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Posts posted by TheDrums

  1. Lerner needs to sell up. An absolute joke of an owner.


    Perhaps the venkeys could buy us.

    Yes, lets bring up the very worst chairman in the league as an example of why Randy is good. Well done.

    Now lets make a list of chairman who do a much better job and who don't screw up two sports clubs (and football club by spending too much like a little schoolboy on sweets trying to buy attention of the bullies around him to stop them beating him - and then when it doesn't work, selling his mums best jewellery to make up for it) and also a man who appoints one of the worst managers in the premier league last season, one who has relegated more clubs than any of our past 5 managers and one who has no idea how to set up a football team.

    So yes, lets bring up venkeys and use them as a tool to beat people with who do not lick the PR off the current chairmans bollocks.

    :lol: you have an Un-healthy obsession with me dodgy, posting in poster left right and centre.

    So Lerner is a joke of a chairman, but not as much as a joke as an actual shit owner in the venkeys, oh ok. Typical VT depressive logic there..

    Season ticket for many a yeah thank you TheDrums lower holte, enjoyed supporting villa when we were doing nothin, supposedly doing something under o'neill and back to doing nothing, couldn't afford it this year :(

    I'll still enjoy it if we win the league or are relegated god forbid, whilst plenty of vt will witness the apocalypse unless PF is sacked along with our current manager and the second coming owner (with a self made fortune obviously) comes along and makes people feel important again.

    Oh anyone can say Lower Holte. What seat did you sit at then?

  2. Swansea will pass the ball better than us, especially when it falls to the feet of Dunne and especially Collins the most lazy footballers in the world, pass it to a midfielder and a midfielder come and offer himself for it, FFS!
    Sick of this endless negativity from some fans...! Could you do better? This isn't FIFA 12.

    Just get behind the team like the rest of us instead of secretly wishing for us to fail.

    He constantly talks shit and doesn't bother to go to games himself, unless he posts on his mobile at Villa Park. Which I very well doubt.

  3. Lerner needs to sell up. An absolute joke of an owner.


    Perhaps the venkeys could buy us.

    OMG. An actual post in which you don't criticise Villa fans.

    You still did not answer my post from last week on whether you actually go to Villa Park. Any time I've looked through match day threads you are in there slabbering about Villa fans once the game is going on.


  4. update:

    Took the TV to comet. Spoke to the guy behind the desk. He said because the TV was out of warranty, I'd have to phone head office who would most likey need proof that it was a fault that was existing when sold to me. It would likely mean I would have to pay £40 for one of their engineers to look at it for the fault.

    I said about the sale of good act and he said 'there are that many ins and outs to it, it would hard to prove anything'. He also said 'you didnt extend the warranty' - which to be honest, I didnt have an answer to.

    I just get annoyed because surely, extended warranty or not a TV should last longer than 22 months! (got it in Jan 2010) :cry:

    I think I'll give head office a call tomorrow morning...

    until then, bye bye battlefield 3 :cry: :lol:

    Did you not threaten to take them to the small claims court?

    Go back to the store and do that. I should have said earlier but you will need an independent engineer report to show that the fault was there, but they WILL reimburse you.

    They have to by law. Go into any computer / electronic store and they will do it for £30 or there abouts. It actually is under the SOG act that you have to prove the fault was there. Sorry I didn't mention that in my initial post.

  5. "I couldn't begin to tell you what sort of salary he's on at Aston Villa"

    Even Deano is amazed

    Pretty much sums up what we all know, sooner we get rid of this lazy robbing git the better.

    What exactly has Beye done wrong? Was he supposed to say

    -"Hey,I dont want that much salary, I´m not that good. Can you please lower it?"

    Blame the muppet MON

    I've always said that. Nobody here would turn down a contract because it was too much for their ability. Absolutely nobody.

    Blame the financial people and ex manager for paying him that to sit on the bench.

  6. Absolute propaganda from Faulkner as usual. We are miles away from Europe, literally and in a footballing sense.

    It just proves he has no idea about our club.

    He either needs sacked / replacing or **** the entire ownership and management out.

    Either way I don't mind.

  7. Most stores take your details on a computer if it is electronical. Any store I've bought from record my details, especially when its a serious amount of money like £300.

    My mother bought a washing machine which broke down. She lost her receipt, went to the store and they printed out her receipt, but a bank statement is perfectly fine as evidence.

  8. My tv just blew up.

    its 18 months old, does this mean its out of warranty?

    Hitachi said on the phone electronics are 1 year warranties, but surely a 300 quid tv should last longer than 18 months?!

    I'm mad bro, I'm mad.

    Of course it should. Where did you buy it from?

    Go to the store where you purchased it and say. If they try and fob you off mention the Sales of Good Act, as the poster above stated.

    Mention that and say if it is not replaced you will be filing a claim in the local small courts using the Sales of Good Act and I guarantee they will replace it.

    I dont have a receipt, but I do have my bank statement, can I use that?

    Yep, a bank statement is perfectly fine.

    There is also a EU directive that states all electronical products bought within the EU have a 2 year warranty, but people use the Sales of Good act as I believe you have 5 years on that, or whatever the judge determines as a reasonable amount of time.

  9. I remember when the Gibraltar shootings happend, the uproar that followed as it transpired they did not have any remote controled devices or guns on them. They found a car full of Semtex so they were up to no good but there was still uproar! If you call yourself an Army wear a uniform you cowards.

    The PIRA did wear a uniform, as did the UVF, LVF, INLA, Red Hand Commanders, RIRA, CIRA. People that say they did not obviously do not know what they are talking about, no offence. If people are going to make statements like they are factual at least bother to research before hand. If they were on a "mission" they are hardly going to walk about with a balaclava, green army pullover, black trousers and steel toe cap boots in the middle of the day?

    Then again plain clothes officers from the Parachute Regiment of the British Army murdered innocent Catholics in Derry on Bloody Sunday. "If you call yourself an Army wear a uniform you cowards."

    And the British army were involved in the murder of Loyalists as well without wearing their uniform. Sure they openly gave information to the INLA about how to kill Loyalist godfather Billy Wright. I don't think you have any credibility lambasting folk for not wearing a uniform for crying out loud. Evil is evil, with or without the medals and silly hats. And you cannot talk about the PIRA, when it is well documented and known in Northern Ireland that the British army gave "Krip" McWilliams information on how to kill Billy Wright inside the Maze prison. Are they cowards as well? Killing a man behind bars? Or is that acceptable these days? :x They must be cowards. They killed. Just like the PIRA killed, or is one death more justified than another human beings life?

    And as for the Birmingham bombings, the two main police officers who arrested the 6, and led the investigation were found guilty by a British court of perjury and attempting to pervert the course of justice, but they were never brought to trial over it. Why so? Its funny how that crucial bit was left out of this topic. Quietly brushed under the carpet. :|

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