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Posts posted by daz316

  1. Quads are already ok from football anyway. Physios told me I've for great quads! Took that as a chat up line

    I am very aware Ingram!! She's a villa van now too....sadly

  2. So I've had an MRI scan and its shown i have a small tear of the lateral meniscus and a small radial tear from twisting my knee playing football on the 04th December.

    I'm just starting proper physio but did pay for some private therapy with ultrasound etc before this. Up until a few weeks ago I could really straighten of bend my knee properly but I can know. It just feels quite week when I put pressure on it and the pain seems to move around.

    I've played football twice so far since, the first time it didn't go well, last week it held out ok and didn't make anything worse. I'm just wondering is this going to be as good as it gets Know? I'd there any possibility it will feel normal again?

    I generally kept fit with football in mind, the weights etc were all too build strength for playing. If I can't play properly again ill be gutted.

  3. 26 goals for, 52 against over 27 games. Even without the Chelsea disaster out goals for and against is awful.

    There's nothing changed that's says things well get better and those figures are as good an indicator as any that we will go down this year

  4. Lambert is NOT the man no matter how much time he's give. The budget restraints would have been hard for any manager yes but the tactics, players used, player management and sibstution management has proved he is not up to it and is losing the plot.


    In games we are losing he throws everyone up front without reealising that any balls headed out of the box by the opposition will not fall to a villa man as they are all in the box already, this surrendering position, i.e Bradford (both legs) When winning he brings all his defenders on, plays far too deep and gives us no outlet to get out of trouble, even in games when we don't appear to be in too much trouble, hence giving up so many leads.


    Then theres the players he uses and where he uses them. He must use the smallest midfielders in the league and we are unable to win headers in the middle of the park, it also becomes a problem at corners as the lack of height is highlighted more. This is not a budget issue as Lambert has cleary preferred to use smaller players so far, Westwood, Bennett and Lowton are not big lads, he seems to prefer these smaller players. It may work in Spain with excellent, intelligent, athletic footballers but using tiny, nervous, weak players in the Premier League is a recipe for disaster, particularly in midfield. Im not big myself so wish it wasn't the case but you need big athletic men for the most part in your team, with the odd small flair player, you cannot have a team as weak and small as ours and expect to control play.


    His rotation is unbelieveable as well, have you noticed how some players seem to play one game then miss 3 or 4, then come back again for no reason. I know he seems to enjoy rotating the squad but when it's so obvious we play better with Weimann, Gabby etc on the pitch and with Bannan and Bennett no where near the team it would be great to see him stick with one team for a while and see how we get on. I actually miss the days of MON and the one team he played, at least they got time to learn each others styles and gel together.


    Finally, he has not recognised our faults, corners are still a problem and there is still no pattern to our play. He does not seem to recognise that Benteke and Bent would appreciate service from wings and Gabby showed that in the second half against Newcastle that it may be our only way to put the oppoisiiton on the back foot. He has also not noticed that he has an excellent footballer in Ciaren Clarke who can control a ball, pass, make space for himself, tackle and head a ball. Instead of realising we are lacking that type of player in the middle of the park he has decided to play him in a position he is clearly not comfortable in and has not worked. Baker is a better, more physical defender and with Clarke in front of them maybe even Bennett could cope as the pressure would certainly be eased by having such a good footballing player as a holding midfielder.


    Thats it really, I know moneys tight but that team could improve so much if Lambert had any sort of plan and recognised where we struggled. He hasn't been able to beat lower league opposition and that isn't down to money, it was the tactics he employed. That shows he isn't up to it and I DO NOT want him managing my team in this division or any other. I feel we are going to get relegated and Lambert will stay as the majority will say "he's the man to keep us up" He isn't and if we keep him we gone for a while, Curbishley would do a better job in the championship I guarantee you.


    This is hurting but I'm more worried about what happens next season because I think this MON lite will still be here and ruining us

  5. How long did it take to shift? Everytime I sneeze I feel like my chest is about to explode and the aches and pains are awful. Started with a sore throat yesterday and getting worse

  6. Any ideas what I can do for New years for me and my wife? She's Russian as some may know and they celebrate new years more than christmas over there so I'd really like to make it a good time for her. Unfortunately because of trips to Russia and the marriage I have no holiday left and I'm working until around 5 on New years eve so it needs to be fairly local and im struggling to think of something special to do.

    Any ideas at all?


  7. Chris, your stance that it doesn't bother you personally is great but you only have to look in the papers today or on twitter to know the comments are ill advised and therefore a mistake. You may not be too fussed but the image of the club is damaged by comments such as these, for every understanding fan such as yourself there will be several thousand opposing fans having a good laugh

    These comments bad for the club and I doubt he was pushed to say them in anyway

    • Like 1
  8. Hey, got an ultimate team in division 1, wont the title without losing, do i just keep playing now as i think that might get boring? This is my first go on ultimate team, used to just play online as villa but theyre rubbish this time!!

    Also, can I join you guys in the club stuff at all? Sounds quite interesting and I can get on quite alot

  9. The first tweet put of no where literally said 'Aston Villa Aston Villa haha'

    Not quite....

    Jay Reddington ‏@jdravfc

    @Frimpong26AFC frimpong got petroved #avfc

    This guy commented on a pic of Frimpong getting booted in the head by Petrov....

    Frimpong then tweeted 'Aston Villa Aston Villa haha'....

    Which then started the random speculation.....

    No, wrong order. Frimpongs 'haha' tweet was what prompted the guy to send him the Petrov tweet.

    True... but the original pic was before!

    either way, it was related to the pic - not transfer speculation!!!!

    Sorry mate your wrong the tweet Aston villa haha was out of nowhere

  10. Got a call from her dad yesterday, she's just got back home and is fine. She's going to bring him over for a visit when she comes back so I've said that he can stay at my nans with me and Alyona while he's here. Think it'll obit be a couple of weeks but it's the first meeting if the parents so I'm bricking it!!

  11. It was me who who suggested we get married, there were no hints at all. We have been together for a year and I DID NOT MEET HER ON THE INTERNET

    Do you guys not know anything other than stereotypes, can you try and think there maybe a possibility of it just being love?

  12. I understand all the cynisicm, I do. I didn't meet her on the internet and we saw each other every day while she was here and we speak every evening on skype when shes not here, I also get alot of messages from her and have met her whole family. That seems like alot of effort for someone just wanting a visa, if she needed one that bad theres plenty of old men out there desperate enough to do it anyway so I'm not particularly worried about that.

    Good point about Aston Hall by the way, I may look at that.

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