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Posts posted by Didiersix

  1. 8 minutes ago, QldVilla said:

    It’s a good sign if he was feeling a pain, rather than a tear occurring. The pain can be neural and comes from the hips being tight, as long as there is no tissue damage, he should be ok, touch wood.

    Good shout - I saw him stretching his hip muscles when he went up for a corner midway through the first half.

  2. I'm looking forward to seeing what Rogers can do - think he will offer more physicality and maybe release the need for Watkins to drop deep in order to receive the ball. Could alter the shape slightly in a way that will be beneficial. 

  3. 15 minutes ago, sne said:

    Every stadium is soulless until you create memories in them. 

    This is very true. I remember being at Atleti's 'Calderon' stadium for their last game. It was obviously an incredibly charged experience and a lot of fans had deep regrets about moving (particularly when there was room to develop right next to the stadium... but that's another story). Now I think the Metropolitano is starting to feel like home - most fans have got used to the switch.

    • Like 1
  4. Something is up in my book, just not quite sure what. My guess is that they are looking at building a new stadium. The question would be where? To stay in Aston, would have to be part of some wider regeneration project that would overhaul train/transport links too.  Is this feasible? 

  5. 20 minutes ago, KevinRichardsonsMoustache said:

    His slightly ungainly movement def has some resemblance to Savo!


    The way he’s communicating with his teammates is something Savo could have only dreamed of! 

    Reckon he could really rock a bandana too.

    • Haha 3
  6. 1 minute ago, cheltenham_villa said:

    I think Olly cannot play every game, certainly not with our conference fixture list. Im sure i saw someone say we could realistically play 30 games before xmas. I think Ollie played 39 game last season.

    I would not want Archer to leave without an adequate replacement. 

    From what Unai said in his press conference yesterday, I think he sees Duran as Watkins' "first replacement". But probably like most, I still think we need more if Archer is allowed to leave.

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  7. I'd love someone like Bazuna, but doubt he will swap first team football in the Championship for us. So what about Alex McCarthy? Is he still at Southampton? Thought he was OK at Palace.

  8. 12 minutes ago, PieFacE said:

    Well apparently PSG, Newcastle and Man United are interested in him if you believe the same press that state we're in for him. We're the only ones to make an offer so far.

    My view is that Joao isn't quite as good as he thinks he is. That's not to say he isn't a very good player, and I think we are actually about his level. But I saw a decent amount of him at Atleti and was never entirely convinced. 

    Maybe it could have been the constraints of playing under Simeone, but I don't think he has ever consistently shown why they paid so much money for him.



  9. Interestingly (and I hope not too OT), Atletico Madrid fans have just voted to reintroduce their old badge.... the new one was pretty contentious as it swapped round the bear from one side to another. Just shows you how contentious these things can be.

  10. Right decision in my opinion. He has been a revelation this season but can't be too sentimental. I'm just pleased he is leaving on such a high - will always be welcomed back to VP.

  11. Not sure if anyone saw the bit where he tried to gee the crowd up after coming on against Arsenal. Seems to have a lot of confidence about him. 

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  12. 2 minutes ago, Delphinho123 said:

    Since when does a manager choose a sporting director. I always assumed the sporting director was the boss and the manager worked with what he proposed...?

    When it is Unai Emery.

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