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Posts posted by SikhInTrinity

  1. I've been up Bodymoor on a jolly today and from the little I heard and things I picked up. I'll be amazed if he's sacked.

    Everyone there seems to think he's a top bloke. And to be fair he does come across that way.

    I'll give him credit for taking the time to come and talk to (those that wanted to speak to him) us too. He certainly didn't have to and I was reliably informed O'Neill would NEVER have done that (neither would Robbie Keane apparently but that's another story)

    But, being a 'nice bloke' (which he undoubtably is) isn't top of my managerial requirements sadly. He's still absolutely got to go.

    No other titbits, apart from one staff member saying we need MAJOR changes if we arent going to be relegated next season (not sure if he meant playing staff or management .. or maybe both) but the overwhelming feeling I got was McLeish is going nowhere soon.

    No sign of Faulkner or Randy (surprise surprise)

    Someone said they'd seen the new away shirt, it's 'different' but nice according to them.

    It has to be said Bodymoor is absolutely top class. If working in those surroundings can't inspire players I don't know what will.

    Bodymoor Heath work with the guy, they ain't going to tell you he's an ass are they? Just as they wouldn't have said MON was an ass when he was there! Fact is only person who has any idea what he's going to do is Lerner himself, he has to decide does he want more drop in ST's merchandising or does he want Tin Tin in the dugout!

  2. Agree Stu, you can't write him off after 6-7 games. I think we need a good CDM beside him like Diame from Wigan whose on a Bosman. The problem with Villa he have too many softies on the pitch, i can't think of one game where we actually won the midfield battle. I would have loved Diarra here.

  3. Credit to Martinez, he knew his tactics weren't working so what did he do bloody change them, and worked on a 3-4-3 with players moving all over the shop, our manager doesn't have the nouse to change anything. Let not forget who Wigan have beaten, United, Arsenal, and Liverpool away, smashing Newcastle at home. Though I don't think he'd come to us.

  4. Whilst we mess around deciding whether to sack AM, WBA are approaching Rainieri to be their boss ...


    He won't go there.... right?

    He would, wants to get back to English football! Their the highest club in the midlands! But trust me with the players we have Tinkerbell would have a nightmare! If we want an Italian manager, Cappello would the one I'd get, wouldn't take no shit of any of the ****!

  5. I agree Villabromsgrove, I wouldn't mind Lambert but I could see why we went for Martinez as he would change the whole approach of AVFC. Thats why i questioned PF on, how the hell did you go from Martinez to McLeish, made no bloody sense. I think if we had him, Ireland and N'Zogbia would both flourish big time.

  6. No sorry don't agree with that Morpheous, We cannot blamed everything that the fans hate McLeish, the fact his tactics are bollocks, playing Heskey LW, I'd rather complain about MON playing Cuellar RB, however this guy takes the biscuit with his tactical ineptness. I honestly think if the manager held up his hands to mistakes, fans would be fairly forgiving, but he has blamed this season on everyone but himself, then has the gaul to say he has protected them? Our set piece defending has been abysmal, constantly says he'll work on it, but never improved. Players have themselves stated about tactics, such as N'Zogbia and Bent, the focus is to defend. Now revert 12 months back where he said he didn't attack with Blues because he never had the players. Players do have to take accountability totally, but McLeish is the MANAGER, the buck stops with him for everything that happens on that pitch.

  7. I'm with Stevo on this, every time we look to get that last piece we muck it up, I look at NUFC this year and think if only we had signed a goalscorer like Cisse, fact is NUFC have been closer to Champions League than we ever got to in MON's 3 years and that says something.

  8. Julie sorry don't buy that about Collins, we had set our stalk out to defend and against 10men my lord that is just the man all over! He is a bottler not once has he apologised to fans this season, he has effectively told us he did us a favour by keeping us up! Players need to be inspired by managers, he is a shit manager and it's constantly being proven and looking to bring in the likes of Guthrie and Andy Johnson says it all about the man!

  9. Sorry don't buy all this crap about problematic players, he's paid to do the job if he can't handle which he has shown then through the door you go! Read his latest comments, they are an absolute disgrace, he's sees what he has done as a massive achievement. His tactics are shit, Gary Gardner is CM so our manager plays him LM! Lichaj is a RB he plays him LB, he plays a LB at LM! Plays Heskey in CM on Wing! I couldn't care less what problems he's had to manage I am on about the tactics he brings on a Sat afternoon! Against 10men we had 37% possession, look what Sandro said about us we were happy with a point. 2 wins in 2012, but you are judged by results and bottom line is he's failed! He has to go, no question!

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