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Posts posted by Dave1380

  1. General

    Thanks for your post, whilst I don't agree with all of the points that jackbauer24 has said, for the most part his thoughts are what I believe all villa fans feel.

    All we can ask is that you, Randy, Paul Faulkner and the rest of the board act swiftly and decisively to get us back on track. We all wish GH a speedy recovery but this does not deflect from the fact that we need to make changes as there have been numerous "issues" that could and should have been avoided.

    I think it is fair to say that Villa fans are generally patient and all of us would be able to forgive and forget if we get back to where we were going last season but if we continue to make headlines for the reasons we have this season we are all in for a rocky ride!

    All the best General

  2. General

    I'm afraid today proved that there is something drastically wrong within the squad as the display was an utter disgrace. I don't hold Mr Houllier entirely responsible, MON is culpable, but today proved that not only has he lost the players he has also lost the fans. At no time in all the years I've followed Villa never have I lacked faith in The management team as I do with Mr Houiller.

    You have said various times that we the fans should keep the faith, well I am afraid I can't when my club is being distroyed. I hope Randy was there today and takes the decisive decision the end the farce that is the Houllier rain!


  3. General

    This may be a silly question, but to be honest it has been bugging me all season! Why have we moved to wearing Claret socks with our home kit, its just wrong! I noticed against Man Utd we wore the traditional blue socks but had assumed we didn't have them! I guess this is ridiculous, but I am superstious and the claret socks just aren't Villa!!

    Is there anything you can do to birng the blue socks back!!!?



  4. Hi General - welcome back!

    My question is a bit techie! I have an iPad and every time I use the Safari browser to access the official site I get an advert to download the official app (which I have!!!) and I can't get rid of it rendering the official site unaccessible!

    Could you have a word, the app is good on my phone but not so good on iPad!



  5. General

    I hope you are well - if you are in the UK you are no doubt cold!!!!

    I'm sorry to come on to the thread and moan, but having been at the game last night in sub zero conditions I am utterly bewildered and frustrated. Something is seriously wrong with our team - they look a shadow of the team I/we followed last season. I appreciate the injuries etc but the reality is that the "new" players i.e. the youngsters are out performing the senior pro's!!! The entire back four plus the keeper look shakey and in truth either need a break or a rocket up their preverbial!!!!

    Anyway, my question is - we are all aware of the "5 year" plan but how often do we reassess this plan? I for one am entirely happy with all of the developments in and around the club from a non football point of view from the work you do, to the renovation of the ground and the Holte Pub etc, these are vast improvements - but irrespective of this season's faltering start, Champions League this year was unlikely. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying we should give up on the objective, far from it, but surely we review what success looks like on an ongoing basis?



  6. Houlier will be judged on results, as every Manager is.

    Look at the facts, he may have bought some poor players at Liverpool (and no doubt elsewhere) but so has Fergie (Poborsly, Jordi, Djembax2, Taibi!!!), so has Mourinho (Shevchenko, Hilario), Wenger (Eduardo, Jeffers, Upson) and so did the fat Waiter (Lucas, Babbel). The reality is that any of these plays (except Djembax2!!) could have been a success it is just down to circumstance - look at Forlan, he was toss for Man Utd. yet he is one of the best strikers in Spain!

    I have to say I am a bit surprised and disappointed at the way some of us have reacted to GH's appointment - he has as good a track record, if not better, than any manager we have had in a long time, if not ever!!!

    I for one think he will take us on a level - he has more about him tactically than MON (not a dig at him, he was great for us) and will at least try and do a few things differently - I certainly think he will improve some of our younger plays and am certain he will improve our ability to keep hold of the ball.

  7. Now more than ever General we need you to communicate with us. You will no doubt be bombarded with questions and accusations over the coming days , this really is a sorry state of affairs , irrespective of the. Reasons or background to the events that have unfolded. Aston Villa is bigger than any individual, whether that be Randy or MON.

    I like most fans hope our 5 year aim if ChMpions League is still an option, but we will need to continue to spend or we are peeing in the wind quite honestly

  8. General - I hope you are well and on the mend, I hope you are able to visit VP in the near future - the Blues game would be perfect timing!!

    I just wanted to add my thoughts to the debate regarding MON and the "has he, hasn't he" resigned. Personally I find it ammusing that certain media outlets seem determined to undermine what we are trying to achieve at Villa - I take it as a compliment, we must be doing someting right. IF there have been discussion within the halls of power at VP about funds and MON and Randy have had disagreements then this would be no different to any organisation/business - I suspect IF this happened (I am not asking for confirmation/denial by the way) then it is likely that some hack has over elaborated the story to make a big deal of a bad result at the weekend.

    Secondly, there are a number of Villa fans on this site, and others, who seem to think that losing MON would be no bad thing - how wrong they are!!! We are making progress as a football club and this is down to the hard work MON, the players, the board & Randy put in. Deep down we all know this, I suspect one or two people have forgotten thats all. When MON and the present board arrived, we really were in the sh8t.

    Keep up the good work General, and please pass on our thanks to MON and the players - we are getting there and I for one and delighted to be a Villa fan, unfortunately some people are never happy and quite honestly never will be. The way I look at it, I am off to Wembley for the 2nd time in 8 weeks - I would be delighted if I had that problem every season!!

    Up the Villa


  9. Hi General, thanks for your response to my "debt" question.

    On another matter, I came across the Community Coaching scheme recently and have to say how very impressed I was with them - all of the kids on the course enjoyed themselves and the work they carry out has not only a possitive impact on the kids (football not crime and all of that) but I am sure that we'll get a few new fans as a result of the work. I was however surprised to hear that these roles are only on a short term contract and that these are due for renewal at the end of the year. Can I just say that, in my opinion, this is a valuable resource and that I for one would be disappointed if the facility didn't continue, are you aware of what is happening with this service?

    Up the Villa!


  10. General

    Firstly, gutted that you will miss the final - we will make you proud as I hope the team make us proud!!

    With all the talk of Portsmouth and West Ham being in financial meltdown, a number of the national newspapers have created a league table of the debt each club has and surprisingly Villa were in 7th place with debt of £78m based on June 08 figures. Can you shed some light on whether this is media hog wash or what in fact the correct position is?

    Thanks General and I hope to see you at a game this side of the summer, I'll even buy you a drink!


  11. General - just noted you post re Nicky Keye reading the thread. I could do with assistance from either of you if possible? I have yet to receive my ticket for the Blues game, even though I have been charged for it some weeks ago and the other ticket ordered (via the away scheme) has arrived with my cousin who I attend games with.

    I tried to resolve the situation today but was told that I needed to speak to a specific person who managed the away scheme - needless to say I haven't been able to do this. I have emailed the ticket office and will call tomorrow but any assistance but would be gratefully received.



  12. General

    I have voiced my frustration previously in this thread about our start to the season and, at the time, my perception that we had not made the necessary strides required in the transfer window.

    I just wanted to say that on reflection and now that the window has shut I was wrong or indeed over reacting. MON has done a good solid job of building/replenishing the team and events have changed on the pitch.

    It just goes to show - emotion runs high in football and at times we are all guilty of over reacting, as it appears I did.

    So, please pass on to MON my gratitude and best wishes for the big one, bring on the Blues!!

    Thanks for your ongoing insight, up the Villa!!!


  13. Can't say that I agree with the comment that he looked like he was making his debut - thought he did very well. I think that the last few games have shown that if he is given a run at CB he will be a good player for us.

    Good performance today, good start to the season for me

  14. General

    I wanted to post to add my thoughts to those made by Pilchard, and to other comments since.

    As you have come to realise and experience, football is a deeply emotional game and does so much to impact the everyday lives of fans across the country and the globe. As Villa fans we are lucky to have someone so closely associated to the powers that be at our club to vent our frustration at, so for that I thank you. Whenever Villa play and whatever the result, it does so much to shape your mood. I have been in Australia for the past two weeks and everyday without fail I have logged on to the internet to check on whats happening with the Villa, I stayed up to watch the Wigan game on TV and I watched the Vienna game on the Internet at 3 in the morning - it may be sad but thats what football means to me and so many other fans.

    At the moment General we are a massively frustrated group of fans. Last season we were the talk of the league and the 1st part of the season was the best period I have know for the team. Like Pilchard I have been a season ticket holder for 10 or 11 years and haven't been fortunate enough to be present when we have won a trophy but I have seen some real dross at Villa Park. Last season things were finally looking up and even though we let 4th place slip I was still queitly confident that we could kick on again this season, but the events of the summer have left me deflated.

    Our rivals have strengthened and in my eyes, and in the eyes of many other fans and members of the media, have overtaken us as we have become weaker. This is not only frustrating, it hurts!

    Rightly or wrongly we can only compare the feelings we have now for those we have had in the past - and right now we are incredibly frustrated that we are not making the progress we believe we should be making and fear we are about to go backwards again. This may be an over reaction, I hope it is, but it is just the way I feel.

    In a weeks time we may be looking back on the events of the summer and laughing about how paranoid we have been but right now I fear we are in for a long season.

    Thanks for your continued involvement General, it is appreciated.


  15. General - firstly, I have renewed by season ticket so this is more an observation than anything.

    Having been to the majority of games home and away this season, I can say that I have enjoyed the season on the whole..BUT, most of my enjoyment has come away from home given our poor record at Villa Park. I'm not sure why we can't seem to win as much at home as we do away but can understand that people are negative about renewing.

    In the cold light of day everyone will agree that the club has made significant progress in the three years that you and the current board have been involved...no question. Off the pitch, the club is completely different and the approach from yourself and Randy is something that can not be questioned. I have a number of friends who support other teams, both locally and further afield, and without exception they are surprised and indeed envious of the way we as fans are treated.

    So at the end of the season, when you are reflecting upon this season with Randy & the rest of the board, please be assured that the vast majority of fans are pleased and grateful for the progress we are making - if not a little disappointed at the thought of what might have been!!

    Thanks General

  16. General

    I want to post an obervation rather than a question.

    The reality is we are all disappointed with the way the season is finishing - the fans, the board, the team and the management team. I more than most have felt a little disillusioned over the past couple of weeks, I have followed the team to all but two games this season home and away and was convinced 6 weeks ago that I would be going to the Nou Camp or the San Siro next season to support the team in the Champions League, and like you say it isn't over yet so however remote the chance it could still happen!!

    My point is - when you sit back and look at how far we have come this season, and the previous two before it, you have to say we are definately on the up. When all the emotion has gone, I am sure we will all be pleased with the way things have gone on the whole. Also, perhaps there is another way to look at all of this - we finished 6th last season and if we finished 5th this season we have improved by one league place. So, if we continue this rate of improvement we'll be Champions in 4 years time and we'd all be happy as Larry the Lamb!!!!

    So, please pass my gratitude on to everyone at VP!!


  17. General

    You may or may not be able to answer my question directly, and some may say that it is transfer related - I on the other hand would argue differently. Today's News of the World suggests that Randy will be tightening the purse strings at Villa this summer due to commitments to the Browns. It goes on to suggest that the squad will be trimmed etc, now my questions isn't with regars to individual players or our summer transfer plans so please read on!! How does the financial situation or requirements of either the Browns or Villa affect the other one or is each team owned by a seperate company that determines what is spent on what?



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