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Posts posted by runetune

  1. General,

    I hope you are well. I really wanted to know, like others have alluded - can we please get official confirmation about our manager? At the moment, we've been getting statements he will be back - and yet nothing official from the club, which I admit I find strange. I cannot believe that you are having to wait, because surely if its a medical issue, then you're not going to find out anything more than you did last week?

    Its just we've had such a turbulent season - I think all fans are feeling uneasy because we don't know fully what is happening. An official statement would help end those nerves. I know you could say the assistant manager has spoken on the subject, but it really isn't the same as a statement from the club - or even the manager himself.

    Many thanks.

  2. 5. runetune: Nicky Keye saw your post and would like to discuss it with you. Please call her at Villa Ext. 304. She knows you will be calling her.

    Hi General,

    Many thanks for your reply, but unfortunately, as already mentioned, and for reasons I don't want to discuss on a public board - phoning during office hours for me (or even in to the evening) are nigh on impossible at the moment. If there is any way an email can be sent to me, that is the best way for me to get communication on this at the moment. I did eventually send an email to the club, having found a way to do this, but don't have a direct email to anyone in general, but I would hope my email address is on file.

    Many thanks.

    see your pm/ email for e mail details. Blandy

  3. Hi General

    Great to see there is an e-ticket system available. However, on looking, we spotted that one of our season ticket seats is showing as being available! Obviously this isn't the case.......

    I checked and it showed more than just the Wolves home game as being available. See a screen capture below. There is no obvious email address for me to contact today, and currently due to a number of things going on - I simply won't be able to spend the time trying to phone the ticket office to try and clarify the situation. We would rather not turn up for the Wolves game and have to turf someone out of our season ticket seats.

    If you want more information, I'm happy to send it via PM


  4. I'm more than happy with this appointment. I cannot understand some people who seem to think that you can just walk in and get another manager in a job (ref. to David M and Martin J particularly here). Right at the start, the chances of either of those arriving was close to 0%! Jol because Fulham had already failed to bring him back - and I cannot believe Ajax's stance would change. Moyes because he said he wasn't interested!

    It didn't leave a long list of candidates. My biggest concern was whether Phil Thompson would be appointed his assistant, but as soon as I heard he'd ruled himself out * which didn't surprise me* then as far as I'm concerned, I think GH is the best man around ATM! He does have a pretty impressive record. Is acknowledged for bringing the likes of Gerrard and Carragher through at L/pool, let alone the young French team he nurtured - Thierry et al.

    What I'm interested in is wondering what PT might have to say about this appointment on Sat. because he's already effectively said any manager wanting to come to Villa would be taking on a poisoned chalice. Can't remember the exact words/quote - but I wonder if he is going to say that now GH is in charge, or change his tune completely!? Tosser!

    I'm happy to give all new managers a chance - and I think GH is one who will do well enough for us.

  5. Thanks for an article I totally agree with. Personally, as frustrating as it is - I'd rather know the players being brought in are wanted by the manager, and we don't land up with more warming the bench. On the bright side, it'll help with the next year set of accounts ;)

  6. General

    I hold a season card for North stand lower. I took my wife who is registered disabled to the West Ham game, the ticket office told me there were no disabled seating available. My wife can walk short distances but has difficulty going up and down stairs so I 'upgraded' my seat to lower trinity for £17 and paid £35 for my wife (total £52).

    However. since then a fellow season ticket holder told me that because I went as my wifes carer, I should not have paid £17 extra for my seat as disabled carers go free.

    General, please can you clarify this point and is there anything I can do ???

    Your help is much appreciated Sir - Thank You.

    General, hope you don't mind me jumping in here. You shouldn't have paid for being your wifes carer..... and I've a funny feeling you've paid too much for your wife's ticket as well. I can't remember the exact scale of ticket pricing for the disabled, and I don't know what grade game the WH one was, but I do believe that the highest disabled ticket is £30. I'd suggest contacting Shelia Maybury (she does have a direct line, which I cannot get to atm, but you should be given it via the main switchboard). Shelia is the Disabled Supporters officer, and she has helped me in the past with similar problems.

    Hope this helps.

  7. Nope - simply because I never believe a player can come back to a club a second time around and be successful. It rarely happens (same for most managers as well). Personally I believe we sold at the right time, and really don't need to buy him back!

  8. I'm holding out hope that Milner is still a decent lad and...

    Says to Villa...

    Either i dont want to go, just reject all offers.


    Says i'll go if you get a price your happy with.

    Hopefully there is at least a few footballers who are decent blokes too..

    There is no doubt that Jimmy is a very honourable young man and also dedicated to his football to the exclusion of all else. His decision will be based purely on football reasons.

    Can Man Cittee offer him the prospect of winning trophies? yes of course. Can they offer Chumps League? no not yet but he is only 24.

    I do believe that if he isn't a regular starter he won't go as he wants to play more than anything

    I tend to lean towards points made in both these posts......

    I also have to wonder whether Dunne's issue's with City might also be a factor in Jimmy making a decision now? There is no doubt that Dunne was really hurt by the way City (read Gary Crook) messed him about - it might just raise a question mark or two in Jimmy's head about whether he can believe all that might be "promised" to him, or stay at Villa for a couple more years on an improved deal, and then reassess.

  9. I would just like to add, that if there was an option to prepay for the next years season ticket - I for one would take that offer up without hesitation!

    General, I wanted to say, that while I see my ticket has gone up 20%, overall, I still believe its good value for money, and I love the 4 month 0% free payment option. Thank you.

  10. Worst decision I've seen by a ref in a very, very long time! I don't know one neutral who I've spoken with who doesn't agree either. He should be banned from any major events referring now and while it can't change the result - I'm still proud of the Villa for what they have achieved, and for what the fans were like. Incredible atmosphere - we will get there eventually!

  11. General, as a disabled fan, and ambulant user, I can only echo what has been said by sam_k_17 and Ricardomeister. If I could have ordered tickets online, I would know I could guarantee a space that is suitable for my needs. As it is, there might be 31,000 tickets and all season ticket holders told they will get a ticket - but not all the fans are able to look at all areas of the ground.

    As for trying to get hold of Shelia - I've been trying for over a week now one way or another, and it sounds as if I'm not the only one. I dread to think how many messages her answerphone now holds! I would love to book my tickets online, or have some communication about what seats are going to be available to ambulant supporters (Having been told there are ambulant seats at all levels by someone else at the ticket office last night, I was later told by another fan, who like Ricardomeister had been to Wembley and they said that simply wasn't the case as far as they knew). So what is the situation? What seats are available for Ambulant supporters? Numbers for all other seats are given - but none specific for our group of fans, just a number lumped in with the other seating area. Yet Wheelchair fans have been given their specific numbers.......... right now I am feeling totally out of the loop in regards the whole thing, and being unable to do anything about it because there seems to be no way to talk to anyone at Villa to give satisfactory answers to these questions.

    I appreciate the ticket office are doing the best they can, but I do feel that a real problem has been identified and does need to be looked at, because hopefully this will be only one of many visits to Wembley. I have also been told I cannot book until the 6th February........ yet other Ambulant supporters are being told this coming Wednesday. Again, a discrepancy that needs confirmation from someone, if only we could actually get through!

  12. Dear General,

    All too often, its easy to complain about issues, but I also believe in saying something when its worth it. In this instance, first of all I'd like to praise the disabled stewards for the work they have done. It has been something that I've noticed a difference with already this season, and I wanted to just pass this on to you as well. They have all done a great job.

    Secondly, I've been really impressed with the addition of the jacket potatoes in the Trinity (Don't know if other stands have them or not). I meant to mention this before and forgot - but they offer a great alternative, and I believe are superbly priced as well. Already I know of one other supporter who previously wouldn't eat at the ground, for a few reasons - who now enjoys a Jacket potato after I told them about their addition. So, thank you to whoever arranged to make this possible. :)

  13. Superb result, and the support was incredible. We don't live all that far from Blackburn, and I swear to god we could almost hear you at the end of the M65! Excellent.

    The Ref - well complete and utter shite game. I thought Gabby deserved a penalty, and that the handball incident is still completely bemusing. If people right back on the halfway line can see - why couldn't he? Petrov was lucky not to have a foot completely smashed by Salgado's stomp down 1st half, let alone Benni's kick out 2nd half. How the hell that wasn't a red card I don't know! What did he have to do - actually break a leg!? Thoroughly disappointing with the ref's overall performance.

    Guzan does (and imo its always been his biggest weakness) need to improve his command of the area when high balls come in. He did gain more confidence as the game went on, but it is the weakest part of his game. But - for his age, I still feel he is an excellent goalkeeper and I'm sure as he experiences more games, he'll only improve. A lot of it is just better decision making.

    Milner and Downing just seemed to run the midfield, and seem to be building up an excellent understanding. In face, overall I can't really fault anyone of the players last night. Some were better than others - but they all did their jobs well enough.

    I'm also pleased we kept a clean sheet - And I also think its worth mentioning, that Blackburn, despite the league position have only been beaten twice in the league at home, and only won the last LC round on penalties - so to take a win from Ewood Park is no mean feat! I honestly thought we'd do well to get a draw.

    Yes, I would have liked more of a goal advantage to bring back to Villa Park - but I still think we did well to get a result, and its a good moral boost for next week. UTV!

  14. Just overjoyed with this result. I thought the whole team, once again, played their part. What is really heartening, is that I finally have a lot of confidence in our defense. Don't get me wrong, I thought Laursen was excellent, but I was never comfortable, even when he was playing at his best. But lately I can see 3 CM's who just ooze class and Cuéllar in particular comes in for special mention by me - for turning around what wasn't the greatest of starts at the club and really showing what MON saw in him, and why we paid what we did.

    I also remember a number of times when people have questioned the fee paid for Milner - and I've always said it was bloody peanuts compared to what his worth is going to be, and this season in particular he has shown why I've always believed that about him. Another incredible display and goal.

    It was really tough to give MOTM to anyone, because I think they have all deserved some mention, but I have gone for Cuéllar - for no other reason than I think his improvement deserves some sort of recognition, and its so difficult to choose between him, Dunne and Milner, because all three were immense again, with everyone only a hairsbreadth behind.

  15. I reckon the whole of our street heard the shouts when we won! Bloody incredible. Yes, I am old enough to be around when we last won at OT, but I honestly couldn't remember what it felt like.

    As for the fans - bloody magnificent. All you could hear on commentary were the Villa Fans singing! Just felt this was the day we could do it, we've been edging closer and closer for the last 3 seasons......... and now we finally blew that bloody curse out of the water!

    As for ratings - who the hell cares!? I don't, I just know they all played superbly well, and can't fault anyone, because they all did the job they needed to do and played for the team. Excellent.

  16. General,

    Who do you suggest I report someone for using racially abusive language to the club please. Basically my partner and I heard someone shout out to the linesman - Paki Git - and I checked and they heard it from the same person I did - and although I don't have a seat number I can give the row number and because it was end of aisle, I'm sure it shouldn't be difficult for Villa to work out what the number is.


  17. Bloody excellent game today. Really hard to fault anyone, because it was a superb team effort, and while some had outstanding performances - it took all 11 men on the pitch to really ensure we stopped any real Chelsea threats.

    Collins and Dunne are amazingly good....... I know some West Spam fans and they all told me that we'd got a better deal than Upson...... And so far I can't argue with that.

    I honestly thought I was seeing things when Terry reacted to our second goal, and needed to see it shown on the TV to be sure, and to even have the BBC pick it up and mention him throwing a tantrum makes it all the better.

    The Ref was a complete joke - A stonewall penalty, although some commentators have said it wasn't certain, which I find hard to even begin to understand. Had it been the other way around, you can bet your bottom dollar they would have been screaming for the decision. Thankfully it didn't influence the final outcome of the game, but it was indicative of the Ref's entire performance today.

    I also think I'm right in saying that so far, Chelsea and Villa had the two best defences so far in the league before this game - makes the result even more satisfying.

  18. I've said it a number of times now - When Sidwell plays, I don't know the exact figures, but we have rarely lost a game.......... He seems to be one of those players that you don't perhaps realize just how much he adds to the midfield.

    Dunne was immense and showed why City were idiots to not only replace, but let him go! Professional in the way he played, but also celebrated (or rather lack of it). I know he had a lot of stick due to early career incidents, but today he really does show how much he changed.

    Collins - I know a few West Spam supporters, and they all told me that Upson was made to look good..... because of Collins, and that had Collins been English and not Welsh, we'd have seen him as first choice CB for England once he got past his injury problems and the country would be raving about him. I can see why they were so annoyed to lose him (all said they would have preferred the loss of Upson). Immense signing, reads the game superbly, rarely puts a foot wrong.

    Young - I thought he started well enough, but he did fade off. I think the tackle from De Jong affected the rest of the game for him, and I suspect had he not got that knock his presence would have been better felt.

    Milner - once again, does what we know he does so well. Ran, harried, put balls in the box, ran past defenders in the channel. Excellent game.

    Gabby - Wow! If he can continue the way he is now playing (even if he doesn't score goals) the whole of the season, he'll be sensational. I don't know what he has been doing, but its seems as much a mental shift and physical beefing up that has changed him so far this season. At 22, its as if he has finally begun to mature on the pitch, and knows what he has to do to achieve better things. He is still learning his trade, and if he carries on then we will have a top striker on our hands.

    Overall - Just a great game considering this was against a team that so very nearly beat Utd at Old Trafford and have spent so much cash bringing in some great players. Like it or not - cash will eventually buy them so sort of success, and to have matched them for a point is excellent. In some ways I came away disappointed that we didn't score from one of the first half chances and actually win the game. But overall, I'm more than happy with the final result and more importantly - the performance.

  19. Not pretty, but effective and the sort of game where the team simply didn't have to be in top gear to win - which is fine by me. After a pretty hectic week, having a game of this sort and not full out tempo isn't such a bad thing imo.

    Overall, I thought the team as a whole looked solid and comfortable. No shots on target from Fulham helped, and some good defending from the midfield and defenders had a part to play in that - as well as some woeful play by Fulham.

    A great debut from Clark, and once again Cuellar is really starting to show he is good enough.

    Really pleased to see Gabby getting his goal, and thought he worked exceptionally well again both up front, and also on the right wing when Carew came on.

    This could well have been a difficult match for us, and to be honest I'm surprised that Fulham were so toothless in pretty well all areas of the pitch - but take nothing away from our game and tactics - we did the job and got the 3 points and right now, that's all I care about!

  20. Bloody brilliant effort. I've said for a while I don't mind Shorey 'defending' when the ball is at feet - generally he does okay. Where he fails is when he is having to try and head away - and last night the game suited him and he played well.

    Cuellar is beginning to really make me feel a lot more comfortable about him being a Villa player. He seems to be growing in to that role almost every game, and last night was no exception.

    Curtis - a huge game considering his shoulder was strapped up, he didn't duck out of challenges which he might easily (and understandably) have done.

    The midfield was excellent, and once Gabby played the channels well, and while he didn't score, he did put a lovely couple of passes in - particularly 2nd half which Reo just failed to get to, otherwise we could have had four!

    All in all, 9 except Big Brad who gets my MOTM with a 10.

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