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Posts posted by Guus

  1. I have a pain in the back of my leg when I run, I'm pretty sure that it's not my hamstring as its not painful when I extend, just when I make certain movements.

    I stretch for about 10 mins before and after, but I can't seem to make it go away.

    Does anyone have any suggestions?

  2. A man charges into a bank wearing a balaclava and wielding a handgun, he

    shouts 'This is a raid - everyone get on the floor!!' and proceeds to

    empty the cash drawers. As he runs towards the door with the loot, a brave customer yanks off

    his balaclava, the robber immediately shoots the customer in the head and shouts 'Did anybody else here see my face?'

    The robber notices another customer peering from behind a counter and goes over and shoots him in the head also. 'Did anybody else see my

    face?' he shouts again, waving his gun around.

    There is silence for a few seconds before an Aussie male voice is heard from a distant corner .

    I think my missus caught a glimpse!!'

  3. I've said it before but i won't mind, i hope he goes early in the summer so it doesn't drag on. We need a different player than barry to partner petrov and i think that will help us alot. We need someone whose alot better going forward and i believe we will be able to bring in someone very decent to fill the void left by barry.

    I've got an even better idea. Keep Barry, our England regular and best player and replace Petrov with a class box to box midfielder

    Barry cna then do his England role for Villa and we'd be better straight away

    This whole Petrov is suddenly a class act thing is most amusing. He's 5 times the player he was previously for us, yet still has no massive impact on the side apart from his crab like sideways passing. He offers no assists, he doesn't get involved in set pieces, he doesn't score, he doesn't have any pace etc etc

    He does a great job playing short 5 yard balls and running around a lot


    The top 4 will all come knocking on O'Neill's door for him this summer i'm sure :lol:

    IMHO every team needs a player similar to this in the Keane, Makalele, Viera mould.

    I'm not saying that Stan is at their level, but what I am saying is that he does a lot of the dirty work, tackling, ball retention, organisation, stuff that largely goes unnoticed and largely unappreciated.

    I think he has had a good season and therefore think that I would rather let go of Barry and get someone with the same attacking flair but with pace.

  4. Stretching: there is a school of thought that says you should always stretch AFTER running, but never BEFORE, as stretching un-warmed-up muscles and tendons is likely to do more harm than good.

    Some say 10-15 mins warmup then stretching.

    However along with the recommended warm down and stretch out, it turns even the smallest run into a long winded effort!

    Totally agree. And my laziness/impatience always comes back to bite me. Had my first run for three weeks on Tuesday. Achilles still dodgy, so just did a steady five miler (45 mins or so). Not too much reaction so I'll go out again this evening. Next race is on May 4th, I'm running out of time.

    May the 4th be with you in that race.

  5. 6. The entire stadium stairs and seating area were steam cleaned this past summer...entirely. We moved tons of dirt and filth over a several week period. If you think it is bad now, then you should have seen it before. I am sad that you think it looks bad because we invested a great deal of money cleaning the entire stadium.

    On the contrary general, I have been to the last 2 reserve matches and the stadium looks immaculately clean.

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