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Posts posted by BerniesElbow

  1. After much deliberation and deep thought...

    ...the Giants are hot and Brady is not! Eli has been playing like Peyton and Brady has been playing like...well, crap frankly. NY is a well balanced team and it seems NE has been relying on their offense as of late (in spite of Bradys numbers).

    So I'm sure thats the "kiss of death" for NY, sorry kkr.

  2. Steelers QB settles rape lawsuit


    RENO, Nev. (AP)—Lawyers for Ben Roethlisberger and a woman who accused him of raping her at a Lake Tahoe hotel-casino in 2008 have reached a settlement that ends her civil lawsuit against the Steelers quarterback.

    Cal Dunlap, the Reno lawyer representing the woman, confirmed the settlement on Friday but declined to discuss the terms of the agreement.

    “The matter has been resolved and I have no further comment,” he told The Associated Press.

    The Reno Gazette-Journal first reported the settlement on its website. It also dismisses claims against Harrah’s employees whom the woman had accused of covering up the alleged sexual assault in Roethlisberger’s penthouse suite in July 2008.

    Dunlap first told Washoe District Court Judge Brent Adams in papers filed last Nov. 30 that his client wanted to have a stay lifted so the case could be dismissed because a settlement was pending.

    “All parties have reached a resolution of all claims and counterclaims,” he wrote.

    Adams formally dismissed the case Dec. 27 but neither side had publicized it until now.

    David Cornwell, Roethlisberger’s lawyer, did not immediately return a telephone call seeking comment on Friday. His agent, Ryan Tollner, said neither he nor Roethlisberger would have any comment.

    The Nevada Supreme Court had ruled against the two-time Super Bowl champion quarterback’s request in August to have the case moved from Reno to Carson City because it was closer to where the alleged incident had occurred at Harrah’s in Stateline.

    The woman was a VIP casino hostess at Harrah’s when she said Roethlisberger allegedly lured her to his room under the pretense of fixing his television. Roethlisberger was in town at the time to play in a celebrity golf tournament.

    Roethlisberger denied the allegations.

    The original lawsuit filed in 2009 sought a minimum of $440,000 in damages from the quarterback, at least $50,000 in damages from the Harrah’s officials and an unspecified amount in punitive damages.

    The woman said she never filed a criminal complaint because she feared Harrah’s would side with Roethlisberger and she would be fired.



  3. You can spend as much or as little as you like on food. Theres everything from McDonalds on up. As far as the nightlife, as long as you're not in Miami its not too pricey. Stay in your hotel room and do a little pre-game drinking before you go out to save a few bucks. Dont know about the parks as I havent been there myself yet, but I'm sure their websites can you give you any info you need. You also might be able to catch the end of the "March Madness" mens college basketball National Championships if you come in early April. The Final Four will be on March 31 and April 2nd in New Orleans.

  4. Big weekend coming up.

    Pittspuke in Cleveland on Sunday and Ohio State v. Florida the next day!

    And, by the way, I just moved to Florida last week!

    GO BUCKS! Woo-hoo!

    And lets see if anybody on the Browns offense has the "testicular fortitude" to go after that punk-ass James Harrison for knocking out Colt McCoy with a cheap shot.

    Heres what I would do:

    On the very first offensive snap for the Browns, I would have Colt McCoy take a knee and the other 10 guys run at Harrison and knock him down and then just pile on him.

  5. They have given the search for the monkey. It has also been reported that the monkey was infected with Herpes B. The speculation is that one of the cats ate it. I can see reports of a baby bigfoot with cold sores running around Ohio in 6 months.

  6. @Peever-- with all due respect, it was night and it was raining. There were 60 wild animals running loose around the property, 76 acres of land. Would you have volunteered to go in there with a couple of tranquilizer guns and a flashlight? Remember, they had to prevent these things from escaping.

    "Unbelievable that this happened but at the same time not that surprising as it happened in America....."----not quite sure what you mean by that so I wont comment.

    @Nigel--You hit the nail on the head. I'm sure they were not thrilled about having to shoot these animals either.

  7. http://abcnews.go.com/US/zanesville-deputy-killed-charging-bear-shot-feet/story?id=14775964

    This is a sad story. Many, if not most of the animals killed, were on the "Endangered" or "Threatened" species lists. 18 Bengal tigers were killed and, according to Jack Hanna, there were/are only 1400 left in the world. Lets see---Grizzlies I believe were just recently taken off of the endangered list, Cougars, American Bison, Gray Wolf, Cheetahs, Chimpanzees, Tigers...thats all I can think of off the top of my head. The dead also included a white tiger.

    Some of the news and newspaper/blog reports were making it sound like lions were chasing people down the street, like "Jumanji" or something. It was my understanding that 6 animals actually made it off property.

    According to the local Sheriff, public safety was first and foremost on his mind. So he gave orders that if the animals looked like they could not be contained (they were ALL released from their individual enclosures), they were to be put down. They were basically just wandering around the property. A few animals were captured alive. But this is a county sheriffs department that does not have the training or resources (tranquilizers) at their disposal to deal with such an incident. All of these animals were of different sizes and several different species. These guys dont know anything about tranquilizing animals. It was a catch-22 situation. If someone were to get hurt or killed by one of these things, people would be losing their minds. A human life will always be held in higher regard than that of an animals life, like it or not.

    Ohio has the most lax animal control laws in the U.S. To quote Jack Hanna "Its like the wild west in Ohio." Basically as long as you have a large enough cage and obtained the animals legally (sounds like another grey area to me?), you can keep whatever and however many you want here. Hanna has since said he will make it his lifes (hes from here, too) work to get the Ohio legislature to enact much stricter laws.

    Oh, I almost forgot. Ex-governor Strickland actually had a bill pending with tougher animal control laws and his successor, Gov. Kasich killed the bill soon after taking office.

  8. !!!BREAKING NEWS!!!!




    This is a good move by Oakland, if it turns out to be true. Stay tuned.

  9. Lloyd trade rumours. FML! If this happens we really are turning the "getting rid of talent" into an art-form.

    That said, he's getting on a bit and contract is running short. He will be expensive to resign

    There has been some talk of Cleveland having some interest in Lloyd, but it appears to be just a rumor at this point.

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