice : - )...I think the sudden departure made us fearful but in Randy we know we have the best man looking at the best for my club..UTV

  7. General,

    Is there any truth in that MON left because the club officials wanted to take control of wage negotiations and take it out of MON's hands?

    If its true, then good riddance to MON and I applaud the club for making this aspect more controllable, football people i.e. ex players look after each other and lets it are not always the sharpest tools in the box i.e. Milner

  8. Hi General, first of all, happy belated birthday!!

    My second point is more of a observation re; world wide marketing, branding..When Randy and the team came on board (and thank god you did) i thought it would mean we would be more exposed in the U.S, I have seen really small signs of this happening (i travel between the US and UK on business). However I think we are missing a trick..We (my company) often use celebrity's to endorse our product, why cant we do the same with Villa...people like Tom Hanks stating Publically he supports Villa along with other people of note to run a campaign to do the same...Im sure with this kind of endorsement and ad campaign, you could dramatically increase the fan base thus increase the revenue etc...just a thought!!

    Anyway again thanks for what Randy, you, MON and all the other members of the Villa family have done

  9. General,

    Are their any plans re: flags for the Final, I think you will agree the atmosphere was brilliant at the semi-final and the uniformity of the flags really made it electric? I'm not suggesting we get free flags again but if we could purchase flags with the Carling cup final as a momento that would be great..im sure its happening

    On another note I was having problems getting a hotel in london and their beer prices are astronomical, could Nicky Keye look into it for me..just joking...just to let you know we'll be raising the Villa Flag high in London Town on Sat, let them know the mighty VILLA coming..UTV

  10. General,

    I dont post on here often, I tend to just read and listen to debates.

    First off I am proud to be a Villa fan and gestures like Cardiff make it even more so, thanks to you, Randy and MON

    I go to every home game and away game (bar the few when I'm ill or when the Missus has something important to do, like shopping!! im not bitter)

    The home and away games are almost chalk and cheese..the passion and voice of the away fans is 10 fold what we get at Villa Park

    My question is what can we do to change that at Home, it would make a massive difference I am sure of it

    Thinking outside of the box, I was thinking some kind of noise meter visible to all fans or a band sponsored by the Villa (like at the england games or at American sports games)..I know this sounds crazy but if you remember not too long ago with the scarves at the Euro champs the noise and the atmosphere added to the performance I am sure of it

    anyway just a thought

  11. General, when are the season tickets being despatched?

    I just can't wait for the season to start, what you guys have done to my beloved club is just fantastic..don't worry about the moaners, you always get them..If you gave them free choclate each week they would moan you are making them fat..

    I know we are going to have a great year this year !!

    The kit looks great

  12. Hi General,

    Being a life long villa fan I am thrilled to see you taking time to talk to us. I was just wondering what you thought of the Premier League. I grew up in the states and know americans dont see it as an exciting game, what do you think? exciting or what?

    just another thought, great news with the development, but what about purchasing Aston Hall and turning that into a Hotel / conference centre and extra parking for VP?

    Thanks again for making things great at Villa again. Its great being able to purchase the newspapers on a sunday.

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