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Everything posted by pabloc

  1. Perhaps I was a tad naive MJ. I was lulled into a false sense of comfort when I firstly posted it on another AV supporters' site (before realising that this is the main one) - and someone posted back 'Welcome. I'll have a go when I get a minute'. Could have been different if any well known poster had posted that they had had a go and got N correct. Others may well have followed. It was a lot of effort and abuse to get a few sets of test data - but, on the other hand, I enjoyed looking through the Amusing Gifs thread. As it was - there were 581 views of the post and 14 attempts at the tests, with more just having a look. No one has posted on here how they got on. Thanks to those who had a go. Still open if anyone else wants to have a go.
  2. Trekka, I am not particularly interested in splitting the results by football club. But I am interested in knowing which approaches are working in terms of people taking up the trial. I guess the blues fans were more up for taking it all at face value as they know me as a poster on the forum. I would like to get a broad range of the population trying the tests, and football suporters are quite good in that respect. Football cuts across many boundaries (age, class, job, income) providing diversity in the sample, but it is not so good in other respects (i.e. mostly blokes from Brum). It is hard to find enough people to do the trials, so I am trying to extend the sample as best I can. People are taking the test in uncontrolled conditions, and they may not try, or they may take the same test several times to try to get a high score. I can, to a large extent, identify through statistical analysis the people who are less serious - but you are right, it is a problem with the research data and it is not ideal. People can do the tests without giving any information, but they can't be entered for the draw if they don't. If you put your name as 'Trekka' or 'Paul Lambert', then if you won, we would email you saying..."Congratulations Trekka (or Paul Lambert)...." ... to whatever email you put down, so really, you don't need to give your name. Go on... have a try.
  3. Hi Trekka, Thanks for your comments, and I understand your concerns. There is a lot of text (too much probably) to get through. In fact it does say in the 4th line of text...."In return, we will enter you into the prize draw for an i-pad - provided you give us your name and email so that we are able to contact you." The main reason for having an identifier at the start is so that when someone goes in to do further tests, they will not be given the same test again. People use the site for practicing and so want to try several different tests. There are currently 6 tests up there. You can do the test and get your results without giving any personal information - just leave everything blank. But you wouldn't be contactable if you won the i-pad and you might get the same test again if you went in to so a subsequent test. Image is from SPSS. Cheers. Edit: That's very cynical Trekka. For info - I've been a true blue since about 1960. Born and bred in Yardley.
  4. Hi Limpid, Sorry, not trying to do anything dodgy or underhand. Hope the following helps. We are registered with the Information Commissioner's Office under the Data Protection Act. I don't want to contravene your rules, so do delete the post if it is problematic. Everything is explained on the linked site. But anyway, below are some bits from the site. But, basically, there is no requirement to give any information at all about yourself (though obviously if you want to go into the i=pad draw you need to give a contact). You can do the tests and give no information at all, other than to say Q1 answer = B (or whatever). This is not about selling anything and not exploiting anyone. Some people who are applying for jobs where they need to do tests, practice doing tests so they can perform at their best in the job assessment process. Some people are juts curiou and enjoy solving problems. The Blues fans' site enjoyed doing them and trying to outdo each other, so I thought maybe the Villa fans might like to have a go in the sense of some fun rivalry. I am developing such tests and need to get people to try them out, and I do use their answers to test questions (i.e. not personal info) to see if the tests are working properly. A range of people have beein trialling them (Blues fans forum; Student Room; University of London Careers Service). I will eventually sell the test. There is a contact email on the front page and a company address on the Terms and Conditions. The T&C specify all about the i-pad draw, so there is nothing vague there. ======== We would also like you to provide some information about yourself. This is held completely confidentially and securely and is crucial for us in ensuring that the tests we develop are fair. However, this is optional – you can take the test without giving us any information about yourself. ======== Confidentiality All information about you will be held confidentially and securely. Your name and email will be held only until the i-pad draws have been completed, after which they will be deleted (unless you have asked us to contact you by email about any future trials we may run). ========
  5. Confession time - I am a Blues fan and a psychologist. I am in the process of developing some abstract reasoning tests and need to trial them. People on the Blues forum have been trying these tests. Why not have a go here - in the spirit of friendly rivalry and helping my research? Plus.... people who try out tests before 16th July get entry into a draw for an i-pad. http://marmoset.assessmenttrials.co.uk/runTrialsgenShortnew.aspx?c=av Top self-reported score on the Blues Forum was 11/14. The above link takes you to a site with several short tests (14 questions and 10 minutes to do them). When you have done one, you can see a link to a couple of very difficult tests (27 questions and 40 minutes to do them), should you be up for the challenge. Feel free to circulate the address to anyone who might be interested. The performance of people in general is shown in the graph below - so the tests are quite tough. Thanks. Pabloc.
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