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Everything posted by hood_uk

  1. ^^ Does that include the BBC Manchester research? Which unsurpringly said manchester was the second city? Always consider the source of the research. :yes: Anyway, good news. Birmingham is now ninth!!
  2. It's not about willy waving. Just a case of showing your support for the city. Birmingham's economy is struggling and way one to inject some money into the area is through tourism. London doesn't throw much to the regions and what it does is the scraps. Lets fight for ourselves for one. Birmingham and Manchester are both two different cities with different offerings. Manchester has the support of the media, while Birmingham has to fight for itself. I'm not blaming Manchester for this, they are just far superior at marketing what they have. Vote now.
  3. The club? no chance. I'm talking about the city itself. Birmingham really needs your help. Trip Advisor are currently doing a vote on which cities to next publish a visitor guide. London, Edinburgh and even Manchester has one, but the second city doesn't. We are currently 11th and need a few more votes to get into the top 10. Glasgow are currently beating us! You will need a Facebook account to vote btw. Please vote and even Villa will get a mention in the guide. https://apps.facebook.com/tacityguides/
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